507 research outputs found

    Aplikasi Pestisida Biorasional Agonal 866 Untuk Mengendalikan Hama Dan Penyakit Bawang Merah

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    . Hadisoeganda, A.Widjaja, W. 2008. Application of Biorational Pesticide to Control Pests and Diseases of Shallot. Research concerning biorational and synthetic pesticides was conducted in order to reduce the overuse of synthetic pesticide on shallot cultivation. The experiment was carried out at farmer's field in Rancaekek (elevation 650 m asl) Bandung District, from December 2001 until March 2002. The experiment was laid in a randomized block design, replicated 4 times. The treatments were application of biorational pesticide Agonal 866 and synthetic pesticide, either applied singly or alternately to control the most important pests and diseases of shallot. Biorational pesticide Agonal 866 is simply mixture of the crude extract of A. indica (8 parts) + A. nardus (6 parts) + A. galanga (6 parts), and the synthetic pesticide was a mixture of Pirethroid 25 EC and Propineb 70 WP 0.2%. The results of the experiment indicated that biorational pesticide Agonal 866 either applied singly or alternately with synthetic pesticide was as effective as synthetic pesticide in controlling purple blotch diseases caused by A. porri as well as harmful insect S. exigua. These evident strongly gave indication that biorational pesticide Agonal 866 could replace synthetic pesticide Pirethroid 25 EC and Propineb 70 WP in controlling A. porri and S. exigua on shallot in order to overcome the overuse of synthetic pesticide

    Analisis Pengaruh Kepemilikan Manajerial, Kebijakan Utang, dan Pertumbuhan Perusahaan terhadap Kebijakan Dividen pada Perusahaan Manufaktur yang Terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia Tahun 2009, 2010, dan 2011

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    This study aims to examine factors that affect company's dividend policy. Factors examined in this study are the managerial ownership, debt policy, and the company's growth. This study used a sample of 32 Indonesia Public  companies and who pay dividends during the years 2009 through 2011. The result showed that there is a significance and positive difference on the dividend policy of the company that owns and has no managerial ownership. It can be concluded that there are a negative effect of debt policy on dividend policy, while the company's growth variable has no significant effect on dividend policy

    Analisis Penerimaan Spreadsheet Method untuk Penyusunan Laporan Keuangan oleh Mahasiswa (Studi Kasus pada Mahasiswa Akuntansi Feb Unika Atma Jaya Jakarta)

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    The Introduction to Accounting is main course that must be taken by the economics students. However, the content of the subject was delivered manually, on the other hand in the information technology era the teaching methods for subject can be performed using computerized system for example by using a spreadsheet method. By using the formula, worksheets can be connected each other. The aim of this study is to analyze the level of student acceptance in using spreadsheet method. This is experimental research method on 83 economics students and accompanied by online questionnaires before and after training. Question item questionnaire was prepared based on Technology Acceptance Model. The results of the paired t-test indicate that student perception  is changing as well as there is a positive student acceptance in using spreadsheet for prepare accounting statemen

    Strength and Stiffness Calculation Procedures for Composite Slabs

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    Two procedures for calculating the strength and stiffness of composite slabs based on a partial interaction model are introduced. The procedures rely on elemental test results for interfacial and end-anchorage behavior, and thus offer an alternate solution to the m and k method that relies heavily on full scale slab tests. Strength calculations made using the new procedures along with calculations from the Steel Deck Institute procedure are compared to a series of full size composite slab test results

    Impact of Online to Offline (O2O) Commerce Service Quality and Brand Image on Customer Satisfaction and Repeat Purchase Intention

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    Nowadays, e-commerce has been dominating trade business. Even O2O (online to offline) approach has lately been developed, which enables online order service while pick up can be made offline. The purpose of this research is to discover and analyse if there is any impact of O2O commerce service quality and brand image on customer satisfaction and repeat purchase intention of O2O commerce customers as provided by www.Mataharimall.com. In order to reach the purpose of this research, a research method was developed along with relevant hypotheses, which were analysed using path analysis technique. Data collection was conducted using research instrument in the form of questionnaire, which contains all research variables and indicators. Selected respondents are customers with shopping experience using O2O commerce facility. Sample was taken using purposive sampling technique. Result of hypotheses testing indicated that all hypotheses are accepted

