21 research outputs found

    Financial crises and the attainment of the SDGs: an adjusted multidimensional poverty approach

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    This paper analyses the impact of financial crises on the Sustainable Development Goal of eradicating poverty. To do so, we develop an adjusted Multidimensional Poverty Framework (MPF) that includes 15 indicators that span across key poverty aspects related to income, basic needs, health, education and the environment. We then use an econometric model that allows us to examine the impact of financial crises on these indicators in 150 countries over the period 1980–2015. Our analysis produces new estimates on the impact of financial crises on poverty’s multiple social, economic and environmental aspects and equally important captures dynamic linkages between these aspects. Thus, we offer a better understanding of the potential impact of current debt dynamics on Multidimensional Poverty and demonstrate the need to move beyond the boundaries of SDG1, if we are to meet the target of eradicating poverty. Our results indicate that the current financial distress experienced by many low-income countries may reverse the progress that has been made hitherto in reducing poverty. We find that financial crises are associated with an approximately 10% increase of extreme poor in low-income countries. The impact is even stronger in some other poverty aspects. For instance, crises are associated with an average decrease of government spending in education by 17.72% in low-income countries. The dynamic linkages between most of the Multidimensional Poverty indicators, warn of a negative domino effect on a number of SDGs related to poverty, if there is a financial crisis shock. To pre-empt such a domino effect, the specific SDG target 17.4 on attaining long-term debt sustainability through coordinated policies plays a key role and requires urgent attention by the international community

    Penjejakan Wajah secara Waktu Nyata Menggunakan Jaringan Syaraf Tiruan Fbr

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    Jaringan syaraf tiruan fungsi basis radial adalah sebuah model dari arsitektur jaringan yang telahdiaplikasikan secara luas. Banyak peneliti menggunakan jaringan FBR sebagai metode mereka untukmengembangkan sistem pengenalan wajah. Keuntungan menggunakan FBR ini adalah perhitunganyang sederhana dan secara keseluruhan sangat tahan, artinya dalam kondisi Perubahan apapun baikorientasi, skala, pose maupun pencahayaan, kinerja dari jaringan FBR tidak menurun secara drastis,sehingga dapat digunakan untuk mendeteksi wajah secara waktu nyata.Masalah utama daripenjejakan wajah yang digunakan dalam lingkungan waktu nyata adafah kecepatan proses, ketelitianperhitungan serta ketepatan penjejakan wajah. Sistem penjejak wajah ini digunakan pada objek yangbergerak dengan posisi wajah menghadap ke depan dan ke samping. Pene/itian ini menggunakanmaksima/ 3 orang sebagai objek pendeteksian dari sistem. Metode utama yang digunakan adalahmetode jaringan syaraf tiruan fungsi basis radial

    Understanding Delegated Legislation in The Natural Resources Sector

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    The formation of statutory regulations is based on the authority to form. The formation of delegated regulations can originate from orders or authority. In the P3 Law, it is stated that delegated regulation is not only limited to (or “there is a space for delegated regulations other than “) Government Regulations, Presidential Regulations, and Regional Regulations, so it becomes hyper-regulation. This happens in laws and regulations in the field of natural resource management. This article aims to explain the condition of existing delegated regulation in the field of natural resources and its impact on the use of natural resources. The results of this research show that the position and types of delegated regulation in the field of natural resources are not only in the form of Presidential Regulations, Government Regulations, Ministerial Regulations, and Regional Regulations but also delegated legislation regulated in Article 8 of the P3 Law, which is not small in number The implications of delegated legislation can provide technically detailed implementing regulations down to the lowest level institutions/institutions. However, delegation not explicitly limited by the delegation criteria causes hyper-regulation by the executive agency through its functional authority. Apart from that, it opens space for unsynchronization between the substance of higher regulations and delegated regulations, thereby causing ineffective use of natural resources. This study recommends that changes be made to the Law on the Establishment of Laws and Regulations, especially concerning its hierarchy

