148 research outputs found

    Local Wisdoms in Bengkulu Play Script “Sayembara Putri Gading Cempaka” by Agus Setiyanto

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    The purpose of this research is to describe the local wisdom in the Bengkulu play script "Sayembara Putri Gading Cempaka" by Agus Setiyanto. This study used a descriptive qualitative method with a sociological approach. The data of this research are words, sentences, and discourses in the local wisdom of the Bengkulu play script Sayembara Putri Gading Cempaka written by Agus Setiyanto. The data were collected by the read-note technique. The data collection and analysis were conducted simultaneously so that the data could be triangularly validated with the data source. The data analysis was done by the content analysis technique method. The results showed that Agus Setiyanto's Bengkulu play Sayembara Putri Gading Cempaka had various local wisdoms. The local wisdom covered tangible local wisdom; (1) taboos and obligations of a leader, (2) traditions, (3) values, (4) advice, (5) way of life, and (6) local languages


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    According to literature, a child’s request is always addressed to a specific person or group of people. To our knowledge, however, studies on language use, interactions, and social dimensions in relation to request making to an interlocutor are uncommon in the Indonesian context; therefore, we sought to describe the considerations taken by children when making requests. Forty children between the ages of 6 and 10 took part in this qualitative study. We collected data using observation and field notes. The collected data were subsequently analyzed using an interactive model. The findings indicate that the majority of children's requests are directed toward interlocutors who are classified as having an extremely close relationship. In contrast, children never make direct requests to interlocutors classified as quite distant or extremely distant. The findings also indicate that requests made to interlocutors with a higher social status than children use a particular verbal form based on the nature of the request and the implied context. In contrast to reality, requests made to interlocutors with a lower social status are more likely to be made directly. It is hoped that the findings of this study will contribute to pragmatic and speech-related theories, as well as to improvements in language education based on a communicative and contextual approach that returns language to its primary function as a tool for communication and places language learning in a meaningful context

    Pengembangan Modul Menulis Sastra Lama Berbasis Photo Story Untuk Siswa SMP

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    The problem in this research is related to the development of old story writing modules based on photo stories. The research objective is to produce a module product and describe the feasibility of the module "Practical Tips for Writing Old Literature". The research method uses seven of the ten steps in the development research procedure according to Borg and Gall. Technical data collection by observation, interview, and questionnaire distribution in three schools. The results showed 1) successfully developed the module "Practical Tips for Writing Old Literature", 2) the module's overall feasibility was declared "very feasible" by material experts, media experts, and practitioners with 94, 76, and 84 assessment scores, assessment of Indonesian language teachers obtained an average score of 91.6%, an assessment of 90 students during the extensive field test obtained an average score of 81.77%. Permasalahan dalam penelitian ini berkaitan dengan pengembangan modul menulis sastra lama berbasis photo story. Tujuan penelitian yakni menghasilkan produk modul dan mendeskripsikan kelayakan modul “Kiat Praktis Menulis Sastra Lama”. Metode penelitian menggunakan tujuh dari sepuluh langkah dalam prosedur penelitian pengembangan menurut Borg and Gall. Teknis pengumpulan data dengan observasi, wawancara, dan penyebaran angket di tiga sekolah. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan 1) berhasil dikembangkan modul “Kiat Praktis Menulis Sastra Lama”,  2) kelayakan modul secara keseluruhan dinyatakan “sangat layak” oleh ahli materi, ahli media, dan praktisi dengan persentase penilaian 84, 76, dan 94, penilaian guru bahasa Indonesia diperoleh skor rata-rata 91,6%,  penilaian 90 siswa saat uji lapangan luas diperoleh skor rata-rata sebesar 81,77% .  Kata kunci: Menulis Sastra Lama, Modul, dan Photo story 


