7 research outputs found

    Inventarisasi Sarana dan Prasarana, Daya Tarik Wisata Kabupaten Barru dengan Pemodelan Sistem Informasi Geografis

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    Penelitian ini untuk mengidentifikasi, mengelompokkan dan memetakan sarana dan prasarana daya tarik wisata di Kabupaten Barru. Teknik pengumpulan data dengan survey, wawancara, dokumentasi dan kajian referensi. Data sekunder diperoleh dari Portal Geospasial Indonesia, Dinas Pariwisata dan Badan Pusat Statistik Kabupaten Barru. Teknik analisis data dengan analisis spasial menggunakan Sistem Informasi Geografis. Penyajian data menggunakan deskriptif kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Daya Tarik Wisata (DTW) Kabupaten Barru terdiri dari Alam, Budaya, Sejarah, Bahari dan Buatan.  Zona 1 (Kecamatan Mallusetasi dan Soppeng Riaja) terdapat 10 DTW; Zona 2 (Kecamatan Balusu dan Kecamatan Barru) terdapat 12 DTW; Zona 3 (Kecamatan Tanete Rilau, Kecamatan Tanete Riaja dan Kecamatan Pujananting) terdapat 17 DTW. Inventarisasi Sarana dan Prasarara, Daya Tarik Wisata Kabupaten Barru berupa data atribut dan data spasial. Rekomendasi hasil temuan diintegrasikan dengan aplikasi android berupa Sistem Informasi serta website resmi Dinas Pariwisata Kabupaten Barru, sehingga dapat diakses oleh publik

    Use of Local Culinary to Support Marine Tourism on Mampie Beach Polewali Mandar, Indonesia

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    Maritime tourism is synonymous with natural beauty, but its culinary riches are often overlooked, even though local cuisine can be a significant tourist attraction, such as at Mampie Beach, whose potential is hidden and neglected amidst the post-COVID-19 crisis. The research method used is a qualitative approach with data collection techniques using interviews, documentation and observation, then analyzed using qualitative descriptive analysis techniques. The research results show much culinary potential, mainly traditional foods such as Baye/Golla Kambu, Kasippi, Coklat Macoa, and Co'ri. as products that can be marketed or sold in the Mampie Beach marine tourism area. However, the lack of awareness and initiative of the community, tourism managers, and local government means that the culinary potential of these traditional foods cannot support the marine tourism of Mampie Beach, so it cannot impact tourism recovery after the COVID-19 pandemic. Therefore, several strategies need to be implemented involving the community, tourism managers and local government to optimize the existing culinary potential: First, holding regular thematic culinary events, where local traders can promote and sell their traditional dishes; Second, establishing partnerships with local businesses such as restaurants, food stalls and local food producers to introduce and serve regional specialties at tourist attractions, and Third, carry out culinary tours and cooking courses, where tourists can learn about local culinary culture while enjoying authentic dishes served by local peopl

    Use of Local Culinary to Support Marine Tourism on Mampie Beach Polewali Mandar, Indonesia

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    Maritime tourism is synonymous with natural beauty, but its culinary riches are often overlooked, even though local cuisine can be a significant tourist attraction, such as at Mampie Beach, whose potential is hidden and neglected amidst the post-COVID-19 crisis. The research method used is a qualitative approach with data collection techniques using interviews, documentation and observation, then analyzed using qualitative descriptive analysis techniques. The research results show much culinary potential, mainly traditional foods such as Baye/Golla Kambu, Kasippi, Coklat Macoa, and Co'ri. as products that can be marketed or sold in the Mampie Beach marine tourism area. However, the lack of awareness and initiative of the community, tourism managers, and local government means that the culinary potential of these traditional foods cannot support the marine tourism of Mampie Beach, so it cannot impact tourism recovery after the COVID-19 pandemic. Therefore, several strategies need to be implemented involving the community, tourism managers and local government to optimize the existing culinary potential: First, holding regular thematic culinary events, where local traders can promote and sell their traditional dishes; Second, establishing partnerships with local businesses such as restaurants, food stalls and local food producers to introduce and serve regional specialties at tourist attractions, and Third, carry out culinary tours and cooking courses, where tourists can learn about local culinary culture while enjoying authentic dishes served by local peopl