    A case study on developing a teacher\u27s capacity in mathematical modelling

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    Research has indicated that for teachers to facilitate mathematical modelling activities in the mathematics classroom, they need to be familiar with the process of mathematical modelling. As such, it is imperative that teachers experience the whole mathematical modelling process. This paper reports on a Multi-tiered Teaching Experiment designed to help a teacher develop his capacity in the domain of mathematical modelling. Drawing on part of a larger case-based study conducted using Design Research phases situated within the Multi-tiered Teaching Experiment framework, the purpose of this paper is to exemplify how the research design fostered growth in teacher capacity through the natural development of critical moments of learning by the teacher during interactions between the researchers and the teacher-modeller himself. The potential of the Multi-tiered Teaching Experiment as a useful non-prescriptive teacher development approach building upon the existing repertoire of individual teachers will be discussed

    Pengaruh Mikoriza, Media Tanam Dan Fase Transplant Terhadap Pertumbuhan Bibit Jelutung (Dyera Costulata (Miq.) Hook.f)

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    Dyera costulata, usually called as jelutung is belonging into Apocynaceae family.This plant is a potential plant species that has good prospect, especially for timberand latex production. However the seedling grows slowly. The experiment wascarried out in greenhouse, Treub Laboratory, Botani Division, Centre Research forBiology-LIPI, Bogor, using a Factorial Completely Randomized Design with treemain factors in five replications. The first factor is phase of transplant i.e. seedlingwith closed cotyledon, seedling with opened cotyledon, seedling with two firstleaves. The second factor is growth medias i.e. soil, soil+compost (1:1), soil+huskof rice (1:1), soil+compost+ soil+husk of rice (1:1:1), compost+ soil+husk of rice(1:1). The third factor is mycorrhiza i.e. 0, 2, 4 and 6 g/pot The result showed thatthe transplant phase had significant effect on the seedling growth. The best oftransplant phase is seedling with two leaves which has 100% survival, seedlingheight 8.57 cm and number of leaves 5.07 . Mycorrhiza treatment no significanteffect on the seedling growth until 5 months after planting. Growth medias hadsignificant effect at number of leaves. Therefore it is recommended the best mediafor seedling growth are are of soil+ soil+husk of rice (1:1) , or soil+compost + huskof rice = 1:1:1. There was no interaction effect of transplant phase, mycorrhizaand growth media

    Analisis Kuantitatif Asam Lemak Tak Jenuhpada Virgin Coconut Oil (Vco) yang Dibuat dengan Penambahan Sari Getah Buah Pepaya (Carica Papaya L.)

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    Minyak kelapa murni (VCO) merupakan minyak kelapa yang dapat dibuat melalui proses enzimatik. Dengan proses pembuatan yang baik, VCO yang dihasilkan cuku stabil (tidak mudah tengik). Kandunganasam lemak tak jenuhyang terdapat dalam minyak rentan terhadap oksidasi yang dapat menyebabkan ketengikan minyak. Kualitas dari VCO yang dihasilkan, termasuk kandungan asam lemak tak jenuhnya, sangat tergantung pada metode pembuatan yang digunakan. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui pengaruh variasi rasio sari getah buah pepaya yang digunakanterhadap kualitas minyak yang dihasilkan, dilihat dari kadar asam lemak tak jenuh yang terkandung dengan metode GC-FID. Dilakukan pembuatan VCO dengan menggunakan sari getah buah pepaya sebagai sumber enzim dengan variasi rasio sari getah pepaya terhadap krim santan (0,5:1; 1:1; dan 2:1). Ekstraksi sari getah buah pepaya dilakukan dengan menggunakan dapar fosfat pH 7. Kandungan asam oleat dan asam linoleatnya dengan GC-FID (kolom RTX®-WAX (30 m x 0,25 mm, dengan ketebalan 0,25 ?m)). Diperoleh kadar asam oleat dalam VCO yang dibuat dengan variasi rasio jumlah sari getah buah pepaya terhadap krim santan 0,5:1 sebesar 2,14 ± 0,225%; rasio 1:1 sebesar 1,81 ± 0,136%; rasio 2:1 sebesar 1,53 ± 0,061%. Kadar linoleat dalam VCO variasi rasio 0,5:1 sebesar 0,45 ± 0,062%; variasi rasio 1:1 sebesar 0,44 ± 0,039%; dan variasi rasio 2:1 sebesar 0,42 ± 0,016%.Validasi akurasi, presisi, linieritas dan rentang memenuhi persyaratan. Batas deteksi diperoleh sebesar 0,02 µg (asam oleat) dan 0,007 µg (asam linoleat). Batas kuantifikasi diperoleh sebesar 0,09 µg (asam oleat) dan 0,02 µg (asam linoleat)
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