84 research outputs found
Studi Tentang Pembelajaran Program Pendidikan Kesetaraan Paket B di Pkbm Handayani Desa Tanjuang Bungo Kecamatan Suliki Kabupaten 50 Kota
Abstrack : This study aims to determine equivalency education program learningpackages in PKBM Handayani Village Tanjuang Suliki Bungo District 50 District of theCity. This study was conducted Tanjuang Bungo village. This type of research isdescriptive qualitative research in the form of informant as much as 6 people. Dataobtained through observation, documentation, and interviews, and analyzed usingtriangulation techniques. The results showed the learning process in educationalequality in PKBM Handayani package is still not good
Detection of chloramphenicol residue in bovine meat using Liquid Chromatography Mass Spectrometry
Chloramphenicol (CAP) is a broad spectrum antibiotic that has been banned in many countries due to its serius side effect to human. Detection of CAP residue in food has been determined to a minimum required performance limit (MRPL) of 0.3 ng/g. The purpose of this research was to conduct the analysis of CAP residue in bovine meat by using LCMS and to study the presence of CAP residue in marketed bovine meat samples. LC separation was done on a Shimpack column C18 with ammonium acetate 10 mM/water as mobile phase, and ESI-MS analysis in negative ion mode. The coefficient of determination, R2 = 0.9981 at concentration of 0.125, 0.25, 0.63, 1,00 and 2.00 ng/g. Recovery at three fortification levels (0.25, 0.50 and 1.00 ng/g) was in the range 77.5, 97.3 and 83.4%. The decision limit and the detection capability were 0.15 ng/g and 0.17 ng/g respectively. Analysis results of 52 marketed samples showed that CAP residue were detected in 9 samples in the concentration range of 0.14 to 2.70 ng/g and 6 among those positive samples were above the MRPL value. Therefore, it is important to increase the awareness and also to monitor regularly CAP residues in food originated from animal to provide safe food for the consumers. Key Words: Chloramphenicol, Residue, LCMS, Bovine Mea
Detection of Oxytetracycline in Broiler Chicken Meat Marketed in Several Cities in Java Island Using Enzyme-linked Immunosorbent Assay (Elisa) Method
Oxytetracycline (OTC) is one of the tetracycline (TCs) broad-spectrum antibiotics widely used inthe chicken industry. However, improper use of OTC with excessive doses potentially leads to residueformation in animal products that can be harmful to consumers in the form of allergic reaction orresistance. This study aimed to detect OTC residues in broiler chicken meat, marketed in traditionalmarkets and supermarkets in Depok, Bekasi, Bandung, Cilegon, Surakarta and Yogyakarta using indirectcompetitive enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (icELISA) method. The analyses of 67 broiler meatsamples showed only 1 (1.5%) sample was positive for the OTC residue at 86.1 ng/g which meant belowthe maximum residue limits of permissible OTC (100 ng/g). Nevertheless, a stricter regulation for theuse of OTC in the poultry industry and the monitoring of its residue in chicken products prior tomarketing is still necessary to avoid the adverse effects of the residue present in animal products
Sikap Orang Tua terhadap Anak yang Tidak Melanjutkan Pendidikan Kejenjang yang Lebih Tinggi di Desa Bedeng Sikuran Kecamatan Inuman Kabupaten Kuantan Singingi
Abstrack: The problem in this research is: What is the attitude of parents of children who do not continue their education to a higher level. This study aims: To determine the attitude of parents of children who do not continue their education to a higher level. This research is deskrpitif with a quantitative approach, this method aims to provide a systematic overview of the state of the ongoing research on the object of the attitude of parents of children who do not melanjuttkan education to a higher level. Where the research is in the village of the District Inuman Bedeng Sikuran. The population in this study were parents in the village of the District Sikuran Bedeng Inuman, which amounted to 110 people, while a sample of 52 parents. The results showed that: Attitudes Parents of children who do not continue education to a higher level classified as Good. It is proved from the results of recapitulation of data, namely: 1.Komponen Cognitive respondents agreed amounted to 44.15%. 2. Affective component respondents saying Agree at 48.67% 3. Component Conative respondents agreed amounted to 45.05%