    Penataan Ruang Wilayah Pesisir Sebagai Upaya Mitigasi Bencana Tsunami Di Pantai Watu Pecak Kabupaten Lumajang

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    Spatial planning for coastal areas is a logical effort that can be done in tsunami disaster mitigation. Including the management of the coastal area of Watu Pecak, Lumajang district which has the potential to be hit by the disaster. The purpose of this study was to map the ideal spatial arrangement in the Watu Pecak beach area, Lumajang Regency, East Java as an effort to mitigate the tsunami disaster. The research was conducted in July-August 2021. This study uses a qualitative method with a descriptive approach. The data collection was done through observation, in-depth interviews, and documentation. Data analysis was carried out with the help of geogle earth image interpretation, then the identification results were reviewed descriptively along with the results of surveys, interviews, and other secondary sources. The research findings explain that the spatial planning of the Watu Pecak coastal area needs to be done. Spatial planning recommendations that urgently need to be implemented for tsunami mitigation include planting mangroves as a green belt, constructing a coastal embankment (breakwater), improving the position and relocation of settlement, as well as developing an early warning system and to complete coastal sign system

    Tourism Business Sustainability Analysis in the Post-Pandemic Era: A Systematic Literature Review

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    Tourism is one of the areas that has undergone a recovery during the post-pandemic period. However, numerous factors must be considered before this industry can recover from the epidemic that has led tourism to decline globally. This is a crucial question for tourist stakeholders in post-pandemic times. Post-pandemic tourism faced several obstacles in practically all nations, and local governments handled them in different ways. Many experts began writing about tourism's sustainability during and after the pandemic. Based on this, a literature evaluation is required that carefully filters and examines the post-pandemic sustainability of tourism. The results of the review can answer the research questions: whether the right and feasible policies or strategies are implemented in the post-pandemic period for tourism industry players; and what technology is most suitable for tourism sustainability in the post-pandemic period. To answer these questions, a literature review on the topic of tourist sustainability in the post-pandemic period was conducted. The PRISMA approach was used in this study's literature review to attain this purpose. The initial selection was made using Scopus, Proquest, Emerald and Semantic Scholar databases resulting in a total of 386 articles since 2020 based on articles that have been applied filtering and screening processes; they can be categorized into four article topics, namely: Case Study, Conceptual, Strategy and Technology. The findings of the article review that PRISMA can be utilized. For the first question about policies and strategies, synergy and cooperation between components within the penta helix are required before defining tourism-related policies. To ensure tourist sustainability after the crisis phase, it is vital to generate optimism and excitement among tourism industry participants and local residents. Concerning the second research subject, the filtering study lacks research using methods other than those in the trend, such as MCDM or candlestick charts. Future studies can utilise past research. So the distance between research results and actual market conditions can be overcome; if the gap is crossed, the study's conclusions can be employed empirically in stock trading, not just on paper

    Policy Analysis of Cleanliness, Health, Safety, and Environmental Sustainable (CHSE) in Restaurant Service Business in Pare Pare City - South Sulawesi Province

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    This study aims to determine the implementation of government policies and determine the perception of tourism business actors with the government's policy regarding the CHSE program during the pandemic period in the city of Parepare. This research is a type of qualitative research, with data collection techniques using interviews, documentation and triangulation. Using a research instrument, namely interview guidelines. The data were analyzed using qualitative descriptive analysis techniques, through the stages of data reduction, data presentation and drawing conclusions. The results of the study indicate that implementation of government policies regarding the CHSE program during the pandemic in the city of Pare-Pare has not been carried out properly and optimally so that this makes tourism service business actors learn and find out for themselves about the CHSE program, restaurant service business actors in particular, only following the recommendations of health protocols, this is due to the lack of socialization and coordination provided by the government. The perception of tourism business actors with the government's policy on the CHSE Program raises good and positive things, but because there is no socialization about policies This makes restaurant service business actors and guests or consumers have different perceptions and positive and negative views, the existence of government policies regarding the CHSE Program is not well known by restaurant service businesses and the public so they choose to find out for themselves. and practice it yourself