81 research outputs found

    Eksperimentasi Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe Teams Games Tournament (Tgt) Berbantu Media Audio-visual Ditinjau Dari Kemampuan Komunikasi Matematis Pada Materi Segiempat

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    . The objective of this research was to investigate the effect of the learning models on the learning achievement in Mathematics viewed from the mathematical communication of the students. The learning models compared were the cooperative learning model of the TGT type with audio-visual media, the cooperative learning model of the TGT type, and the direct learning model. This research was the quasi experimental. Its population was all of the students in Grade VII of State Junior Secondary Schools of Pati regency in Academic Year 2013/2014. The taken samples used technique stratified cluster random samples consisted of 283 students, consisted 3 class, namely 97 students in Experimental Class I, 94 students in Experimental Class II, and 92 students in Control Class. The instruments to gather the data were test of achievement in Mathematics on the learning material of Quadrangle, and test of mathematical communication. The proposed hypotheses of the research were analyzed by using the two way analysis of variance with unbalanced cells. The results of the research were as follows: 1) The TGT type with audio-visual media results in a better learning achievement than the TGT type and the direct learning model, and the TGT provided a better learning achievement of direct learning model, 2) The students with the high mathematical communication was a better learning achievement than those with the moderate and low mathematical communication, while the students with moderate mathematical communication was the same learning achievement as those with the low mathematical communication, 3) a) In the students with the high mathematical communication, the TGT type with audio-visual media results in the same learning achievement as the cooperative learning model of the TGT type, the TGT type with audio-visual media or the TGT type results in a better learning achievement than the direct learning model, 3) b) the category of moderate and low mathematical communication, the TGT type with audio-visual media provided equal learning performance both with models the TGT type and direct learning model, 4) a) In the TGT type with audio-visual media, students who was a high mathematical communication was the same learning achievement as those with the moderate mathematical communication, the students with the moderate mathematical communication was the same learning achievement as those with the low mathematical communication, and students who with the high mathematical communication was a better learning achievement than those with the low mathematical communication, 4) b) In the TGT type, students with the high mathematical communication was a better learning achievement than those with the moderate or low mathematical communication, and students with the moderate mathematical communication was the same learning achievement as those with the low mathematical communication, 4) c) In the direct learning model, students with the high mathematical communication was the same learning achievement as those with the moderate or low mathematical communication

    The Influence of Family, Peer Group and Mass Media Towards to Voting Behavior of FISIP UNDIP Student\u27s in the 2014 Presidential Election

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    Student\u27s as “agents of change”, in social life get a place as an elite thinker that has a function as a source of information, the source of knowledge, transfer of ideology, an indicator of national stability and political as well as agents of globalization, human rights enforcement, and democracy. The actions and activities taken by students can\u27t be separated from the background of the state of economic, social, cultural, family and the environment in which it is located. Political socialization also had a role in shaping the character of a students. Political socialization raises individual attitudes such as: allowing individuals to vote whether or not to vote in elections. This research was intended to understand the extent of the influence of political socialization agent\u27s that is: Family, Peer Group and Mass Media towards to Voting Behavior of FISIP UNDIP Student\u27s in the 2014 Presidential Election\u27s.This research uses quantitative explanatory methods. This research also studies in which the authors examine the verification is the causal relationship of the variables proposed. There are three independent variables (X), namely: the influence of family, peer group influence and the influence of the mass media to be searched influence on the dependent variable (Y) the voting behavior. Methods of data collection using the questionnaires poll then filled out by the respondent, namely FISIP UNDIP student\u27s many as 94 people. After data collected done then performed data analysis technique that is: multiple regression analysis, analysis of determination coefficient and hypothesis test using SPSS software.In the outcome of research found that the family, peer group and the mass media has an influence simultaneously or together 10.3% of the voting behavior of students FISIP UNDIP in the Presidential Election 2014. The influence of family, peer group and the media is positive so that if there is an increase will increase its influence on voting behavior of students FISIP UNDIP in the Presidential Election 2014. Variable families have a more significant influence than the variable peer group and mass media. Researchers are expected to further research can expand the scope of the object of study in order to obtain greater results, and can be used more and more results obtained could represent the situation of the actual conditions of society

    Microstructure and Adhesion Properties Post-Annealed Metallic Coating of Fecrbmnsi on Tube and Internal Structure Coal-Fired Boiler

