230 research outputs found

    A Clay Modified Electrode for Ion-Exchange Voltammetry

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    Ophthalmological and obstetric management in pregnant women with retinal disorders

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    Objectives: To analyze the clinical significance of ophthalmological assessment in pregnant women affected with degenerative retinal lesions, and the lesions’ clinical relevance in determining the obstetric management and delivery method.  Material and methods: 69 pregnant women affected with retinal degenerative lesions were included in our study. In each patient, the risk of ophthalmological complications during vaginal delivery was evaluated. After the woman’s delivery, alignment between the ophthalmological recommendations and the obstetric management were analyzed. Each case where the management plan differed from the clinical proceedings was thoroughly investigated to determine the cause.  Results: In 69 pregnant women the risk of ophthalmological complications was evaluated, and in 24 cases (35%) assessed as low, as medium in 37 cases (54%) and as high in 8 cases (11%). Among the 69 patients, 42 of women delivered vaginally and the remaining 27 underwent caesarean section. In the high-risk group, the rate of caesarean section was 87%, while in both the low- and medium-risk groups the rate of vaginal births was 75%. Two years of postnatal ophthalmological follow-up did not reveal any complications that could have been associated with the delivery.  Conclusions: Every pregnant woman should undergo ophtalmological examination to assess peripartum risk of complications and determine the method of delivery.

    Kollokacja w nauczaniu języka polskiego jako obcego (propozycja słownika)

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    Zadanie pt. Digitalizacja i udostępnienie w Cyfrowym Repozytorium Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego kolekcji czasopism naukowych wydawanych przez Uniwersytet Łódzki nr 885/P-DUN/2014 zostało dofinansowane ze środków MNiSW w ramach działalności upowszechniającej naukę

    Human papilloma virus-related premalignant and malignant lesions of the cervix and anogenital tract in immunocompromised women

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    The number of immunocompromised patients is rising, and immunodeficiency is an independent risk factor for the development of premalignant and malignant lesions of the cervix and anogenital tract. The aim of this review was to summarize and update data on human papilloma virus (HPV) infections and HPV-based anogenital lesions detected in patients who were immunocompromised due to both organ transplantation and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection. The incidence of HPV infections among solid organ recipients and HIV positive females is reported to be significantly higher when compared with age-matched healthy controls- i.e. higher by up to 65% and 46.6% respectively, vs 38% in the controls. These infections are also more often chronic, high risk HPV and multitype. Data suggest that HPV infections in these patients might not only occur more frequently, but that the course of the infection might also lead to faster oncogenesis. However, the treatment options for malignancies are limited; and this implies the need for intense primary and secondary prevention regimens. As infections with HPV types other than 16 and 18 and multitype infections are particularly frequently discovered in immunocompromised patients, they would probably benefit most from a nonavalent vaccine. Gynecological screening should be performed annually, including cervical smears and/ or HPV testing. In the group of non-responders, self-sampling methods should be considered

    Nauczanie języka specjalistycznego a nie tylko terminologii

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    Zadanie pt. „Digitalizacja i udostępnienie w Cyfrowym Repozytorium Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego kolekcji czasopism naukowych wydawanych przez Uniwersytet Łódzki” nr 885/P-DUN/2014 zostało dofinansowane ze środków MNiSW w ramach działalności upowszechniającej naukę

    Saliva, hair, tears, and other biological materials obtained non-invasively for diagnosis in pregnancy: a literature review

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    As medical technology evolves, clinicians are increasingly choosing relatively painless non-invasive methods of patient diagnosis and treatment. There are two principles behind this: greater patient comfort and lower cost. Tears, hair, saliva, urine, and faeces can replace blood for diagnosis. The varied constituents in these biological materials can serve as biomarkers for the detection of both local and systemic diseases. In this paper, we review a range of diagnostic techniques — all using biological material obtained via non-invasive procedure — for detecting medical conditions in pregnant women. PubMed, Medline, Embase, and the Cochrane Library were searched from January 1996 until December 2018. Forty seven studies were included: thirty-five original articles, nine reviews and three meta-analysis. Analysis showed that saliva, hair, tears, and other biological material — obtained via non-invasive methods — may serve as clinically informative biomarkers. These biomarkers may be used for: toxicology, psychological studies, disease detection, biomonitoring, and drug abuse. The analysis of tears, hair, saliva, urine, and faeces is a safe, noninvasive and useful diagnostic tool within groups of pregnant women, but further investigation is necessary to fully realize the promise of these novel diagnostic tools

    Równania ruchu konstrukcji głównej z dołączonymi wielokrotnymi, strojonymi tłumikami masowymi

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    A mathematical model of structure with multiple tuned mass dampers (MTMD) is presented in this paper. An important difficulty, connected with these model, is building a global damping matrix of the system. The own proposals FEM elements describing additional elements attached to the main system in the form of tuned dampers have been proposed here. The benefits of the new FEM elements have been briefly discussed.W artykule przedstawiono matematyczny model konstrukcji głównej z wbudowanymi wielokrotnymi strojonymi tłumikami drgań. Bardzo ważną kwestią, związaną z tym modelem jest budowa globalnej macierzy tłumienia ustroju. Przedstawione zostaną własne propozycje elementów MES, opisujących dodatkowe elementy dołączone do ustroju głównego w postaci strojonych tłumików drgań. Omówione zostaną także korzyści płynące z zastosowania nowych elementów MES

    Comparison of determination methods of vibration’s damping coefficients for complex structures

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    The purpose of this paper is to present methods of vibrations damping coefficient determination. The methods, such as collocation method, two energetic methods and half-power bandwidth method concern composite structures. The verification of methods has been taken into account in this work. Two real compound models and two numerical models have been created. Time series of vibrations of these models have been measured and calculated. The comparison of four methods has been made on the basis of obtained results.The purpose of this paper is to present methods of vibrations damping coefficient determination. The methods, such as collocation method, two energetic methods and half-power bandwidth method concern composite structures. The verification of methods has been taken into account in this work. Two real compound models and two numerical models have been created. Time series of vibrations of these models have been measured and calculated. The comparison of four methods has been made on the basis of obtained results

    Exploring the fetal brain: is Mri always better than ultrasound?

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    Is there a future for cell-free fetal dna tests in screening for preeclampsia?

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    CffDNA screening is a powerful diagnostic tool in the prenatal diagnosis algorithm for chromosomal abnormalities. With detailed ultrasound examination as the mainstay of first-trimester risk assessment, cffDNA has been shown to be superior to first-trimester combined screening (FTCS) in false-positive rates for trisomy 21 detection. In light of the growing interest in cffDNA testing and the possibility of it replacing first-trimester biochemistry, we decided to investigate the usefulness of cffDNA tests in early-pregnancy risk assessment for preeclampsia (PE). The aim of this review paper was to evaluate clinical application of first-trimester cfDNA in predicting PE, as well as to investigate its possible use in first-trimester PE screening enhancement, also in cases where biochemistry is not performed.