31 research outputs found

    Effects of nitridation on SiC/SiO2 structures studied by hard X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy

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    SiC is set to enable a new era in power electronics impacting a wide range of energy technologies, from electric vehicles to renewable energy. Its physical characteristics outperform silicon in many aspects, including band gap, breakdown field, and thermal conductivity. The main challenge for further development of SiC-based power semiconductor devices is the quality of the interface between SiC and its native dielectric SiO2_2. High temperature nitridation processes can improve the interface quality and ultimately the device performance immensely, but the underlying chemical processes are still poorly understood. Here, we present an energy-dependent hard X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (HAXPES) study probing non-destructively SiC and SiO2_2 and their interface in device stacks treated in varying atmospheres. We successfully combine laboratory- and synchrotron-based HAXPES to provide unique insights into the chemistry of interface defects and their passivation through nitridation processes

    Effects of nitridation on SiC/SiO(2)structures studied by hard X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy

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    SiC is set to enable a new era in power electronics impacting a wide range of energy technologies, from electric vehicles to renewable energy. Its physical characteristics outperform silicon in many aspects, including band gap, breakdown field, and thermal conductivity. The main challenge for further development of SiC-based power semiconductor devices is the quality of the interface between SiC and its native dielectric SiO2. High temperature nitridation processes can improve the interface quality and ultimately the device performance immensely, but the underlying chemical processes are still poorly understood. Here, we present an energy-dependent hard x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (HAXPES) study probing non-destructively SiC and SiO2 and their interface in device stacks treated in varying atmospheres. We successfully combine laboratory- and synchrotron-based HAXPES to provide unique insights into the chemistry of interface defects and their passivation through nitridation processes

    A novel laboratory-based hard x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy system

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    Hard X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (HAXPES) has seen continuous development since the first experiments in the 1970s. HAXPES systems are predominantly located at synchrotron sources due to low photoionization cross sections necessitating high X-ray intensities, which limits the technique’s availability to a wide range of users and potential applications. Here, a new laboratory-based instrument capable of delivering monochromated X-rays with an energy of 9.25 keV and a microfocused 30 × 45 μm2 X-ray spot is introduced. The system gives an excellent energy resolution of below 500 meV coupled with good X-ray intensity. It allows stable measurements under grazing incidence conditions to maximise signal intensities. This article outlines the instrument behavior, showcases applications including bulk and multilayer measurements, and describes the overall performance of the spectrometer. This system presents an alternative to synchrotron-based experimental end stations and will help expand the number and range of HAXPES experiments performed in the future

    Resonant Photoemission at the 2p Edges of Ni: Resonant Raman and Interference Effects

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    Unambiguous evidence for resonant photoemission in Ni is presented. Interference effects are identified at the 2p edges for the valence band and the 6 eV satellite. A rapid transition from a resonant Raman to an Auger-like regime shows that the core-excited states above threshold are not localized enough to significantly enhance the photoemission intensity, implying a large fraction of incoherent intensity. The results indicate that the appearance of interference effects does not require strong localization of the intermediate state.Original Publication:M. Weinelt, A. Nilsson, Martin Magnuson, T. Wiell, N. Wassdahl, O. Karis, A. Föhlisch, N. Mårtensson, J. Stöhr and M. Samant, Resonant Photoemission at the 2p Edges of Ni: Resonant Raman and Interference Effects, 1997, Physical Review Letters, (78), 5, 967-970.http://dx.doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevLett.78.967Copyright: American Physical Societyhttp://www.aps.org

    Observation of short- and long-range hybridization of a buried Cu monolayer in Ni

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    The electronic structure of a Cu monolayer buried in Ni fcc(100) is studied by means of x-ray emission and absorption spectroscopies in combination with first principles calculations. The local character of the x-ray probes allows us to investigate changes in the chemical interaction for these ultrathin film systems. In comparison to bulk Cu, the occupied d states of a buried Cu monolayer, as mapped in the x-ray emission spectrum, remain mostly unaltered. The absorption spectrum on the other hand shows that the empty states of the buried Cu monolayer are modified, and instead resemble the unoccupied electronic density of bulk Ni. These findings agree well with our first principle electronic structure calculations and the results are interpreted in terms of short- and long-range hybridization.Original Publication:O. Karis, Martin Magnuson, T Wiell, M. Weinelt, N. Wassdahl, A. Nilsson, N. Mårtensson, E. Holmström, A. M. N. Niklasson and Olle Eriksson, Observation of short- and long-range hybridization of a buried Cu monolayer in Ni, 2000, Physical Review B Condensed Matter, (62), 24, R16239-R16242.http://dx.doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevB.62.R16239Copyright: American Physical Society http://www.aps.org