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    Iron-chrome based metallic coating is generally used to increase the life-time tube and internal structure of coal-fired boiler. The most common method used is thermal spray coating. The advantages of this method are simple in application, repair, and low cost. The post-heat treatment coating on metallic coating applied by the thermal spray method can affect to adhesion properties, the number of porosity and microstructure of coating material. The objective of this study is to analyze the influence of post-annealing on the metallic coating FeCrBMnSi applied by Twin Wire Arc-Spraying (TWAS) method on microstructure and adhesion properties which is applied on tube and internal structure of coal-fired boiler. Post-annealing was performed after coating application in vacuum furnace with variety of temperature at 500oC, 600oC and 700o and holding time about 3 hours. Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) and Energy Dispersive X-Ray Spectroscopy (EDS) were used to analyze the morphology of microstructure, the uniformity of the deposit layer, and the percentage of porosity. X- Ray Diffraction (XRD) was used to determine phase formation and composition phase. Then, Pull Off Test was performed for adhesion test that is referred to ASTM D4541. The results shows that increasing post-annealed temperature cause microstructure of coating more crystalline, percentage of porosity decreased from 3% As-sprayed to 1,4% at 700oC post-annealing temperature and it has an effect on the adhesion properties of coating which increase up to 25%

    Deposition of Titanium Aluminium Nitride Thin Layer on High Speed Steel Substrate by Radio Frequency Sputtering

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    High Speed Steel (HSS) has been widely used in manufacturing industry as one of cutting tool materials because of its good mechanical properties yet with a low price. However, since this material has a low thermal resistance property, it will limit its application when used in dry cutting process. Several methods have been used to improve the cutting performance of HSS in dry cutting. One of them was by growing a thin layer of hard coating on the contact surface of the cutting tool material. In this research, Titanium Aluminium Nitride layer were deposited on AISI M41 High Speed Steel substrate by using Radio Frequency (RF) Sputtering method. The aims of this study were to analyze the effect of variations of Aluminium surface area ratios (10, 20, 30, and 40 %) on the Titanium target and also to analyze the effect of deposition time (15, 30, and 45 minutes) on the composition, phase characterization and morphology of the thin layer that formed. The formation of TiAlN and AlN crystalline compounds were observed by X-Ray Diffraction method. A dense layer with a thickness range from 1.4 to 5.2 ”m was observed by using a Scanning Electron Microscopy. It was known that the deposition time affect the thickness and also the roughness of the layer. The topography images by Atomic Force Microscopy showed that the deposition time of 45 minutes produce the finest layer with the surface roughness of 10.8 nm

    Evaluasi Kinerja Operasional Dan USAha Penanganan Kemacetan Lalu Lintas Pada Simpang Ring Road Utara – Jalan Kaliurang, Sleman, Di YOGYAKARTA

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    Yogyakarta is a very strategic because it is located in the middle of the south line of Java, which is a traffic brokering eastern Java and West Java. Each year the vehicle across the city of Yogyakarta has increased, besides due to its tourism appeal, Yogyakarta factors as student city became the main drivers of traffic congestion, especially at the strategic intersection of the Ring Road intersection north-Way Ground. From the secondary data obtained from the Directorate General of Highways Yogyakarta showed that the rate of growth in daily traffic average intersection has increased in the last 5 years. Figures show the feasibility of the service with the highest degree of saturation / degree of saturation (DS), the condition on the road DS> 0.75 and at the intersection of DS> 0.85. The results of the analysis of primary data obtained from the field survey in January 2013 showed the value of DS on existing roads still eligible, while the value of DS intersections are not eligible. Basic steps of handling the problem of congestion, namely the optimization of intersections with signal timing, intersection geometry settings and traffic management. After these steps are considered not provide significant changes in the value of DS, the last step is planning the construction of new roads in the form of flyover. With the construction of new roads, intersection capacity will be increased so that the value of DS who qualify will last a long time with increasing growth rate LHR Yogyakarta city in the years to come

    Pencegahan Anak Putus Sekolah dan Pengembalian Anak Putus Sekolah ke Bangku Pendidikan di Wilayah Cidadap

