9 research outputs found


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    Introduction: Stroke is a disease that attacks anyone with very sudden incident and is one cause of death and major neurological disability in Indonesia. Paralysis is the most common disability experienced by patients with stroke, characterized by paralysis on one side of the body (hemiparesis) and paralysis may also occur in various parts of the body, from the face, hands, feet, tongue and throat. Some stress conditions will influence the attitudes and behavior of stroke patients to improve self-care, this study aims to determine the effect of health education on the readiness of self-care and also on the level of stress in stroke patients. Method : This study used pre experiment one group pre-post tests. The experiment was conducted in January 2015 through May 2015 in the paviliun 7 Rumkital dr. Ramelan Surabaya. The population used was that stroke patients treated since the month of October to November 2015 by 23 votes with sample random sampling. The independent variable of this research is the role of nurses in the delivery of of health education. and the dependent variable is the level of stress. Measuring instrument used to measure the level of stress is DASS. Data were analyzed by Wilcoxon signed rank test with significance level α<0,05. Results : Results showed that health education has a significant effect on the nurse’s role in the provision of health education to improve the readiness of self-care on stroke patient and also has a significant effect on the level of stress stroke patien. Discussion: The implications of this study was there is effects of the nurse’s role in the provision of health education to improve the readiness of self-care in stroke patient, so that nurse on neurological room can apply and develop about health education intensifely. This research is also expected to provide an alternative to enter the associated stress reduction that patients with stroke may be susceptible to stressors associated disturbance fulfillment of their activities so as to affect the readiness of care themselves independently Keywords: stroke, the role of nurses, health education, readiness of self-care , stres

    Health promotion strategy for emergency choking at Elementary School Gisik Cemandi Sidoarjo

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    Choking is the entry of a foreign object into the throat or respiratory tract. This is a dangerous condition that can happen to anyone. In cases of choking in children, the initial treatment that can be done is back blows and chest thrusts. This activity was carried out to provide Health Education to students and teachers at SDN Gisik Cemandi Sidoarjo, as well as to gain skills in helping children and the community in their environment if a child experiences a choking incident. The implementation method is carried out in the form of a lecture using power points, posters with pictures of signs of choking, and how to handle it independently, and the Heimlich Maneuver. The results of the activity were that participants received information and increased their knowledge regarding the signs of choking, and how to handle it independently as well as the Heimlich Maneuver to students and teachers at SDN Gisik Cemandi Sidoarjo on November 11, 2023. The results of the socialization on handling emergency choking carried out at SDN Gisik Cemandi Sidoarjo were considered effective so that students and teachers are able to provide first aid in cases of choking

    Pengalaman Pembimbing Klinik Mahasiswa Keperawatan di Instalasi Gawat Darurat Rumkital Dr. Ramelan Surabaya : Studi Fenomenologi Tahun 2013

