3 research outputs found


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    Pasien HIV/AIDS umumnya mengalami ketidakseimbangan pada nutrisi disebabkan oleh pengaruh dari infeksi oportunistik dan konsumsi obat ARV yang menyebabkan pasien anoreksia dan disfagia sehingga pada pasien HIV/AIDS mengalami penurunan badan yang drastis. Defisiensi pengetahuan tentang pemenuhan nutrisi pada pasien HIV/AIDS dapat menyebabkan tidak terpenuhinya nutrisi dan menyebabkan nutrisi kurang dari kebutuhan tubuh yang dapat berdampak pada daya tahan tubuh untuk melawan virus HIV menjadi menurun, dan dimanfaatkan oleh virus HIV untuk berkembang cepat pada kondisi ini memperpendek periode infeksi untuk berkembang menjadi AIDS sehingga dibutuhkan pendekatan pada pasien ODHA untuk diberikan edukasi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pemberian intervensi edukasi nutrisi pada pasien HIV/AIDS dengan masalah keperawatan defisiensi pengetahuan tentang pemenuhan nutrisi. Metode penelitian yang digunakan yaitu studi literatur dengan menggunakan sumber data sekunder yang diperoleh oleh peniliti dari sumber literatur, buku, dan hasil penelitian terdahulu. Hasil penelusuran studi literatur merujuk pada edukasi nutrisi sebagai salah satu intervensi dalam mengatasi masalah defisiensi pengetahuan tentang pemenuhan nutrisi pada pasien HIV/AIDS diantara intervensi yang lainnya. Pemberian edukasi nutrisi terbukti dapat meningkatkan pengetahuan ODHA dalam pemenuhan nutrisi yang harus dipenuhi pasien HIV/AIDS. Pemberian edukasi nutrisi pada ODHA dapat meningkatkan pengetahuan tentang pemenuhan nutrisi dan mengatasi masalah defisiensi pengetahuan tentang pemenuhan nutrisi pada pasien HIV/AIDS

    The Role of Health Workers in Realizing Community Independence to Prevent Non-Communicable Diseases in Campurejo Community Health Center, Kediri City

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    This study aimed to determine the understanding of health care towards social phenomena related to the dominance of non-communicable diseases which were increased in the community and to identify what efforts were made by health workers in preventing non-communicable diseases. The long-term goal of this study was to control the risk factors for PTM in Indonesia, especially in Campurejo Health Center, Mojoroto District, Kediri City. This study used a qualitative method with 72 populations and 10 samples. The data was collected through purposive sampling and in-depth interviews. The study informants were health workers from Kediri city health office, health workers at the Campurejo Health Center, community leaders and health cadres. The data analysis used interactive qualitative methods (Milles and Hebberman) and the instrument was recorder. The results of the study showed the concept of objectivation in opposing the flow of public understanding of PTM could be seen from the results of the socialization conducted by health workers. This new fact could be seen from one of the efforts of health workers in disseminating PTM in society. Other forms of socialization that were still general in nature could be seen in a variety of activity formats, for example: early detection, health promotion, counseling, mobile Posbindu, and door to door systems. The five micro activities were derived from the grand design of socialization in the perspective of social construction theory as a form of externalization by health workers

    The Effectiveness Of Game Brain Stimulation On Pre-school Child Development In Paud Babussalam Ds. Pandean Kab. Trenggalek

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    Development child in age preschool very important. Because on age this required for process development self and concept self in himself. In times this for support growth and its development required appropriate stimulation with age and is no make depressed on children. The objective was Knowing effectiveness stimulation brain games to preschooldevelopment child in PAUD BabussalamDesa Pandean KabupatenTrenggalek. The design used in research was quasi-experimental design. Population was child   preschool in PAUD BabussalamDesa Pandean KabupatenTrenggalek. The sample ware 26 respondents on simple random sampling. Variables Independent research was stimulation brain games and variable dependent was development motor. Data collected with using DDST, then the data was analyzed use test Wilcoxon with level significance α ≤ 0, 05. Results research show that brain stimulation affects the game on significant on smooth motoric (p = 0.025), and coarse motor(p = 0.046), but no influence on development language (p = 0.317) and psychosocial (p = 0.317). Before given the brain game, many respondents have DDST normal value as much as 21 respondents (80.8%), and the suspect five respondents (19.2%), while after given brain game that suspect DDST value decreases became one respondent (3.8%). Results test statistics use Wilcoxon Signed Test Range obtained that p = 0.046, which means that affects the brain game on significant DDST against children. Conclusion from research this was Brain Game is effective in improving the ability of Childhood Development Pre-School