Analisis Faktor-faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Prestasi Belajar Akuntansi
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi prestasi belajar akuntansi siswa kelas XI IPS SMA Negeri 1 Malang dan faktor yang paling dominan dalam mempengaruhi prestasi belajar akuntansi siswa. Penelitian ini dilakukan di SMA Negeri 1 Malang, dan subjek penelitiannya adalah siswa kelas XI IPS SMA Negeri 1 Malang tahun ajaran 2012/2013. Jenis penelitian ini adalah deskriptif dan instrumen yang digunakan berupa kuisioner dan dokumentansi sedangkan teknik analisis datanya menggunakan Pearson Product Moment untuk uji validitas, Alpha Cronbanch untuk uji reliabilitas, dan analisis faktor menggunakan SPSS 16 for window untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi prestasi belajar akuntansi. Dari hasil analisis data diketahui bahwa faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi prestasi belajar akuntansi siswa yaitu motivasi, lingkungan sosial yang terdiri dari relasi antaranggota keluarga dan relasi siswa dengan siswa, psikologi yang terdiri dari EQ, kebiasaan belajar, perhatian, modernitas individu, sikap dan kesiapan serta faktor I
Sintesis Zeolit-A Dari Abu Dasar Batubara Dengan Pemisahan Fe Dan Ca
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mensintesis zeolit-A dari abu dasar dengan pemisahan kandungan Fe dan Ca sebelum dilakukan peleburan. Zeolit-A disintesis menggunakan ekstrak yang dihasilkan melalui metode peleburan abu dasar pada suhu 750oC dalam atmosfer udara yang diikuti proses hidrotermal pada suhu 100°C selama 12 jam. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa kristalinitas zeolit-A dengan pemisahan Fe dan Ca sebesar 88,64% dengan tingkat kemurnian yang lebih besar, sementara pada zeolit-A tanpa pemisahan Fe dan Ca yang telah dilaporkan pada penelitian sebelumnya didapatkan kristalinitas sebesar 84,19% dengan tingkat kemurnian yang lebih rendah
Pemetaan Kemiskinan Kabupaten/kota di Provinsi Jawa Tengah Tahun 2002 dan 2010 Menggunakan Analisis Klaster
Poverty is the problems from year to year included in the list of national strategic research. Many efforts have been conducted to poverty alleviation. Poverty alleviation who has done by government tending to make poor people become increasingly depending on the aid by foreign parties and not right on the target. To support the success of the program poverty alleviation in the Province of Central Java required a research that can classify distric that had the characteristic of poverty that nearly equal to or homogeny. This research grouping district in the Province of Central Java to 6 clusters based on a indicator poverty by using analysis cluster. The variable that is used to classify district in Central Java are 15 variables which is an indicator of poverty. The result showed that the division of a cluster 6, the region of the poorest are in a cluster 4 and in each cluster can be known which variables are the most dominant influence poverty a distric in Central Java. Then when compared between 2002 and 2010 can be known that occur distinction members of each cluster because a district changes during the period of 8 years
Pengaruh Perlakuan Uap Air Panas dengan Sistem Pemanasan Terbuka terhadap Kesehatan dan Viabilitas Benih Jagung
