96 research outputs found

    Memahami Penafsiran Ayat PoLigami melalui Pendekatan Qiraat Al-Qur'an : Penafsiran Qs. An-Nisa Ayat : 3

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    Pemahaman terhadap qirâ`ât sebagai prasarat dalam tafsir, menurut Jalâluddin al-Suyûthi, disebabkan adanya versi bacaan (qirâ'ât) Al-Qur'an berbeda-beda, adakalanya perbedaan itu berkaitan dengan substansi lafazh atau berkaitan dengan lahjah atau dialek kebahasaan. Perbedaan qirâ'ât yang berkaitan dengan substansi lafazh bisa menimbulkan perbedaan makna, sementara perbedaan qirâ'ât yang berkaitan dengan lahjah atau dialek kebahasaan tidak menimbulkan perbedaan makna seperti bacaan tashîl, imâlah, taqlîl, tarqîq, tafkhîm dan sebagainya. Penafsiran ayat ini melalui pendekatan qira'at Al-Qur'an baik yang nilai sanadnya mutawatir maupun syadz, Adanya perbedaan bacaan - yang tidak lain adalah sebagai suatu keringanan dan kemurahan dari Allah swt untuk hamba-Nya-,ternyata dapat ditemukan beberapa kemungkinan makna yang bisa memberikan spectrum penafsiran yang lebih luas. Mudah-mudahan semua membawa kemudahan bagi umat dalam memahami,menghayati,dan mengamalkan ajaran Al-Qur'an

    Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Ekonomi Siswa Kelas XII IPS 2 SMA Negeri 1 Mataram Melalui Metode Pemberian Tugas (Resitasi) Berbantuan Media Visual

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa, dengan menggunakan metode pemberian tugas (resitasi) berbantuan media visual di kelas XII IPS 2 pada mata pelajaran ekonomi SMA Negeri 1 Mataram. Bentuk penelitian ini merupakan Penelitian Tindakan Kelas (PTK) dengan subjek penelitian adalah guru dan siswa kelas XII IPS 2 SMA Negeri 1 Mataram tahun ajaran 2018/2019. Hasil penelitian menunjukan terjadi peningkatan secara bertahap dimana hasil belajar siswa dari siklus  I sebesar 69,44%  meningkat pada siklus  II sebesar 86,11%. Selain  itu aktivitas siswa terjadi peningkatan rata-rata sebesar 13,77%, dan aktivitas guru juga terjadi peningkatan, rata-rata  sebesar 11,54%. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa penggunaan metode pemberian  tugas  (resitasi)  berbantuan  media  visual  dapat  meningkatkan  hasil belajar ekonomi siswa kelas XII IPS 2 SMA Negeri 1 Matara

    Terapi Topikal Clindamycin Dibandingkan Dengan Niacinamide + Zinc Pada Acne Vulgaris

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    Latar Belakang: Pengobatan antibiotik topical untuk menangani akne vulgaris sudah sering digunakan, salah satunya adalah Clindamycin 1 %. Namun demikian, penggunaan antibiotic ini secara luas diperkirakan memunculkan strain P. Acnes yang resistan terhadap clindamycin. Kombinasi niacinamide dan zinc berfungsi sebagai anti inflamasi, menurunkan produksi sebum, dan mencegah timbulnya bekas luka jerawat. Niacinamide + zinc dapat mengatasi jerawat tanpa menimbulkan resistansi bakteri P. Acnes.Tujuan: Mengetahui perbedaan efektivitas clindamycin dan niacinamide+zinc dalam mengurangi jumlah jerawat.Metode: Jenis penelitian ini adalah experimental dengan rancangan randomized control trial – double blind. Sampel adalah penderita akne derajat mild – moderate yang tercatat sebagai mahasiswa Fakultas Kedokteran UNDIP dengan rentang usia 18 – 25 tahun. Empat puluh orang dibagi menjadi 2 kelompok secara acak untuk mendapat pengobatan clindamycin atau niacinamide + zinc, digunakan 2 kali sehari selama 2 minggu. Evaluasi pengobatan dengan menghitung rata - rata penurunan jumlah lesi pada tiap kelompok. Data pada masing – masing kelompok terapi dianalisis dengan one sample t – test sedangkan untuk mengetahui perbandingan efektivitas antara dua kelompok menggunakan analisis independent t - test.Hasil: Jumlah lesi pada kelompok terapi clindamycin (p= 0,00) dan niacinamide+zinc (p= 0,008) mengalami penurunan yang sangat bermakna (p<0,05). Rerata proporsi kesembuhan pada kelompok clindamycin sebesar 69% sedangkan kelompok niacinamide+zinc sebesar 64,20%. Tidak ada perbedaan efektivitas yang bermakna antara dua kelompok terapi (p= 0,620 ; p > 0,05).Simpulan: Clindamycin topical dan niacinamide+zinc topical sama – sama efektif menurunkan jumlah lesi jerawa

    A Study of Sustainable Waste Management Using Theory of Planned Behaviour in Traditional Agricultural Markets

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    The waste management of agricultural commodities in traditional markets need serious attention as they remain because agricultural commodities usually pollute the streets and public spaces. This had a detrimental impact on both public health and traditional market image. By using the perspective of the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB), the study was conducted to empirically examine the effects of attitudes, subjective norms, and perceived behavioral control (PBC) on the intention and behavior of separating waste in traditional markets. The research was conducted in a quantitative design. The sampling technique used was simple random sampling. A total of 210 agricultural commodity traders in traditional markets in Semarang was taken as sample in this study. The data was analyzed by using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) with SmartPLS software. The results showed that attitudes, subjective norms, and PBC had significant effects on increasing intention in separating waste, which in turn would imply increasing the behavior in separating waste. The findings also report the mediating role of intention in strengthening the TPB constructs on behavior. This study emphasized the importance of establishing sustainable waste management and the connection between the behavior of waste management and to the adoption of a circular economy to make a more strategic impact to society and economy. Keywords: theory of planned behavior, agribusiness, waste management, traditional market