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    This study aims to describe (1) learning plans, (2) implementation of learning, (3) assessment of learning, and (4) improvement of learning to write anecdotal texts by utilizing comic media. This study uses classroom action research design which has four stages, namely planning, implementing, observing, and reflecting. This class action research was carried out in two cycles, and each cycle consisted of three meetings. The results showed: (1) the learning plan, in the first cycle, the results of the RPP assessment were 80.38 in the good category, and in the second cycle by 94.21 in the very good category. (2) The implementation of learning, in the first cycle the assessment results of the implementation of learning amounted to 80.66 and in the second cycle amounted to 94 in the very good category. (3) The results of the assessment of writing ability in the first cycle obtained a value of 67.37 and in the second cycle obtained a value of 81.20. Penelitian ini bertujuan mendeskripsikan (1) rencana pembelajaran, (2) pelaksanaan pembelajaran, (3) penilaian pembelajaran, dan (4) peningkatan pembelajaran menulis teks anekdot dengan memanfaatkan media komik. Penelitian ini meggunakan desain penelitian tindak kelas (classroom action research) yang memiliki empat tahapan, yaitu perencanaan, pelaksanaan, pengamatan, dan refleksi. Penelitian tindak kelas ini dilaksanakan dalam dua siklus, dan tiap siklus tediri dari tiga kali pertemuan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan :(1) rencana pembelajaran, pada siklus I, hasil penilaian RPP sebesar 80,38 dalam kategori baik, dan pada siklus II sebesar 94,21 dalam kategori sangat baik. (2) Pelaksanaan pembelajaran, pada siklus I hasil penilaian pelaksanaan pembelajaran sebesar 80,66 dan pada siklus II sebesar 94 dalam kategori sangat baik. (3) Hasil penilaian kemampuan menulis pada siklus I memperoleh nilai 67,37 dan pada siklus II memperoleh nilai 81,20.Kata Kunci : kemampuan menulis, teks anekdot, komik, hasil belajar.    


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    Desa Purwosari Kapanewon Girimulyo merupakan salah satu kawasan pengembangan perkebunan teh di Kapanewon Girimulyo Kabupaten Kulon Progo, D.I.Yogyakarta. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui karakteristik lahan, mengevaluasi dan memetakan tingkat kesesuaian lahan untuk tanaman teh di Desa Purwosari, Kapanewon Girimulyo, Kabupaten Kulon Progo, D.I.Yogyakarta. Penelitian menggunakan metode survey untuk mengetahui kondisi wilayah, metode purposive sampling untuk penentuan titik sampel berdasarkan Peta Sistem Lahan yang dibuat dengan overlay peta jenis tanah, peta tata guna lahan dan peta kemiringan lereng. Analisis kesesuaian lahan dilakukan dengan metode pembandingan (matching) karakteristik lahan dengan kriteria kesesuaian lahan. Parameter penelitian meliputi temperatur rerata, curah hujan, kelembaban, lama masa kering, drainase, tekstur, bahan kasar, kedalaman tanah, KPK tanah, kejenuhan basa, pH H2O, C-organik, N-Total, P2O5, K2O, kemiringan lereng, bahaya erosi, genangan, batuan permukaan, dan singkapan batuan. Karakteristik lahan diperoleh temperature rerata 21,5-24,2oC, curah hujan 2,087,9 mm/tahun, kelembaban udara 78% dan masa kering 4,5 bulan. Drainase tanah baik, tekstur tanah agak halus sampai kasar, bahan kasar sedikit sampai banyak, KPK tanahnya rendah dengan kejenuhan basa sangat rendah sampai sedang, pH tanah 5,3-7,2, C-Organik tanah sangat rendah sampai tinggi, N-Total tanah tinggi sampai sangat tinggi, kadar P2O5 sangat rendah sampai sangat tinggi dan kadar K2O sangat rendah. Bahaya erosinya sangat ringan dan tidak ada bahaya banjir. Batuan permukaan dan singkapan batuan hampir tidak ada. Hasil penilaian kesesuaian lahan dari total luas 459,947 Ha untuk tanaman teh menghasilkan kelas kesesuaian lahan S3wa (Marginal Suitable water availability) 36,11% dan S3warc (Marginal Suitable water availability, root condition) 13,64%

