7 research outputs found

    Rheophysics of concentrated particle suspensions in a Couette cell using a refractive index matching technique

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    The main objective of this work is to gain insight into the rheometry and rheology of concentrated non-colloidal particle suspensions. Among the many questions that have as yet received little answers, we are especially interested in the rheometric problems associated with this type of fluid and in their rheology in the frictional and viscous regimes, as well as the transition between both regimes —a topic that is particularly unclear. To address these issues, we had initially to develop techniques capable of measuring non-invasively the velocity field within these concentrated suspensions. Part of this thesis is dedicated to the development and implementation of an optical visualization technique inside concentrated suspensions, which was developed at the Laboratory of Environmental Hydraulics. This measurement technique combines the development of iso-index fluids and the use of fluorescent particle image velocimetry. On this basis, we could then tackle the real issues of this work, that is, on the one hand, rheometric measurement techniques of these fluids and, on the other hand, the rheologic properties. Among the issues discussed, the following were the main: Is it possible to obtain a reliable flow curve for concentrated particle suspensions from bulk measurement? And this by considering the wide shear range within the gap, the non-homogeneous material and the inversion-technique problems due to the wide gap? What are the main rheological properties of concentrated non-colloidal particle suspensions in the frictional and viscous regimes? What about the transition between these two regimes

    Refractive-index and density matching in concentrated particle suspensions: a review

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    Optical measurement techniques such as particle image velocimetry (PIV) and laser Doppler velocimetry (LDV) are now routinely used in experimental fluid mechanics to investigate pure fluids or dilute suspensions. For highly concentrated particle suspensions, material turbidity has long been a substantial impediment to these techniques, which explains why they have been scarcely used so far. A renewed interest has emerged with the development of specific methods combining the use of iso-index suspensions and imaging techniques. This review paper gives a broad overview of recent advances in visualization techniques suited to concentrated particle suspensions. In particular, we show how classic methods such as PIV, LDV, particle tracking velocimetry, and laser induced fluorescence can be adapted to deal with concentrated particle suspension

    Front dynamics of supercritical non-Boussinesq gravity currents

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    In this paper, we seek similarity solutions to the shallow water (Saint-Venant) equations for describing the motion of a non-Boussinesq, gravity-driven current in an inertial regime. The current is supplied in fluid by a source placed at the inlet of a horizontal plane. Gratton and Vigo (1994) found similarity solutions to the Saint-Venant equations when a Benjamin-like boundary condition was imposed at the front (i.e., nonzero flow depth); the Benjamin condition represents the resisting effect of the ambient fluid for a Boussinesq current (i.e., a small-density mismatch between the current and the surrounding fluid). In contrast, for non-Boussinesq currents the flow depth is expected to be zero at the front in absence of friction. In this paper, we show that the Saint-Venant equations also admit similarity solutions in the case of non-Boussinesq regimes provided that there is no shear in the vertical profile of the streamwise velocity field. In that case, the front takes the form of an acute wedge with a straight free boundary and is separated from the body by a bore

    Refractive-index and density matching in concentrated particle suspensions: a review

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    Optical measurement techniques such as particle image velocimetry (PIV) and laser Doppler velocimetry (LDV) are now routinely used in experimental fluid mechanics to investigate pure fluids or dilute suspensions. For highly concentrated particle suspensions, material turbidity has long been a substantial impediment to these techniques, which explains why they have been scarcely used so far. A renewed interest has emerged with the development of specific methods combining the use of iso-index suspensions and imaging techniques. This review paper gives a broad overview of recent advances in visualization techniques suited to concentrated particle suspensions. In particular, we show how classic methods such as PIV, LDV, particle tracking velocimetry, and laser induced fluorescence can be adapted to deal with concentrated particle suspensions

    Experimental investigation into segregating granular flows down chutes

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    We experimentally investigated how a binary granular mixture made up of spherical glass beads size ratio of 2 behaved when flowing down a chute. Initially, the mixture was normally graded, with all the small particles on top of the coarse grains. Segregation led to a grading inversion, in which the smallest particles percolated to the bottom of the flow, while the largest rose toward the top. Because of diffusive remixing, there was no sharp separation between the small-particle and large-particle layers, but a continuous transition. Processing images taken at the sidewall, we were able to measure the evolution of the concentration and velocity profiles. These experimental profiles were used to test a recent theory developed by Gray and Chugunov J. Fluid Mech. 569, 365 2006, who derived a nonlinear advection diffusion equation that describes segregation and remixing in dense granular flows of binary mixtures. We found that this theory was able to provide a consistent description of the segregation/remixing process under steady uniform flow conditions. To obtain the correct depth-averaged concentration far downstream, it was very important to use an accurate approximation to the downstream velocity profile through the avalanche depth. The S-shaped concentration profile in the far field provided a useful way of determining what we refer to as the PĂ©clet number for segregation, a dimensionless number that quantifies how large the segregation is compared to diffusive remixing. While the theory was able to closely match the final fully developed concentration profile far downstream, there were some discrepancies in the inversion region i.e., the region in which the mixing occurs. The reasons for this are not clear. The difficulty to set up the experiment with both well controlled initial conditions and a steady uniform bulk flow field is one of the most plausible explanations. Another interesting lead is that the flux of segregating particles, which was assumed to be a quadratic function of the concentration in small beads, takes a more complicated form