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    Instalasi gawat darurat memiliki karakteristik ruangan unik yang dimana beban kerja cukup tinggi dan memerlukan tindakan penanganan yang cepat, tepat dan terampil. Dengan demikian untuk menjadi pembimbing klinik di tatanan gawat darurat merupakan tantangan tersendiri bagi seorang perawat. di ruang praktek klinik kegawatdaruratan, pembimbing klinik cenderung tidak mampu menangani mahasiswa dalam jumlah besar, hal ini disebabkan karena tempat praktek klinik yang terpencar disertai beberapa tindakan kegawatan yang memerlukan ketrampilan cukup tinggi . Kondisi unik di instalasi gawat darurat terkadang membuat peserta didik tidak merasa dibimbing dengan baik begitu pula yang dirasakan oleh pembimbing klinik yang juga merasa kurang puas dan kurang maksimal dalam membimbing peserta didik. Pelayanan keperawatan profesional dicerminkan dengan perilaku profesional yang ditunjukkan perawat saat memberikan pelayanan asuhan keperawatan. Pembentukan perilaku profesional harus dimulai pada tatanan pendidikan akademik dan berlanjut pada pembelajaran di tatanan nyata klinik oleh role model yang kompeten. Praktek klinik diharapkan bukan hanya sekedar kesempatan untuk menerapkan teori yang dipelajari di kelas akan tetapi melalui praktek klinik, mahasiswa diharapkan lebih aktif dalam setiap tindakan sehingga dapat menjadi perawat yang terampil dalam mengaplikasikan teori keperawatan dengan memberikan pelayanan kepada masyarakat. Namun sayangnya sampai saat ini penelitian dan literatur yang memuat mengenai pengalaman menjadi pembimbing klinik di setting gawat darurat atau penelitian yang dibuat dari sudut pandang pembimbing klinik di Indonesia masih terbatas padahal penelitian mengenai pembimbing klinik merupakan hal yang menarik terkait perannya yang juga berkontribusi penting dalam pendidikan keperawatan. Tujuan umum penelitian ini adalah mendiskripsikan dan mengeksplorasi makna dari pengalaman perawat yang menjadi pembimbing klinik di intalasi gawat darurat. Tujuan khusus dari penelitian ini adalah mengeksplorasi pengalaman pembimbing klinik mengenai proses pembimbingan klinik, mengeksplorasi dan mencari arti struktur pengalaman pembimbing klinik yang meliputi pengalaman pembimbing klinik dalam pengembangan profesional diri, pengalaman pembimbing klinik mengenai mekanisme dan komunikasi bimbingan, pengalaman pembimbing klinik dalam interaksi dengan mahasiswa. Tujuan khusus penelitian yang terakhir adalah mengeksplorasi harapan pembimbing klinik mengenai proses pembimbingan. Metode penelitian dilakukan dengan pendekatan kualitatif desain fenomenologi interpretif sesuai filosofi Heidegger. Fenomenolgi interpretatif digunakan untuk menggali dan mencari hubungan antara hubungan dan arti-arti yang dimiliki oleh masing- masing pengetahuan dan konteks. Sesuai dengan salah satu aspek dalam pendekatan fenomenologi, penelitian ini akan menggali pengalaman pembimbing klinik di instalasi gawat darurat terkait hubungannya dengan orang lain yaitu peserta didiknya dalam melakukan pembimbingan, menfasilitasi kebutuhan belajar peserta didik berdasarkan fenomena yang muncul, pengalaman, karakter personalitas dan pengetahuan perawat serta realitas pengalaman hidup yang selama ini menjalankan profesinya sebagai pembimbing di instalasi gawat darurat. Data dari penelitian adalah transkrip verbatim hasil wawancara mendalam yang dilakukan dengan metode wawancara tidak terstruktur. Metode wawancara tidak terstruktur tetap menggunakan pedoman panduan wawancara yang disesuaikan dengan tujuan umum dan tujuan khusus dari penelitan ini. Teknik sampling yang digunakan adalah dengan teknik purposif sampling. Dari teknik sampling ini didapatkan 5 orang partisipan yang memenuhi kriteria inklusi dan eksklusi. Analisa data dari penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan analisis interpretif dari Van Manen dengan 6 langkah. Dari hasil analisis data ditemukan satu tema inti berdasarkan pengalaman yang disampaikan lima orang partisipan yang menjadi pembimbing klinik di instalasi gawat darurat. Satu tema inti yang diungkapkan adalah pengalaman beban moral dalam membimbing mahasiswa. Pengalaman beban moral ini di bentuk dari dua tema besar yaitu pengalaman ketidakberdayaan dalam memberikan bimbingan yang maksimal dan tanggung jawab terhadap pengkaderan generasi penerus perawat. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ini maka direkomendasikan bagi institusi pendidikan untuk mempersiapkan mahasiswa sebelum memasuki instalasi gawat darurat dan melakukan komunikasi yang efektif dengan pembimbing klinik di lahan praktek, Selanjutnya direkomendasikan bagi institusi lahan praktek untuk mempersiapkan kondisi yang kondusif untuk meningkatkan perannya sebagai rumah sakit pendidikan dengan meningkatkan kualitas sumber daya manusia pembimbing klinik dan bagi penelitian selanjutnya maka perlu dilakukan penelitian selanjutnya baik penelitian kualitatif maup


