3 research outputs found

    Identifikasi dan Penentuan Pohon Filogenetik Spodoptera frugiperda Asal Jawa Berdasarkan Analisis Sekuen MtDNA COI

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    Molecular confirmation of the existence of Spodoptera frugiperda J.E. Smith (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) on Java Island has not been widely reported. This study aimed to identify the armyworm from Java Island molecularly based on DNA mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase I (MtDNA COI). There were six armyworms collected from West Java Province (Cirebon - JWB1, Garut - JWB2), Central Java Province (Wonogiri - JWTH), East Java Province (Gresik - JWTR), DI Yogyakarta Province (Bantul - DIY), and Banten Province (Serang - BNT). The results showed that the fall armyworm originating from Java was verified as Spodoptera frugiperda. There were genetic variations between them, which had species closeness between regions and countries, namely the genetic similarity of S. frugiperda Java and West Sumatra, as well as to China, Korea, and India. S. frugiperda from Central Java (JWTH), Banten (BNT), West Java 1 (JWB1), and Yogyakarta (DIY) has genetic similarity to S. frugiperda from Solok (No. Acc. MW876212.1), West Pasaman (No. Acc. MW876211.1), China (No.Acc. MK591010.1) and Korea (No.Acc. MN427930.1). Meanwhile, S. frugiperda West Java (JWB2) and East Java have genetic similarity to S. frugiperda from India (No. Acc. MT732476.1), Padang Pariaman (No. Acc. MW876208.1), and Tanah Datar (No. Acc. MW87621.0).Ulat grayak jagung Spodoptera frugiperda J.E. Smith (Lepidoptera: Noctuide) saat ini, sudah ditemukan hampir di setap provinsi di Indonesia. Keberadaan S. frugiperda di Pulau Jawa belum banyak dilaporkan secara ilmiah. Teknik identifikasi secara molekuler merupakan salah satu teknik yang cepat dan akurat sehingga dapat menghasilkan data yang relatif akurat dan konsisten untuk identifikasi tingkat spesies. Selanjutnya ,data tersebut dapat digunakan sebagai dasar penyusunan strategi pengendalian base on gen diversity. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi spesies ulat grayak S. frugiperda yang berasal dari Pulau Jawa, Indonesia secara molekuler dengan teknik polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Primer universal dari gen mitokondria sub unit Cytochrome oxidase I (COI) LCO 1490 (5’-GGT CAA CAA ATC ATA AAG ATA TTG G -3’) dan HCO 2198 (5’-TAA ACT TCA GGG TGA CCA AAA AAT CA-3’) dengan target 650 bp digunakan untuk menetukan identitas 6 (enam) ulat grayak jagung yang berasal dari Provinsi Jawa Barat Kabupaten Cirebon (JWB1)  dan Garut (JWB2), Provinsi Jawa Tengah Kabupaten Wonogiri (JWTH), Provinsi Jawa Timur Kabupaten Gresik (JWTR), Provinsi Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta Kabupaten Bantul (DIY), dan Provinsi Banten Kabupaten Serang (BNT). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa keenam sampel ulat grayak jagung asal pulau Jawa teridentifikasi sebagai  Spodoptera frugiperda. Analisis pohon filogenetik dengan metode neihgbour joining tree menggambarkan bahwa S. frugiperda asal Jawa Tengah (JWTH), Banten (BNT), Jawa Barat 1 (JWB1), dan Yogyakarta (DIY) memiliki kedekatan dengan S. frugiperda isolat Solok (No. Acc. MW876212.1) dan Pasaman Barat (No. Acc. MW876211.1). Sedangkan S. frugiperda Jawa Barat2 (JWB2) dan Jawa Timur memiliki kedekatan dengan S. frugiperda isolat India (No. Acc. MT7324761), Padang Pariaman (No. Acc. MW876208.1), dan Tanah Datar (No. Acc. MW876210.1)