    Attitude and Motivation in Learning a Local Language

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    Some studies have been conducted to relate motivation with second /foreign language learning. Belmechri and Hummel (1988) introduced intensity and desire in exploring motivation in the acquisition of a second language. In some studies motivation was classified into integrative and instrumental (Gardner and Lambert, 1972; Ely, 1986; Oxford and Shearin, 1994; and Sung and Padila, 1998), while some other studies motivation was classified into extrinsic and intrinsic (Dornyei (1994; Ramage, 1990; and Noels et al. 1999). Unlike the concept of motivation introduced by Oller et al.(1977 and Spolsky ( 1969), who did not separate attitude from motivation in language learning motivation in language learning in the study is separated from attitude. This study attempted to investigate how individual differences with regard to attitude and motivation are correlated in language learning. The participants in this study consisted of 75 students of a university in Indonesia who have been learning Lampungese language, a local language, since Elementary School. The data of attitude and motivation, which were collected through questionnaires, were analyzed by undertaking correlation analyses. The findings show that attitude and motivation was significantly correlated. The pedagogical implications were also provided in this study


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    This research aimed to describe the use of deiksis in Mimpi Anak Pulau novel by Abidah El Khalieqy and its implication toward Bahasa language learning at Senior High School. The source of this research was the Mimpi Anak Pulau novel by Abidah El Khalieqy. The research design that was used in this research was qualitative descriptive. Based on the data analysis, it was found that there were deiksis of person, deiksis of space, and deiksis of time. The research result showed that the deiksis occurred when its reference moved in accordance with the person, time, and place of words were uttered. The investigation of deiksis in this research was implicated toward Bahasa language learning at Senior High School grade XI, in learning writing short story text.Penelitian ini bertujuan mendeskripsikan pemakaian deiksis dalam novel Mimpi Anak Pulau karya Abidah El Khalieqy dan implikasinya terhadap pembelajaran bahasa Indonesia di SMA. Sumber data penelitian ini adalah novel Mimpi Anak Pulau karya Abidah El Khalieqy. Desain penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kualitatif. Berdasarkan hasil analisis data, ditemukan data berupa deiksis persona, deiksis ruang, dan deiksis waktu. Hasil penelitian menunjukan kedeiksisan terjadi apabila referensinya berpindah-pindah bergantung orang, waktu, dan tempat kata tersebut dituturkan. Kajian deiksis dalam penelitian ini diimplikasikan terhadap pembelajaran bahasa Indonesia di SMA kelas XI, pada pembelajaran menulis teks cerpen.Kata kunci: deiksis, implikasi, novel


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    The research objective to be achieved in the study were (1) to describe the process of writing text pembelajan exposition and knowing improving student learning outcomes in the text exposition through the method of assignment in class X SMK Negeri 1 Bandar Lampung via the method of assignment of the school year 2015/2016. This research was Classroom Action Research (PTK) with qualitative descriptive technique. The results of this study prove that the text writing skills exposition in class X of Office Administration 3 SMK Negeri 1 Bandar Lampung increased after learning to write text exposition through the method of administration tasks.Tujuan penelitian yang ingin dicapai dalam penelitian adalah (1) mendeskripsikan proses pembelajan menulis teks eksposisi dan mengetahui peningkatan hasil belajar siswa dalam menulis teks eksposisi melalui metode pemberian tugas pada siswa kelas X SMK Negeri 1 Bandar Lampung melalui metode pemberian tugas tahun pelajaran 2015/2016. Penelitian ini berjenis Penelitian Tindakan Kelas (PTK) dengan teknik deskriptif kualitatif. Hasil dari penelitian ini membuktikan bahwa keterampilan menulis teks eksposisi pada siswa kelas X Administrasi Perkantoran.3 SMK Negeri 1 Bandar Lampung mengalami peningkatan setelah dilakukan pembelajaran menulis teks eksposisi melalui metode pemberian tugas.Kata kunci: peningkatan, menulis teks eksposisi, metode pemberian tugas