137 research outputs found

    Occupational dental erosion from exposure to acids—a review

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    Objective Dental erosion is characterized as a disorder with a multifactorial aetiology including environmental acid exposure. The purpose of this article was to summarize and discuss the available information concerning occupational dental erosion. Methods Information from original scientific papers, case reports and reviews with additional case reports listed in PubMed, Medline or EMBASE [search term: (dental OR enamel OR dentin) AND (erosion OR tooth wear) AND (occupational OR worker)] were included in the review. References from the identified publications were manually searched to identify additional relevant articles. Results The systematic search resulted in 59 papers, of which 42 were suitable for the present review. Seventeen papers demonstrated evidence that battery, galvanizing and associated workers exposed to sulphuric or hydrochloric acid were at higher risk of dental erosion. For other industrial workers, wine tasters and competitive swimmers, only a few clinical studies exist and these do not allow the drawing of definitive conclusions. Conclusion Occupational acid exposure might increase the risk of dental erosion. Evidence for occupational dental erosion is limited to battery and galvanizing workers, while data for other occupational groups need to be confirmed by further studie

    Quality of Information Regarding Repair Restorations on Dentist Websites: Systematic Search and Analysis

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    Background: Repairing instead of replacing partially defective dental restorations represents a minimally invasive treatment concept, and repairs are associated with advantages over complete restoration replacement. To participate in the shared decision-making process when facing partially defective restorations, patients need to be aware of the indications, limitations, and advantages or disadvantages of repairs. Patients are increasingly using the internet to gain health information like this online. Objective: We aimed to assess the quality of German-speaking dentist websites on repairs of partially defective restorations. Methods: Three electronic search engines were used to identify German-speaking websites of dental practices mentioning repairs. Regarding information on repairs, websites were assessed for (1) technical and functional aspects, (2) comprehensiveness of information, and (3) generic quality and risk of bias. Domains 1 and 3 were scored using validated tools (LIDA and DISCERN). Comprehensiveness was assessed using a criterion checklist related to evidence, advantages and disadvantages, restorations and defects suitable for repairs, and information regarding technical implementation. Generalized linear modeling was used to assess the impact of practice-specific parameters (practice location, practice setting, dental society membership, and year of examination or license to practice dentistry) on the quality of information. An overall quality score was calculated by averaging the quality scores of all three domains and used as primary outcome parameter. Quality scores of all three domains were also assessed individually and used as secondary outcomes. Results: Fifty websites were included. The median score of quality of information was 23.2% (interquartile range [IQR] 21.7%-26.2%). Technical and functional aspects (55.2% [IQR 51.7%-58.6%]) showed significantly higher quality than comprehensiveness of information (8.3% [IQR 8.3%-16.7%]) and generic quality and risk of bias (3.6% [IQR 0.0%-7.1%]; P.05/generalized linear modeling). Conclusions: The quality of German-speaking dentist websites on repairs was limited. Despite sufficient technical and functional quality, the provided information was neither comprehensive nor trustworthy. There is great need to improve the quality of information to fully and reliably inform patients, thereby allowing shared decision making

    Brushing force of manual and sonic toothbrushes affects dental hard tissue abrasion

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    Objectives: This study aimed to determine the brushing forces applied during in vivo toothbrushing with manual and sonic toothbrushes and to analyse the effect of these brushing forces on abrasion of sound and eroded enamel and dentin in vitro. Materials and methods: Brushing forces of a manual and two sonic toothbrushes (low and high frequency mode) were measured in 27 adults before and after instruction of the respective brushing technique and statistically analysed by repeated measures analysis of variance (ANOVA). In the in vitro experiment, sound and eroded enamel and dentin specimens (each subgroup n = 12) were brushed in an automatic brushing machine with the respective brushing forces using a fluoridated toothpaste slurry. Abrasion was determined by profilometry and statistically analysed by one-way ANOVA. Results: Average brushing force of the manual toothbrush (1.6 ± 0.3 N) was significantly higher than for the sonic toothbrushes (0.9 ± 0.2 N), which were not significantly different from each other. Brushing force prior and after instruction of the brushing technique was not significantly different. The manual toothbrush caused highest abrasion of sound and eroded dentin, but lowest on sound enamel. No significant differences were detected on eroded enamel. Conclusion: Brushing forces of manual and sonic toothbrushes are different and affect their abrasive capacity. Clinical significance: Patients with severe tooth wear and exposed and/or eroded dentin surfaces should use sonic toothbrushes to reduce abrasion, while patients without tooth wear or with erosive lesions confining only to enamel do not benefit from sonic toothbrushes with regard to abrasio

    Colour improvement and stability of white spot lesions following infiltration, micro-abrasion, or fluoride treatments in vitro

