1,248 research outputs found

    Development of Teaching Materials Algebraic Equation to Improve Problem Solving

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    Problem-solving skills are the basic capabilities of a person in solving a problem and that involve critical thinking, logical, and systematic. To solve a problem one-way necessary measures to solve the problem. Polya is one way to solve a mathematical problem. by developing teaching materials designed using the steps in solving problems Polya expected students could improve its ability to solve problems. In this first year, the goal of this study is to investigate the process of learning the hypothetical development of teaching materials. This study is a research & development. Procedure development research refers to research the development of Thiagarajan, Semmel & Semmel ie 4-D. Model development in the first year is define, design, and development. The collection of data for the assessment of teaching materials algebra equations conducted by the expert by filling the validation sheet. Having examined the materials of algebraic equations in the subject of numerical methods, reviewing the curriculum that is aligned with KKNI, and formulates learning outcomes that formed the conceptual teaching material on the material algebraic equations. From the results of expert assessment team found that the average ratings of teaching materials in general algebraic equation of 4.38 with a very good category. The limited test needs to be done to see effectiveness teaching materials on problem-solving skills in students who are taking courses numerical method

    Respon Konsumen Terhadap Pemberitaan Ditemukannya Formalin Pada Produk Pangan Olahan (Consumers Response Towards News of the Formalin USAge on Processed Food Product)

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    The negative news about small or home industries food production that was published bymass media has a large impact on it's marketing. This research was conducted to explain theattitude and consumers behaviour change toward food that was issued of formalin USAge topreserving. This descriptive research was conducted with survey to 42 households in urban,50 households in sub urban, and 26 householeds in rural territory. The results showed thatnegative news of formalin USAge to food preserving decreased the consumer's believe towardsthe food safety, the tendency to consume, rose the consumer buying selectivity and decreasedthe consumer buying intensity. The consumer's believe towards the food safety, the tendencyto consume, the consumer buying intensity will increased after the publishing of promotifnews such as public figure consuming that food, but the buying selectivity still arose. Thepositive news of no formalin USAge on food that was published increased again theconsumer's believe towards the food safety, the tendency to consume, the consumer buyingselectivity and the consumer buying intencity but not recovere

    Pengembangan LKS Gerak Harmonic Sederhana Dengan Media Virtual Laboratory Berbasis Problem Based Instruction

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui validitas dan efektivitas LKS yang menggunakan media virtual laboratory dengan model pembelajaran berbasis problem based instruction ditinjau dari aspek motivasi belajar siswa. Model penelitian yang digunakan adalah Research and Development (R&D). Validasi LKS dilakukan oleh dosen fisika UAD dan guru fisika SMA Negeri 2 Bantul mengggunakan instrumen lembar validasi. Kelayakan LKS yang dikembangkan dinilai berdasarkan hasil validasi. Asesment efektivitas LKS didasarkan pada respon siswa menggunakan angket motivasi ARCS. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa LKS sangat layak dan efektif dalam memotivasi belajar siswa. Produk penelitian berupa LKS dengan media virtual laboratory berbasis problem based instruction ini diharapkan dapat mengoptimalkan pemahaman materi fisika

    Recovery Among People with Mental Illness (PMI) as Perceived by the Caregivers in Islamic Boarding School (IBS) in Indonesia

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    Background: Mental hospitals as places to rehabilitation people with mental illness(PMI) in Indonesia are limited in numbers and do not meet with the number of PMI.The society may contribute in facilitating recovery and rehabilitation place for PMI including Islamic boarding school. Some Islamic boarding schools provide rehabilitation for PMI to help with recovery process. Recovery is an important aspect to assess the success of PMI rehabilitation. Nevertheless, there has been no study on Islamic boarding school\u27s caregivers\u27 perception on PMI recovery.Purpose: This study aims to explore recovery perception of caregivers treating PMI in Islamic boarding school and factors affecting recovery.Methods: Data are acquired from 19 caregivers from three Islamic boarding schools providing rehabilitation for PMI with Focus Group Discussion (FGD). The data analyzed using descriptive analysis.Result: Having a good communication is a recovery criterion that is mentioned themost by caregivers. There are three biggest factors affecting recovery based on the caregivers such as prayers or religion followed by social support from family and environment and also doing activities.Conclusion: The results may depict the PMI recovery so that the health care providers can provide interventions that can support the recovery process in PMI

    Peningkatan Keterampilan Partisipasi Sosial melalui Pendekatan Pembelajaran Kontekstual di Sekolah Dasar

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    Penelitian ini dilaksanakan atas dasar partisipasi sosial siswa yang masih kurang di masyarakat. Penyebabnya adalah kurangnya pemahaman siswa terkait pentingnya keterampilan partisipasi sosial. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan peningkatan keterampilan partisipasi sosial siswa. Desain penelitian menggunakan penelitian tindakan kelas dengan instrument pengumpulan datanya yaitu lembar observasi, lembar tes dan lembar angket. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah kuantitatif dan kualitatif. Penelitian ini menunjukkan hasil bahwa keterampilan partisipasi sosial siswa meningkat melalui pendekatan pembelajaran kontekstual

    Kuliah Kerja Nyata sebagai Wujtid Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat yang Berimplikasi Pembentukan Kompentensi Sosial dan Kepribadian Mahasiswa

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    Beberapa Permasalahan Dalam Penganggaran Modal

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    In capital budgeting processes, there are some crucial problem related to infation and the criteria in making the decision. Among the two discounting methods, analysts may use NPV or IRR. If NPV is used in making capital investment decision, some still doubt that project having zero NPV is still a good project. In this paper we try to explore how important infation factor to be considered in capital badgeting. The fnancial professional literatures dealing with investment decisions, state in general that the net present value shows objective picture for the decision maker. The net present value shows the amount of wealth growth that have been accumulated by the investment during the life time of the project, but the investment’s internal rate of return informs the decision maker that how works the real yield of long capital investment. The NPV method is theoritically superior to the IRR method in dealing with mutually exclusive project. The Project having zero NPV is considered to be proftable. In general terms, a sound capital investment will earn its original investment and cover the cost of capital invested. In the countres with high rate of infation, the efect on capital investment can be dramatic, so that cash fow adjustment is very critical
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