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    ABSTRACT Introduction : The mechanism of breast cancer is the cells growing and breeding become appear abnormal tissue of breast. One of the common treatments for it is chemotherapy using cytotoxic drugs. However, chemotherapy may cause nausea and vomiting as its side effects. Lemon aromatherapy is a complementary therapy in patients with breast cancer who experience nausea or vomiting. The study’s purpose was to know the effect of lemon aromatherapy on the intensity of nausea and vomiting experienced by the breast cancer patients as an effect of chemoterapy in the Chemo Center Room of RSAL Dr. Ramelan Surabaya. Material and Methods : The study was the pre-experimental design with pre-post test without control group. There are two variables, lemon aromatherapy is independent, and the intensity of nausea and vomiting is dependent. The sampling technique was nonprobability purposive sampling, with 34 breast cancer patients taken as the sample. A questionnaire was the instrument for collecting the data. The Data collected were analyzed using the Wilcoxon Test (α = 0,05). Results : The study’s result indicated that the lemon aromatherapy was effectively to decrease of the intensity of nausea and vomiting exeperienced by the respondents, with the value of Wilcoxon test p &lt; 0.001. Conclusion : Lemon aromatherapy stimulates the raphe nucleus to produce serotonin. Which function to generate a sense of comfort and calm. For that reason, it can be used as an alternative for taking care of nausea and vomiting experienced by patients with breast cancer as the side effect of chemotherapy. Keywords:&nbsp; Lemon Aromatherapy, Nausea, Vomiting, Chemotherapy &nbsp


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    ABSTRACT Diabetes mellitus with diabetic ulcers can cause complications, namely susceptibility to infection, pulmonary tuberculosis, and infections of the feet. Chronic complications include diabetic feet with the risk of foot ulcers (diabetic ulcers) and resulting in amputation, these diabetic feet can develop into gangrene. This study aims to analyze the effect of wound healing on diabetic ulcer patients who are given ozone bagging therapy. The research design used a quasy-experimental design with pre-test and post-test with control group design. Population 30 respondents. The number of samples taken is 26 respondents. The sampling technique used is probability sampling with the Simple Random Sampling technique. The data collection technique used a questionnaire sheet. Statistical test using Man-Whitney test with (a=0.05). This research has been carried out Ethical clearance tested by the KEPK STIKes Ngudia Husada Madura. The results showed that based on the Man-Whitney statistical test with test results (p= 0.021) &lt; (a = 0.05). So it can be concluded that there were differences in wound healing in diabetic ulcer patients in the control group (without ozone bagging therapy) and the treatment group (with ozone bagging therapy). It is suggested that this research can be used as a reference regarding wound healing in diabetic ulcer patients who are given ozone bagging therapy and can motivate patients with diabetes mellitus in controlling blood sugar levels, as well as serve as information about one way that can be done in controlling blood sugar levels daily. &nbsp; Keywords: Ozone Bagging, Diabetic Ulcer, Diabetes Mellitus, Wound Healin


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    Introduction : Knowledge in dealing with disasters is one part of disaster mitigation in the application of disaster preparedness in the campus environment. The death toll from an earthquake will increase along with the knowledge of the community and the level of preparedness they have. This study aims to see the significance of the relationship between knowledge and student preparedness in dealing with earthquake disasters in the campus environment. Method : Research design with descriptive correlational cross sectional approach. Sampling using non-probability sampling technique random sampling The research sample was 237 students at STIKES Hang Tuah Surabaya &amp; STIKES NHM with questionnaires in the period of June- July 2022. Test data analysis using ChiSquare. Results The results showed that the majority of STIKES Hang Tuah Surabaya students had good knowledge of 205 (86.9%) and moderate preparedness of 226 (95.4%). Statistical test results show the value of ρ=0.011 (ρ&lt;α=0.05) which means that knowledge has a close relationship with preparedness in the face of earthquakes. Conclusion The implications of this research can be concluded that increasing knowledge is an important part of mitigation in increasing preparedness in the campus environment in dealing with disaster threats, especially earthquakes in particular

