248 research outputs found

    Anaerobic co-digestion of food waste and palm oil mill effluent for phosphorus recovery: effect of reduction of total solids, volatile solids and cations

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    Food waste (FW) and palm oil mill effluent (POME) with significant nutrients contents were successfully digested anaerobically for phosphorus recovery. Anaerobic co-digestion is a treatment that can enhance the reduction of total solid and volatile solid before disposed onto landfill. The presence of sodium and potassium ions may affect phosphorus recovery efficiency either by stimulating the phosphorus release or stabilizing the polyphosphate compounds. Dilution of sodium and potassium ions also can be achieved through this treatment method. The experiment was performed under different composition of FW and POME. The optimum mixing of FW and POME at ratio 70:30 showed the highest solid waste and volatile solid reductions which values were 45% and 41%, respectively. Further study on cations reduction was investigated and the results found that co-digestion process was able to reduce potassium and sodium ions concentration at 85.8% and 92.2%, respectively. The ions reduction may contribute to phosphorus recovery which achieved as high as 247% recover


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    Abstrak Psikopat merupakan mental disorder paling parah yang terjadi pada seseorang. Psikopat lebih dikenal sebagai social predator karena sifatnya yang suka membunuh dan menyiksa korbannya. Pada dasarnya psikopat tidak bisa mengontrol emosinya, sehingga  psikopat tidak mengenali emosi mereka sendiri. psikopat dan sosiopat adalah hal yang bereda. DSM-III dan DSM-IIIR mendiagnosa sosiopat dan psikopat adalah halyang berbeda. sosiopat merupakan gabungan dari criminal dan anti social. sedangkan psikopat merupakan gabungan dari karakter dan penyimpangan tingkah laku seseorang. factor utama yang mendasari psikopat muncul dalam diri seseorang adalah  pengalaman pada masa kecil  mereka. Psikopat merupakan sikap yang memang tertanam pada diri seseorang apabila seseorang tersebut mengalami trauma sexual dan kekerasan pada masa kecil mereka atau pengalaman buruk yang terjadi pada masa kecil atau justru karena seseorang tersebut mengagumi seorang pembunuh yang tanpa mereka sadari menjadi panutan mereka.maka daripada itu peran orang tua dan lingkungan sangatlah penting untuk membangun atau menciptakan kepribadian seseorang. Penelitian ini di fokuskan pada sikap-sikap psikopat dalam salah satu tokoh pada novel The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo bernama Martin. Tujuan tersebut terdiri dari (1) bagaimana psikopat tersebut digambarkan melalui tokoh Martin di dalam novel In The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo (2) mengapa Martin cenderung memilih wanita menjadi korbannya. Penilitian ini menggunakan metode deskripsi kualitatif dan menggunakan teori psikopatik oleh Robert D.Hare untuk mengungkapkan sikap psikopatikMartin dan psikologi analysis oleh Sigmun Freud untuk mencari tahu alasan Martin menjadi seorang psikopat dan hanya mengincar wanita. Analisis data memerlukan proses (1) pengumpulan data dalam novel (2) menyetarakan data dengan teori-teori yang telah dipilih untuk membahas analisis tersebut. Berdasarkan analisis, penelitian ini menemukan hal dasar atau factor utama penyimpangan social dan mental disorder seseorang, dan bagaimana seorang anak meniru sikap seseorang yang dia kagumi.   Kata kunci: psychopath, id, ego, superego, instinct, psychopathic disorder     Abstract  Psychopath is a worst mental disorder that ever happened to someone. Psychopath is more known as a social predator because they likes to kill and rape their victims. Psychopath cannot control their emotional and their ego, so that they can recognize teir own feeling. Psychopath and sociopath are different. A diagnosed in DSM-III and the DSM-IIIR “antisocial personality disorder”, sociopath refers primarily to a cluster of criminal and antisocial behaviors. The majority of criminals easily meet the criteria for such a diagnosis. "Psychopathy," on the other hand, is defined by a cluster of both personality traits and socially deviant behaviors. main factor why someone become a psychopath is because of his bad experience when he is child, traumatic sexual, or even he imitate his favorite people, he admiring them and Without consciousness, he admiring a killer. So that, parents and environment are important to create a character and behavior. this research focused on the psychopath actions in one of the character in The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo name Martin. The purpose are (1) How is psychopath represented through Martin’s action in Larsson’s The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (2) Why does Martin tend to choose women as his objects of psychopathic action? This study will be conducted by using descriptive-qualitative method and this study uses the concept of psychopath by Robert D.Hare to reveal psychopath act of the character and psychoanalysis in analyzing what makes Martin tend to choose women and girls as his victims. The analysis of data needs some processes like (1) collecting data from novel (2) to make the data equal with the theories that chosen to discuss the analysis. Based on the analysis, this research find the main factor mental disorder or deviant behaviours and how children imitate their admire people’s behaviour. Key words: psychopath, id, ego, superego, instinct, psychopathic disorde

    Extraction and characterization of chitosan from shrimp shell waste in Sabah

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    Chitin is the most widespread renewable natural sources following cellulose and the main source of chitin is crustacean waste. Chitosan which is a derivative of chitin after the process of deacetylation has multiple of commercial and possible medical uses based on its degree of deacetylation. This research aims to study the production of chitosan from shrimp shell waste in Sabah and characterize the chitosan quality which includes parameters including moisture content, solubility, and degree of deacetylation (DDA). The results obtained from this study show that moisture content ranged from 4-7%, while the solubility of chitosan achieved up to 90%. The DDA value obtained was high ranged from 70- 85%. Based on these three characteristics, shrimp shell waste in Sabah can achieved chitosan standard quality for industrial application by performing traditional method of deproteination, demineralization and deacetylation