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    SUMMARYBACKGROUND/OBJECTIVES: White spot lesions (WSLs) are unwelcome side effects of fixed appliances that compromise the treatment outcome. Recently, infiltration of WSLs has been introduced as a viable treatment alternative. The objective was to evaluate the colour improvement of WSLs and their stability against discolouration following infiltration, fluoride, or micro-abrasion treatments in vitro. MATERIALS/METHODS: Artificial WSLs were created in bovine enamel (N = 96) using acidic buffer solution (pH 5, 10 days) and were randomly allocated to four groups. Specimens were treated with infiltration (Icon, DMG), fluoride (Elmex Caries Protection, GABA), and micro-abrasion (Opalustre, Ultradent) or remained untreated (control). Groups were discoloured for 24 hours in tea or tea + citric acid. Colour components and visible colour change (L*, a*, b*, ΔE) were measured spectrophotometrically on following time points: baseline, after WSL formation, after treatment, and during discolouration (8, 16, and 24 hours). Data were analysed using Kruskal-Wallis and Mann-Whitney tests. RESULTS: WSL formation increased (L*) in all groups. Only infiltration reduced this effect to baseline. Highest ΔE improvement was obtained by infiltration and micro-abrasion followed by fluoride. This improvement was stable only for infiltration during discolouration. L*, a*, and b* changed significantly during discolouration in all groups except infiltration. Within the same treatment group, discolouration solutions did not differ significantly. LIMITATIONS: In vitro testing cannot replicate the actual mode of colour improvement or stability but can be used for ranking materials and techniques. CONCLUSIONS/IMPLICATIONS: Infiltration and micro-abrasion treatments were capable of diminishing the whitish appearance of WSLs. Only infiltrated WSLs were stable following discolouration challeng

    12-Month color stability of enamel, dentine, and enamel-dentine samples after bleaching

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    The study aimed to quantify the color regression of enamel (E), dentine (D), and combined enamel-dentine (ED) of differently bleached ED specimens over a period of 12months in vitro. Two ED samples were obtained from the labial surfaces of bovine teeth and prepared to a standardized thickness with the enamel and dentine layer each 1mm. The ED samples were distributed on four groups (each n = 80), in which the different bleaching products were applied on enamel (1, Whitestrips; 2, Illuminé 15%; 3, Opalescence Xtra Boost) or dentine surfaces (4, mixture of sodium perborate/distilled water). Eighty ED samples were not bleached (control). Color (L*a*b*) of ED was assessed at baseline, subsequently after bleaching and at 3, 6, and 12months of storage after bleaching (each 20 samples/group). E and D samples were prepared by removing the dentine or enamel layer of ED samples to allow for separate color analysis. Bleaching resulted in a significant color change (ΔE) of ED specimens. Within the observation period, ΔL but not Δb declined to baseline. L* values of E and D samples also declined and were not significantly different from control samples after 12months, while b* values did not decrease to baseline. Generally, no differences between the bleaching agents could be observed. Color change of enamel, dentine, and combined ED of in vitro bleached tooth samples is not stable over time with regard to lightness. However, yellowness did not return to baseline within 1yea

    Influence of caries infiltrant contamination on shear bond strength of different adhesives to dentin

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    Objectives: To analyze whether the contamination with a caries infiltrant system impairs the adhesive performance of etch-and-rinse and self-etching adhesives on dentin. Materials and methods: Dentin contamination with the caries infiltrant system (Icon, DMG) was simulated by applying either hydrochloric acid (15% HCl, Icon Etch, 15s), the resin infiltrant (Icon infiltrant, 4min), or both prior to the application of the respective adhesives (each group n = 10). In the control groups, the etch-and-rinse adhesive (Optibond FL, Kerr) and the self-etching adhesive (iBOND Self Etch, Hereaus) were applied without former contamination with the infiltrant system. Additionally, the adhesive performance of the resin infiltrant alone was tested. Shear bond strength of a nano-hybrid composite was analyzed after thermocycling (5,000×, 5-55°C) of the specimens and analyzed by ANOVA/Scheffé post hoc tests (p < 0.05) and Weibull statistics. Failure mode was inspected under a stereomicroscope at × 25 magnification. Results: Contamination with the resin infiltrant alone did not impair shear bond strength, while contamination with hydrochloric acid or with hydrochloric acid and the resin infiltrant reduced shear bond strength (MPa) of the adhesives (Optibond FL: 20.5 ± 3.6, iBOND Self Etch: 17.9 ± 2.6) significantly. Hydrochloric acid contamination increased the number of adhesive failures. The adhesive performance of the caries infiltrant system alone was insufficient. Conclusion: The contamination with the caries infiltrant system impaired the shear bond strength of conventional dental adhesives. Clinical relevance: Contamination of the caries infiltrant system on dentin should be avoided due to the detrimental effect of hydrochloric acid etchin

    Effect of TiF4, ZrF4, HfF4 and AmF on erosion and erosion/abrasion of enamel and dentin in situ

