67 research outputs found

    Book Review. the Closed Doors

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    Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Berbasis Proyek untuk Meningkatkan Aktivitas Belajar Mahasiswa pada Matakuliah Pengembangan Bahan Ajar

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    Based on observations in the course of learning development of teaching materials in IKIP Budi Utomo, an outline of the learning activities using a model presentation discussion.Discussions presentations that do not yet able to accommodate the activity of the students. Some students look sleepy, some even speak for themselves with their friends. So, we need the learning process interesting and fun through classroom action research (PTK) with the implementation of project-based learning. Classroom Action Research (PTK) aims to describe the increase in students\u27 learning activities in the course material development through project-based learning. The approach used in this study is a qualitative approach. This type of research is the Classroom Action Research (PTK). PTK steps include planning, implementing action, observation, and evaluation / reflection. These measures were taken in each cycle. This study uses three cycles. Data obtained in the form of learning process and field notes taken from the observation sheet as well as the group\u27s activities in the lessons learned from the observation sheet. Overall, students\u27 learning activities increased from the first cycle of 69.03% to 86.03% in the second cycle. Students are able to carry out all stages of the project is well on the second cycle. Products produced in accordance with the demands of the curriculum

    Barang Bekas Sebagai Media Penciptaan Karya Seni Dalam Pembelajaran Seni Rupa Kelas V SD 1 Gribig Kudus

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    Learning to take advantage of scarps?é?á is learning to enhance students\u27 knowledge in the work of art which has its own characteristics. The method in this research is a qualitative approach. Location and objectives this research in SD I Gribig Kudus and learning objectives in this research is art, especially in the use scarps. Students who follow this learning process are a fifth grade student in SD I Gribig Kudus. In a study that has been conducted in SD I Gribig Kudus produces a work by using some of the junk that aesthetic value. Works in both categories can be seen from the manufacturing process, the students in making this work to streamline the predetermined time, the completeness of tools and materials before the process is done by dividing the tasks on each member of?é?á group. The results of student creativity at work is seen from the use of colored paper and combine a color that is pretty neat. In this process, the students easily understand the techniques provided by the teacher. Learning outcomes in the use of second-hand goods in the form of work as meronce necklace of newsprint, the hood of food, toy dragon, ornamental flowers of beverage glass packaging, the tower of a pack of cigarettes, and a lantern from plastic bottles

    Mood Realized in the Letter to the Editor by Nytimes.com on March, 28th 2016

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    This research paper is entitled Mood realized in the letter to the editor by Nytimes.com onMarch, 28th 2016. This research is focused to identify the mood types and speech functionfrom letter to the editor rubric by Nytimes.com entitled ‘Electronic Prescription'. This researchuses descriptive qualitative method. The writers found 3 mood types namely declarativepositive, imperative and exclamative and 2 types of speech functions namely command andstatement. The declarative positive is used to give and deliver the information, then forimperative is used to persuade, to give advice, commands, etc and exclamative is used toexpress strong feelings. The speech functions command is used to ask someone to do anythingwhile statement is used to give and deliver information by strengthening what the speakerreally wants to utter the fact to the listener. In this research the dominant mood types isdeclarative positive (40%), and for speech function is statement (80%)

    Pengaruh Pemberian Momentum Pada Artificial Neural Network Backpropagation

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    Salah satu algoritma Artificial Neural Network (ANN) yang biasa digunakan adalah algoritmabackpropagation dengan pola model gradient descent pada proses pembelajarannya. Akan tetapi,gradient descent memiliki kelemahan yaitu tidak mudah digunakan dan terkadang lambat dalampengkonvergenan solusinya. Untuk mengatasi kelemahan tersebut dilakukan suatu modifikasi yaitudengan memberikan momentum pada Perubahan bobotnya. Pada proses prediksi surface roughnesspada CNC Milling menggunakan ANN Backpropagation dengan momentum pada Perubahan bobotini, nilai rata-rata persentase error yang dihasilkan pada masing-masing nilai momentum yangdiberikan adalah tidak banyak mengalami Perubahan. Namun jika nilai momentum yang diberikanmendekati nilai maksimal momentum yaitu mendekati nilai satu maka akan menyebabkanterjadinya overshoot. Pemberian momentum pada Perubahan bobot menyebabkan Perubahan yangcukup besar yaitu pada waktu prosesnya, semakin besar nilai momentum yang diberikan makasemakin cepat pula waktu proses yang dibutuhkan. Hal ini berarti jika ingin waktu prosesprediksinya menjadi cepat maka gunakan nilai momentum yang besar, namun sebaiknya kurangdari 0.9
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