    Penerapan Basic Life Support pada Relawan dalam Tanggap Darurat

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    This community service activity aims to see the effects of audio-visual simulation methods in increasing the knowledge and skills of volunteers about basic life support. In this case the method carried out by volunteers is given a pre test on basic life assistance, then given material about the concept of disaster in the emergency response phase and simulation of basic life assistance through audio visual. The material is given for 1.5 hours and then the participants are divided into groups and given a simulation of providing basic life assistance for 1.5 hours and then the participants try to practice according to the basic life assistance algorithm. After completing the simulation the participants were given a post test link online. The results of the achievement of this implementation that there has been a change in knowledge shown by volunteer simulations in conducting basic life support. This is evident from the significant percentage increase assessed from the results of volunteer responses after the training was given. Some of the parameters we value are the initial assessment when finding victims and the steps in providing basic life assistance. Thus it can be concluded that the audio visual simulation method of providing basic life assistance is considered to be quite effective in increasing the ability of volunteers to play a role in the stages of disaster emergency response

    Efektifitas Video Simulasi Basic Life Support terhadap Pengetahuan Security

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    Adapun tujuan kegiatan ini adalah meningkatkan kemampuan security PT Shelter di Surabaya untuk berperan dalam pertolongan pertama pada korban henti jantung. Security sebagai garda terdepan saat menemukan orang yang tiba-tiba mengalami henti jantung. Tingkat Pengetahuan dan kesiapan menolong security perlu ditingkatkan agar bisa dan siap dalam melakukan pertolongan. Metode yang digunakan adalah demonstrasi, metode pembelajaran ini dipilih karena dapat menggambarkan keadaan yang sebenarnya. Promosi kesehatan dengan metode demonstrasi diberikan 2 kali dengan lama pemberian 45 menit yang isi materi definisi BLS, tujuan BLS, dan langkah-langkah BLS. Hasilnya Setelah selesai simulasi peserta diberikan link post test secara online. Keluaran berdasarkan pencapaian dari implementasi ini adalah telah terjadi Perubahan dalam pengetahuan yang ditunjukkan oleh peningkatan pengetahuan responden dalam melakukan dukungan kehidupan dasar. hal ini tampak dari peningkatan persentase yang signifikan yang dinilai dari hasil jawaban relawan saat setelah pelatihan diberikan

    The Effect Of Ozone Bagging Therapy On Wound Healing In Diabetic Ulcer Patients

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    Diabetes mellitus with diabetic ulcers can cause complications, namely susceptibility to infection, pulmonary tuberculosis, and infections of the feet. Chronic complications include diabetic feet with the risk of foot ulcers (diabetic ulcers) and resulting in amputation, these diabetic feet can develop into gangrene. This study aims to analyze the effect of wound healing on diabetic ulcer patients who are given ozone bagging therapy. The research design used a quasy-experimental design with pre-test and post-test with control group design. Population 30 respondents. The number of samples taken is 26 respondents. The sampling technique used is probability sampling with the Simple Random Sampling technique. The data collection technique used a questionnaire sheet. Statistical test using Man-Whitney test with (a=0.05). This research has been carried out Ethical clearance tested by the KEPK STIKes Ngudia Husada Madura. The results showed that based on the Man-Whitney statistical test with test results (p= 0.021) &lt; (a = 0.05). So it can be concluded that there were differences in wound healing in diabetic ulcer patients in the control group (without ozone bagging therapy) and the treatment group (with ozone bagging therapy). It is suggested that this research can be used as a reference regarding wound healing in diabetic ulcer patients who are given ozone bagging therapy and can motivate patients with diabetes mellitus in controlling blood sugar levels, as well as serve as information about one way that can be done in controlling blood sugar levels daily. &nbsp; Keywords: Ozone Bagging, Diabetic Ulcer, Diabetes Mellitus, Wound Healin