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    OBJECTIVE: This in situ study aimed to analyse the impact of different tetrafluorides (TiF(4), ZrF(4) and HfF(4)) and AmF on erosion and erosion plus abrasion of enamel and dentin. DESIGN: Ten volunteers took part in this crossover and double-blind study performed in 8 phases of each 3 days. In each phase, 2 bovine enamel and 2 dentin specimens were fixed in intraoral appliances. One enamel and one dentin sample were pretreated once with TiF(4), ZrF(4), HfF(4) or AmF (all 0.5M F) for 60s, while the other samples remained unfluoridated and served as control. Then, all samples were subjected to either erosion only (4 times/day, 90 s) or to erosion and abrasion (2 times/day, 30 s/sample). Toothbrushing abrasion was performed 90 min after the first and last erosion with an electrical toothbrush and fluoridated toothpaste at 1.2N. After 3 days, enamel and dentin loss was assessed by profilometry (microm) and analysed by repeated measures ANOVA and paired t-test (p<0.05). RESULTS: All fluoride solutions reduced enamel and dentin loss significantly compared to the controls. Generally, eroded samples showed less wear than eroded and abraded samples. The protective potential of the fluorides was not significantly different and was only slightly, but mostly not significantly, decreased by abrasion. The protective effect of the fluoride solutions was similar in enamel and dentin. CONCLUSION: Tetrafluorides and AmF are able to reduce erosion and erosion plus abrasion in situ and are almost equally effective

    A new method for chlorhexidine (CHX) determination: CHX release after application of differently concentrated CHX-containing preparations on artificial fissures

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    Aims of the study were (1) to establish a method for quantification of chlorhexidine (CHX) in small volumes and (2) to determine CHX release from differently concentrated CHX-containing preparations, varnishes, and a CHX gel applied on artificial fissures. CHX determination was conducted in a microplate reader using polystyrene wells. The reduced intensity of fluorescence of the microplates was used for CHX quantification. For verification of the technique, intra- and inter-assay coefficients of variation were calculated for graded series of CHX concentrations, and the lower limit of quantification (LLOQ) was determined. Additionally, artificial fissures were prepared in 50 bovine enamel samples, divided into five groups (A-E, n = 10) and stored in distilled water (7days); A: CHX-varnish EC40; B: CHX-varnish Cervitec; C: CHX-gel Chlorhexamed; D: negative control, no CHX application; and E: CXH-diacetate standard (E1, n = 5) or CHX-digluconate (E2, n = 5) in the solution. The specimens were brushed daily, and CHX in the solution was measured. The method showed intra- and inter-assay coefficients of variation of <10 and <20%, respectively; LLOQ was 0.91-1.22nmol/well. The cumulative CHX release (mean ± SD) during the 7days was: EC40 (217.2 ± 41.8nmol), CHX-gel (31.3 ± 8.5nmol), Cervitec (18.6 ± 1.7nmol). Groups A-C revealed a significantly higher CHX release than group D and a continuous CHX-release with the highest increase from day0 to 7 for EC40 and the lowest for Chlorhexamed. The new method is a reliable tool to quantify CHX in small volumes. Both tested varnishes demonstrate prolonged and higher CHX release from artificial fissures than the CHX-gel teste

    Erosion-inhibiting potential of a stannous chloride-containing fluoride solution under acid flow conditions in vitro

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    OBJECTIVES: This study aimed to analyse the erosion-inhibiting potential of a single application of stannous chloride-containing fluoride solution on pellicle-covered enamel and dentine under constant acid flow conditions in vitro. DESIGN: Bovine enamel (n=60) and dentine (n=60) samples were exposed 1h to the oral cavity of 4 healthy volunteers to allow for in situ pellicle formation. Pellicle-covered samples were randomly assigned to three groups (each n=20 enamel and n=20 dentine samples; 5 enamel and 5 dentine samples/volunteer) and treated once with a SnCl2/AmF/NaF (800 ppm Sn(II), 500 ppm F, pH 4.5) or a NaF solution (500 ppm F, pH 4.5) for 2 min or remained untreated (controls). Samples were eroded with hydrochloric acid (pH 2.6) in a small erosion chamber at 60 microl/min for 25 min. Calcium release into the acid was monitored in consecutive 30s intervals for 5 min, then at 1 min intervals up to a total erosion time of 25 min using the Arsenazo III procedure. Data were statistically analysed by random-effects linear models (p<0.05). RESULTS: The stannous chloride-containing fluoride solution reduced calcium loss of enamel and dentine to up to 6 min and 3.5 min, respectively. Calcium loss (% of control) amounted from 24+/-7 (30s) up to 93+/-14 (6 min) in enamel and from 38+/-13 (30s) to 87+/-15 (3.5 min) in dentine. The sodium fluoride solution was unable to reduce enamel and dentine erosion at any time point. CONCLUSION: A single application of a stannous chloride-containing fluoride solution reduced enamel and dentine erosion up to 6 min and 3.5 min of constant acid flow, respectively
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