16 research outputs found

    New and interesting species of lichens from xerothermic habitats in NW Poland

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    This paper presents data on the occurrence of lichens in xerothermic grasslands, representing a great mycological peculiarity of the NW part of Pomerania, Poland. The 12 examined specimens of six species originated from fieldwork carried out in 2011–2014 in the nature reserves Brodogóry, Stary Przylep, Bielinek, Wrzosowiska Cedyńskie, Prof. Adam Wodziczko Nature Reserve in the Wolin National Park, and an old chalk excavation site on Wolin Island. Within the study sites, four lichen species were recorded as a new to Western Pomerania: Agonimia gelatinosa, Collema cristatum, Dermatocarpon luridum, and Leptogium subtile. The other two species, Collema auriforme and C. flaccidum, are rarely observed in the studied region

    The distribution of Elatine hexandra (Lapierre) DC. (Elatinaceae)

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    General distribution map of Elatine hexandra (Lapierre) DC. was made based on literature and web-based data confronted and possible reasons of the formation of taxon's distribution range and history are discussed

    Genetic diversity of natural psammophilous populations of Hypogymnia physodes (L.) Nyl. on Polish seacoast dunes

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    Hypogymnia physodes is a lichenized fungus of the family Parmeliaceae. The aim of this study was to compare the level of genetic diversity in eight psammophilous and three epiphytic populations of this species from the Baltic coast in Poland, based on randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers. In the reactions with nine primers, 153 fragments were obtained, of which 133 were polymorphic. In one reaction, from 0 (for lich2 primer) to 55 (for C02 primer) amplicons were obtained. A Dice’s genetic similarity index matrix was constructed based on the results of RAPD marker polymorphism examination. The values of similarity indices ranged from 0.00 to 0.73. Results of this study confirm the separateness of all three epiphytic populations from those found on sand dunes (100% support, UPGMA/1000 trees)

    Anticoagulation therapy — the cardiological and neurological point of view

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    Ustalenie właściwego, czyli skutecznego i bezpiecznego leczenia przeciwkrzepliwego stanowi często złożony, interdyscyplinarny problem. Terapia doustnymi antykoagulantami niebędącymi antagonistami witaminy K, preparatami bezpieczniejszymi i co najmniej tak skutecznymi jak warfaryna stwarza pewne możliwości, nie jest jednak pozbawiona ograniczeń i powikłań. W niniejszej pracy zaprezentowano przypadki pacjentek w wieku 45 i 86 lat, których leczenie wymagało szerokich działań ze strony zarówno neurologów, jak i kardiologów, a dobór odpowiedniej terapii antykoagulacyjnej był trudny.Determining proper, i.e. effective and safe anticoagulant therapy is often complex interdisciplinary problem. New oral anticoagulants are safer and at least as effective as vitamin K antagonists. The therapy with those agents creates some opportunities; however, it is also associated with some limitations and complications. We present the cases of two patients aged 45 and 86 years whose treatment required extensive interventions by both neurologists and cardiologists and in whom the selection of the appropriate anticoagulant therapy was difficult

    Lichen biota of the “Wrzosowiska Cedyńskie im. inż. Wiesława Czyżewskiego” nature reserve in the Cedynia Landscape Park (NW Poland)

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    Lichens of the “Wrzosowiska Cedyńskie im. inż. Wiesława Czyżewskiego” nature reserve were studied in 2005 and 2011. Within the examined area, 103 species of lichens were observed. These include 23 species that are new to this area, some of them calciphilous, e.g. Agonima gelatinosa and Collema crispum. Many of them are rare in the Polish lowlands, e.g. Cladonia stellaris, Rhizocarpon geographicum, R. polycarpum, Stereocaulon condensatum, and S. incrustatum.Porosty rezerwatu “Wrzosowiska Cedyńskie im. Wiesława Czyżewskiego” badano w 2005 i 2011 roku. Na badanym obszarze zaobserwowano 103 gatunki porostów. Wśrod nich 23 taksony to gatunki nowe na tym obszarze, niektóre z nich to porosty kalcyfilne np. Agonima gelatinosa i Collema crispum. Wiele z nich jest rzadkich na polskich nizinach, np. Cladonia stellaris, Rhizocarpon geographicum, R. polytropa, Stereocaulon condensatum i S. incrustatum

    Lichens and lichenicolous fungi of the “Wrzosowisko Sowno” nature reserve (NW Poland)

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    Lichens of the “Wrzosowisko Sowno” nature reserve in the western part of Polish Pomerania were studied in 2006 and 2014. Within the examined area, 90 species of lichens were observed. Eighteen species are included in the red list of threatened lichens in Poland, eight as vulnerable (VU) (Bacidia rubella, Bryoria fuscescens, Buellia disciformis, Calicium viride, Ochrolechia androgyna, Pertusaria pertusa, Pseudoschismatomma rufescens, Ramalina farinacea, R. pollinaria and Tuckermannopsis chlorophylla), seven as near threatened (NT) (Chaenotheca furfuracea, Evernia prunastri, Graphis scripta, Hypogymnia tubulosa, Pertusaria coccodes, Vulpicida pinastri and Zwackhia viridis), two as endangered (EN)( Melanelixia glabra and Pleurostica acetabulum) and one as critically (CR) (Melanohalea exasperata).Badania nad biotą porostów rezerwatu „Wrzosowisko Sowno” przeprowadzono w latach 2006–2014. Na badanym obszarze stwierdzono 85 gatunków porostów i 5 grzybów naporostowych. Ponad 52% bioty porostów stanowiły gatunki nadrzewne, wśród których występowały taksony rzadkie i zagrożone w skali całego kraju. Blisko połowę gatunków stanowiły porosty o plesze skorupiastej. Najmniej licznie reprezentowane są epility, co zwiazane jest z brakiem odpowiednich siedlisk dla tej grupy porostów