    Nominal Word Formations in Toba Batak Language: A Study of Generative Morphology

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    The objective of this paper is to explore nominal word formations in Toba Batak language. The theory applied in this study is generative morphology proposed by Halle (1973). The basic principle in generative morphology is that the process of word formations can generate actual words and potential words. According to generative morphology the mechanism of word formations will be postulated in list of morphemes, word formation rules, filter, and dictionary. The method of this study is qualitative descriptive; it is a method of study which describes language phenomena naturally without any exception. The results show that nominal word formations in Toba Batak language are distinguished in 3 main ways, they are: [1] by attaching affixations, [2] by inserting premodifier ni between adjectival bases and nominal bases, and [3] by moving the stress of free adjectival bases from the first syllable to the second syllable. There are 14 affixations that can form nouns in Toba Batak language, they are: (i) six prefixes (par-, na-, sa-, sanha-, hina-, ha-), (ii) two infixes (-ar-, -al-), (iii) one suffix (-na), (iv) four multiple affixations (ha-…-on, pa-…-an, pa-…-on, par-…-an), and (v) double affixations (par-in-). Nominal word formations derive from various free word bases, such as, free adjectival bases, free verbal bases, free nominal bases, free numeric bases, and free adverbial bases. The results of these affixations can be inflectional or derivational. Some complex words have to be put into filter to be processed morphophonologically before they are put into dictionary.   Keywords: nominal word formations, affixations, generative morphology, inflectional, derivationa

    Pengaruh Penggunaan Media Konvensional Dan New Media Terhadap Tingkat Sosialisasi Politik Mahasiswa Fisip Undip (Studi Kasus Mahasiswa Strata Satu)

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    Political socialization is a process of how the political system introduced to someone,and how to determine the person's response and reaction to the political phenomenon. One of theagents of political socialization is the mass media. In the modern era of mass media has beendivided into two camps, the conventional media and new media. Widespread development oftechnology and inexpensive price make the new media accessible to many people. Whileconventional media slowly began to incontestably with the new media. Students are actively inuse at the age of new media, how the use of conventional media and new media by students ofFaculty of Social undip and what influences the level of political socialization of student

    Kajian Tentang Penetapan Target Retribusi Parkir Di Kota Semarang

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    With its supporting and inhibiting factors. The parking levy in Semarang City has considerable potential.The number of vehicles in Semarang City on 2010, there were 1.086.890 motor vehicles consisting of 907.303two-wheeled vehicles/motorcycles and 179.517 four-wheeled vehicles. Based on Regional Regulations No. 2and 3 in 2012 for public roadside parking, Semarang City Government collect fees of Rp 1.000 for a twowheeledvehicle and Rp 2.000 for a four-wheeled vehicle. But Semarang City Government has set a target ofsectors parking levy are relatively small in number.In order to explain the process of target setting of the parking levy in Semarang City, then usedqualitative research methods. Subjects in this study were Dishubkominfo Semarang City and Commision BDPRD Semarang. The method of data collection was through interviews, observation, and examined relevantdocuments to this study to support the completeness of the information needed.The result shows that process of target setting of the parking levy in Semarang City is Dishubkominfodraft targets parking levy. The draft was given to DPKAD to be processed along with the draft revenue andother expenditures. After that the draft of the target parking levy that have become RAPBD submitted to DPRDSemarang for approval. In this case, Commission B DPRD Semarang who will evaluate the target parking levyfrom Dishubkominfo. Withdrawal system in Semarang city parking levy this year are managed entirely byDishubkominfo. Dishubkominfo have formulas for calculating the potential of parking, the number of parkingspot x workday x 12 months x average payment per parking spot.To simplify the process of target setting of the parking levy, Dishubkominfo and DPRD need to becoordinated in the calculation of the potential of parking in the city of Semarang. Constraints in the parking levywithdrawal method which is managed by Dishubkominfo can be overcome by adding personnel and morefirmly to the parking attendants who violate the rules

    Aktivitas Antioksidan Dan Toksisitas Ekstrak Air Dan Etanol Daun Benalu (Dendrophthoe Pentandra L. Miq) Yang Tumbuh Pada Berbagai Inang

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    Mistletoes are used traditionally in Indonesiaas medicinal plant, one of this as anticancer. Cancer isone of degenerative diseases could be triggered by toomuch free radicals in the body, whereas antioxidantcould reduced the risk of degenerative diseases.Mistletoes reposted content flavonoids which known have antioxidant activity. Mistletoe potency as drugmaterial should be studied sa the utilization ofmistletoe could be developed. Antioxidant activitytest using "DPPH free radical scavenger" methodand toxicity test using BSLT (Brine Shrimp LethalityTest) method had been conducted on water andethanol extracts of mistletoe Dendropthoe pentandra(L.) Miq.) that grown on various trees (star fruit,mango, cananga, 'duku, sour-sop, kepel, mahkotadewa, and tea). The result showed that ethanol andwater extracte-ofD, petandra on all host plants haveantioxidant activity (IC50 value between 6.4 - 51.8ug/mL). The result of toxicity test showed that ethanolextract of mistletoe on cananga, starfruit, kepel andmahkota dewa host plants have toxicity effect againstA. salina larvae with LCso value below 1000 ug/mL,nevertheless ethanol extract on others host plants andwater extract didn It give toxicity effect against A.salina larvae (LC50 > 1000 ug/mL)
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