The existence of seed-borne fungi could degrade the seed quality in its viability and may cause disease after planting. The aim of this research was to know the hot vapor treatment effectiveness in controlling that fungal disease and its influence to the viability of corn seed. The treatment effectiveness was measured based on the reduction of the fungal growth and sporulation on Potato DextroseAgar (PDA), the fungal infection on seed, and not reduced the seed viability significantly after treatment. Hot vapor treatment was done in 50°C, 60°C, and 70°C temperature for 20 minutes and a control. The temperature treatments cover 5 minutes of antecedent treatment in the form of appliance warm-up until the target temperature obtained, 10 minutes in the treatment drum and 5 minutes for resting time while the faucet is being shut down but the exhaust fan remain to be opened. Result of the research show that in vitro test of hot water vapor on 60oC and 70oC killed Aspergillus flavus, A. Niger, Fusarium sp., and Penicillium sp. isolates. Both of the temperatures reduced the corn seed viability significantly. Infection of A. flavus still dominant in corn seed after treated on the three temperatures.The hot vapor treatment with 50oC is good for seed treatment of 408.9 g corn seed although the seed had been stored for about 9 months. Adanya jamur terbawa benih dapat menurunkan viabilitas dan kemungkinan dapat menimbulkan penyakit setelah benih ditanam di lapangan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui keefektifan perlakuan uap air panas untuk mengendalikan jamur terbawa benih dan pengaruhnya terhadap viabilitas benih jagung. Keefektifan perlakuan diukur berdasarkan kekuatan mereduksi pertumbuhan koloni dan sporulasi jamur yang ditumbuhkan pada medium Potato Dextrose Agar (PDA), tingkat infeksi jamur pada biji dan tidak menurunkan viabilitas biji. Perlakuan ini menggunakan suhu 50o C, 60o C, dan 70o C selama 20 menit serta tanpa perlakuan sebagai kontrol. Lama perlakuan meliputi 5 menit perlakuan pendahuluan berupa pemanasan awal sampai suhu yang diinginkan, 10 menit untuk pemanasan drum perlakuan, dan 5 menit waktu istirahat yaitu kran uap air dimatikan tetapi kipas exhaust tetap dihidupkan. Hasil penelitian in vitro menunjukkan bahwa perlakuan uap air panas bersuhu 60o C dan 70o C mematikan isolat Aspergillus flavus, A. Niger, Fusarium sp. dan Penicillium sp. Kedua suhu tersebut menurunkan viabilitas benih jagung secara nyata. Infeksi A. flavus masih dominan dalam benih jagung walaupun telah diperlakukan dengan ketiga macam suhu uap air panas. Perlakuan uap air panas bersuhu 50o C pada benih jagung sebanyak 408,9 g dapat dipilih sebagai perlakuan yang baik untuk benih jagung walaupun telah disimpan sekitar 9 bula
Healthcare Quality and Justice Quality: Its Effects on Patient Satisfaction in the National Health Insurance Era
The purpose of this article is to explain the model of healthcare quality which consists of interaction, physical environment, outcomes, and justice quality associated with patient satisfaction by considering the patient’s health condition before and after hospital treatment. The authors aim to examine the effect of healthcare quality (interaction, physical environment, outcome, and justice quality) on the patient satisfaction which is moderated by health conditions. Data were collected using a questionnaire with patients or patients’ families as respondents in three Regional Public Hospitals in East Java, Indonesia. The proposed research model consists of six constructs. They represent healthcare quality as follows: interaction quality (five variables); physical environment quality (four variables); outcome quality (three variables) and justice quality (six variables). There is also one construct that represents the patient’s health condition (two variables – health conditions before and after treatment). Finally, there is one construct that represents patient’s satisfaction (six variables). Testing the hypothesis model of this study used structural equation modeling (SEM) with the WarpPLS approach. The results of SEM analysis with the WarpPLS approach show that the goodness of fit statistics supported the model of healthcare quality-health conditions-patient’s satisfaction. The results of hypothesis testing found that quality of physical environment, quality of outcomes, quality of justice were proven as constructs that could predict patient’s satisfaction. Another important finding is the construct of health conditions proved to be a moderator on the effect of justice quality on patient’s satisfaction.
Keywords: healthcare, health condition, patient’s satisfaction, East Java, Indonesi
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