    The Hierarchical Model of Delegated Legislation in Indonesia

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    In a democratic rule of law like Indonesia, delegated legislation emerges as a necessity. Unfortunately, Article 8, paragraph (1) of Law Number 12 of 2011 concerning the Establishment of Laws and Regulations, in conjunction with Law Number 13 of 2022 concerning the Second Amendment to Law Number 12 of 2011, fails to articulate a clear hierarchy of delegated regulations. Employing a juridical-normative research approach encompassing statutory, historical, and conceptual dimensions, this study sheds light on the prevailing legal vacuum. The research reveals that a staggering 24,052 regulations at the level of Ministries, Agencies, and State Institutions run the risk of overlapping and becoming subject to judicial review in the Supreme Court. The definition of Delegated Legislations in Indonesia, as interpreted herein, is confined to regulations whose legal construction is executed by the executive, as long as formal legal norms continue to confer the authority of delegation in the legislative domain to implement superior regulations. This paper identifies three distinct models governing the structuring of Delegated Legislations within the hierarchy of laws and regulations in Indonesia. These models include the Hierarchical model based on the legal foundation of institution formation, the Hierarchical model based on the position of the institution, and the Hierarchical model based on the source of delegated authority in forming rules. This nuanced exploration seeks to address the complexities surrounding delegated legislation, aiming to provide clarity and coherence within the Indonesian legal framework

    Manajemen Optimal Power Flow pada Jaring Terhubung PV Dilengkapi Baterai Menggunakan Bellman Algorithm

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    Optimal Power Flow (OPF) atau aliran daya optimal merupakan kombinasi antara metode Economic Dispatch dan Power Flow. Metode ini digunakan untuk mendapatkan aliran daya optimal dari suatu sistem kelistrikan agar didapatkan biaya operasi sistem seminimal mungkin. Dewasa ini penggunaan sumber energi listrik terbarukan seperti PV dan Baterai dalam membantu kebutuhan energi listrik semakin marak digunakan. Hal ini terjadi karena diprediksikan energi fosil dalam waktu dekat akan habis. Paper ini melakukan proses optimalisasi aliran daya pada sistem dengan memasukan pemodelan PV dan Baterai pada sistem. Pemodelan digunakan untuk mempertimbangkan biaya pergantian baterai karena harga baterai yang cukup mahal dan usia pemakaian baterai yang relatif singkat. Untuk meyelesaikan masalah ini digunakanlah metode Bellman Algorithm. Dengan memberikan batasan tertentu pada baterai, metode ini mampu mengatur energi baterai dari waktu ke waktu dengan menghitung setiap kemungkinan yang ada yang akhirnya akan dipilih jalur termurah dari semua perhitungannya.Simulasi dibuat pada software MATLAB dengan memasukkan data profil beban, PV (Data Sheet, Radiasi, Suhu) dan baterai untuk dihitung biayanya. Hasil simulasi didapatkan metode ini mampu memberikan aliran daya optimal dari sistem sehingga akhirnya didapatkan biaya pengeluaran yang minimal. Penggunaan baterai mampu memenuhi kebutuhan beban puncak yang pada titik tersebut tidak mampu dipenuhi oleh grid karena terbatas. Hasil simulasi menunjukkan baterai mampu melalui proses charge dan discharge dengan baik. Semakin kecil nilai δSOC maka usia baterai semakin lama

    Legality and legitimacy of law promulgated without presidential ratification in the presidential government system

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    After the first amendment to the 1945 Constitution, there was a shift in power to form laws from the President to the DPR. The power of the DPR to form laws is shared with the President because each bill is discussed jointly by the DPR and the President for mutual approval. The joint approval of the DPR and the President is the binding point for the two state institutions that produce material laws. However, there are several bills that have been mutually agreed with the DPR and the President that have not been signed by the President. After a period of thirty days has been lapsed, the mutually agreed Bill by the DPR and the President shall become Law, even without the ratification of the President, and must be promulgated. This phenomenon raises question of why the President does not ratify the Bills he has approved. This research is a normative research with a statutory, conceptual, historical and comparative approach, which is expected to provide coherence and continuity to constitutional theories, so that the process of forming laws with outputs at each stage to be with more measurable results