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    Orphanages are places of care for children and babies who are handed over due to parents who are experiencing economic difficulties or even without parents. The Permata Hati Child and Infant Care Foundation (YPAB) is one of the orphanages that care for children and babies who need protection and education in the city of Surakarta. During the Covid-19 pandemic, health services for children and infants at YPAB Permata Hati rarely received visits and checks. The purpose of this community service is to help provide health services for children and infants at YPAB Permata Hati Surakarta City in monitoring growth and development as well as nutritional status. The implementation method used is in the form of examining children's growth and development and nutritional status, counseling on Clean and Healthy Behavior, as well as counseling on how to brush their teeth properly. The results of examinations on the nutritional status and development of children and infants at YPAB Permata Hati, Surakarta, found that 30% were underweight and 1 person was suspected of developing Denver II (head circumference including micro). Counseling on Clean and Healthy Behavior and how to brush your teeth was enthusiastically followed by YPAB Permata Hati Surakarta childre

    Insidensi Penyakit, Identifikasi dan Keragaman Bakteri Burkholderia glumae, Penyebab Penyakit Busuk Bulir pada Beberapa Varietas Padi di Jawa Barat

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    Incidence of Bacterial Grain Rot Disease, Identification, and Diversity of Burkolderia glumae in Some Rice Varieties in West Java Rice rot disease caused by the bacteria Burkholderia glumae needs to be looked out, including in West Java as one of rice production center for Indonesia. This study was carried out to determine disease incidence, identity and diversity of B. glumae in several rice varieties grown in West Java Province. Sampling and observation of disease incidence were conducted in 9 districts.  Bacteria were isolated from rice grains with symptomatic rot, followed by biochemical and physiological tests involving Gram and growing tests at pH 4.8 and 2% NaCl.  Phenotypic variation was observed from the colony color on S-PG media, toxofalvin production, hypersensitivity response to tobacco leaves, and pathogenicity test on rice plants.  B. glumae specific primers, JLBgF/JLBgR, and bacteria universal 16S rRNA primers, 27F/1492R were used to determine molecular identity. Genotypic diversity analysis was performed using neighbour-joining tree method. Disease incidence was in the range of 0–73.3%, the highest was found in Dawuan District (Karawang) on var. Mekongga. The phenotypic observations showed 10 isolates belonging to type A colonies and 19 isolates of type B; 25 isolates produced toxoflavin; 29 isolates produced hypersensitivity responses to tobacco leaves and blight symptoms in rice plants. Identification using specific and universal primers confirmed that 29 isolates were B. glumae. The genotypic diversity analysis of 16S rRNA gene showed that KRCH-2 isolates (Karawang) and INCH-6 (Indramayu) were closely related to B. glumae from China and America.Penyakit busuk bulir padi oleh bakteri Burkholderia glumae perlu diwaspadai termasuk di Jawa Barat sebagai salah satu sentra produksi padi nasional. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan insidensi penyakit, identitas dan keragaman bakteri B. glumae pada beberapa varietas padi di Provinsi Jawa Barat. Pengamatan insidensi penyakit dan pengambilan sampel dilakukan di 9 kabupaten. Bakteri diisolasi dari bulir padi yang bergejala busuk bulir kemudian dilakukan uji biokimia dan fisiologi yang meliputi uji Gram serta uji pertumbuhan pada pH 4.8, dan NaCl 2%. Variasi fenotipik diamati dari warna koloni pada medium S-PG, produksi toksofalvin, respons hipersensitivitas pada daun tembakau, dan uji patogenisitas pada tanaman padi. Primer spesifik JLBgF/JLBgR dan primer universal 16S rRNA, yaitu 27F/1492R digunakan untuk menentukan identitas bakteri secara molekuler. Insidensi penyakit di lapangan berkisar antara 0–73.3%, tertinggi di Kecamatan Dawuan (Karawang) pada var. Mekongga. Berdasarkan uji biokimia dan fisiologi diperoleh 29 isolat terkonfirmasi sebagai B. glumae. Hasil pengamatan fenotipik menunjukkan 10 isolat tergolong koloni tipe A, 19 isolat tipe B; 25 isolat menghasilkan toksoflavin; 29 isolat menimbulkan respons hipersensitivitas pada daun tembakau dan gejala hawar pada tanaman padi. Identifikasi menggunakan primer spesifik dan universal membuktikan 29 isolat adalah B. glumae. Analisis keragaman genotip menunjukkan bahwa isolat KRCH-2 (Karawang) dan INCH-6 (Indramayu) memiliki hubungan kekerabatan yang dekat dengan B. glumae asal Cina dan Amerik