    Anaerobic digestion of wastewater screenings for resource recovery and waste reduction

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    Wastewater screenings are produced during the first stage of the wastewater treatment process and at present are disposed of to landfill. This material may not only cause operational failure to the treatment system, but also lead to environmental problems. In view of the high organic content of screenings, anaerobic digestion method may not only offer the potential for energy recovery, but also nutrient. In this study the, anaerobic batch digestion was performed at different dry solids concentrations of screenings to study the potential of biogas and phosphorus recovery. The tests demonstrated wastewater screenings were amenable to anaerobic digestion with methane yield was 355 m3/kg VS, which are comparable to the previous results. The digestate was high in P content and can be recovered up to 41%. This study also shows that anaerobic digestion was not only to turn this waste into useful resources, but also has a potential in reducing the organic content up to 31% for safe disposal. In this way the amount of wastewater screenings going to landfill is not only can be reduced, but also valuable products such as methane and phosphorus can also be recovered

    Optimized power and water allocation in smart irrigation systems

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    Agriculture has a significant role in countries’ economy, but irrigation process consumes both power and water resources. Since in agriculture the goal is to maximize crop’s yields with minimize costs, it is important to design a national smart irrigation system with optimal allocation of power and water resources especially in a plantation area with little rains. In this work, an optimized on-demand smart irrigation system is proposed to manage the allocation of the consumed power and water in agriculture field. The system controls irrigation process by utilizing Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) to collect real-time data from the field using sensors. Raspberry pi takes appropriate decision about irrigation process according to received data from sensor nodes, and commands are sent from it to actuator nodes. Secured Message Queuing Telemetry Transport (MQTT) protocol with Transport Layer Security (TLS) authentication protocol is used in managing the data exchange in the network over Wi-Fi technology. In addition, an optimal power and water consumptions formula is derived using Lagrange Multiplier method to allocate resources in an optimal way depending on watering demands. Both theoretical and practical results approve the efficiency of the proposed system in managing irrigation process optimally


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    Clinical decisions are crucial because they are related to human lives. Thus, managers and decision makers inthe clinical environment seek new solutions that can support their decisions. A clinical data warehouse (CDW) is animportant solution that is used to achieve clinical stakeholders’ goals by merging heterogeneous data sources in a centralrepository and using this repository to find answers related to the strategic clinical domain, thereby supporting clinicaldecisions. CDW implementation faces numerous obstacles, starting with the data sources and ending with the tools thatview the clinical information. This paper presents a systematic overview of purpose of CDWs as well as the characteristics;requirements; data sources; extract, transform and load (ETL) process; security and privacy concerns; design approach;architecture; and challenges and difficulties related to implementing a successful CDW. PubMed and Google Scholarare used to find papers related to CDW. Among the total of 784 papers, only 42 are included in the literature review. Thesepapers are classified based on five perspectives, namely methodology, data, system, ETL tool and purpose, to findinsights related to aspects of CDW. This review can contribute answers to questions related to CDW and providerecommendations for implementing a successful CDW

    Correlation of resin cement shades to their corresponding try-in pastes

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    OBJECTIVES: The aims of this study are to determine the shade correlation between try-in pastes with their corresponding resin cements. Also, to investigate the effect of resin cement shades and various ceramic thicknesses, shades, and translucency in the final color outcome over tooth-shaded backgrounds. MATERIALS AND METHOD: Lithium Disilicate CAD/CAM blocks (IPS e.max CAD) were prepared, in high and low translucency, in two different shades (A1 and A3), and in 2 different thicknesses (0.53 ± 0.02 mm and 0.83 ± 0.02 mm). Four different tooth-shaded backgrounds (ND2, ND5, ND8, and ND9) were prepared from acrylic resin in a standard thickness of 6.610 mm to achieve complete opacity. RelyX veneer cement and its corresponding try-in paste in three different shades, Transparent (TR), White Opaque (WO), and Bleached Opaque (BO), in a thickness of (80 ± 5 μm) were used. For each combination, the color was measured with a spectrophotometer to calculate the color difference (ΔΕ value) in reference to ceramic veneer, and the differences of ΔΕ among the specimens were compared statistically using JMP Pro 13. Analysis was performed for 3 aims, (1) to compare the ability of ceramic to mask the aspect of the abutment in relation to its thickness (0.5 and 0.8) mm, transparency (HT and LT) and shade (A1 and A3), (2) effect of a change in cement color (TR, WO, and BO) on the final color of the ceramic; and (3) to determine the correlation between try-in pastes with their corresponding resin cements. RESULT: A significant difference was found with a p-value of <.0001 for the following factors: Stump Shade, ceramic thickness, cured cement, ceramic shade, cement type and for the interactions of cured cement with cement type, and stump shade with ceramic transparency. Also, a significant difference was found with ceramic transparency with a p-value 0.0476. While cured cement and its corresponding try-in paste showed a significant difference in color masking (p <.0001) shade White Opaque cement and shade White Opaque try-in paste exhibited insignificant color change outcome with a p-value of 0.8051. CONCLUSION: RelyX veneer cements shades (Translucent and Bleached Opaque) have lower masking ability than White Opaque cement. RelyX veneer Try in paste is much less effective in masking than its corresponding resin cement. The only correlation between RelyX veneer cements with their corresponding try-in pastes among the shades tested (White Opaque, Translucent and Bleached Opaque) is with shade White Opaque. This study demonstrated that underlying tooth abutment color, cement color, and ceramic thickness, shade and translucency all influence the resulting optical color of CAD/CAM glass-ceramic lithium disilicate-reinforced restorations.2020-10-24T00:00:00
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