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    Pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini bertujuan untuk mencapai enam hal. Pertama, peningkatan kesadaran para orang tua dan masyarakat akan pentingnya pendidikan. Kedua, Penguatan kelembagaan local tingkat kelurahan. Ketiga, mencegah anak putus sekolah, terutama mereka yang rawan DO baik karena pergaulan, lingkungan maupun kemiskinan. Keempat, mengembalikan anak putus sekolah ke bangku pendidikan, baik pendidikan formal ataupun Program Paket A, B, atau C. Kelima, membangun jejaring dengan LSM atau lembaga yang menangani Program Paket Pendidikan Luar Sekolah. Keenam, mengadvokasi lembaga pemerintah terkait (Dinas Pendidikan dan Dinas Sosial) untuk menjamin hak anak dalam pendidikan termasuk didalamnya adalah pendidikan life skills bagi anak putus sekolah. Lokasi program pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini adalah Kecamatan Cidadap, Kota Bandung. Metode yang digunakan adalah penyuluhan kepada masyarakat, penguatan kelembagaan, training metode belajar untuk guru dan mahasiswa pendamping, pendampingan belajar bagi anak rawan DO, pendampingan anak putus sekolah untuk kembali ke sekolah, serta mediasi masyarakat dengan lembaga pemerintah dan NGO

    Higher education in Indonesia: Contemporary challenges in governance, access, and quality

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    This chapter presents the development of Indonesian higher education since its origins to current challenges in the fields of governance, autonomy, access, equity, quality, and internationalization. Indonesia has a massive and diversified tertiary education, including experiments in community colleges and online programs. The higher educational system remains mainly centralized, with the exception of some reforms towards financial autonomy. Insufficient public funding hinders the capacity to provide adequate teaching, research, and facilities among other aspects. The consequential rise in student fees contributes to an overrepresentation of students from Java, urban centers, and higher social classes

    PREMIUM, a benchmark on the quantification of the uncertainty of the physical models in the system thermal-hydraulic codes: methodologies and data review

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    The objective of the Post-BEMUSE Reflood Model Input Uncertainty Methods (PREMIUM) benchmark is to progress on the issue of the quantification of the uncertainty of the physical models in system thermalhydraulic codes by considering a concrete case: the physical models involved in the prediction of core reflooding. The present document was initially conceived as a final report for the Phase I “Introduction and Methodology Review” of the PREMIUM benchmark. The objective of Phase I is to refine the definition of the benchmark and publish the available methodologies of model input uncertainty quantification relevant to the objectives of the benchmark. In this initial version the document was approved by WGAMA and has shown its usefulness during the subsequent phases of the project. Once Phase IV was completed, and following the suggestion of WGAMA members, the document was updated adding a few new sections, particularly the description of four new methodologies that were developed during this activity. Such developments were performed by some participants while contributing to PREMIUM progress (which is why this report arrives after those of other phases). After this revision the document title was changed to “PREMIUM methodologies and data review”. The introduction includes first a chapter devoted to contextualization of the benchmark in nuclear safety research and licensing, followed by a description of the PREMIUM objectives. Next, a description of the Phases in which the benchmark is divided and its organization is explained. Chapter two consists of a review of the involvement of the different participants, making a brief explanation of the input uncertainty quantification methodologies used in the activity. The document ends with some conclusions on the development of Phase I, some more general remarks and some statements on the benefits of the benchmark, which can be briefly summarized as it follows: - Contribution to development of tools and experience related to uncertainty calculation and promotion of the use of BEPU approaches for licensing and safety assessment purposes; - Contribution to prioritization of improvements to thermal-hydraulic system codes; - Contribution to a fluent and close interaction between the scientific community and regulatory organizations. Appendices include the complete description of the experimental data FEBA/SEFLEX used in the benchmark and the methodologies CIRCÉ and FFTBM and the general requirements and description specification used for Phase I. Due to the revision of the document, four extra appendixes have been added related to the methods developed during the activity, MCDA DIPE, Tractebel IUQ and PSI methods

    Early detection and follow‐up of colorectal neoplasia based on faecal volatile organic compounds

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    Aim: Early detection and removal of colorectal cancer (CRC) and advanced adenomas (AAs) decreases the incidence of and mortality from the disease. We aimed to evaluate the potential of faecal volatile organic compounds (VOCs) for detection and follow‐up of colorectal adenoma using advanced electronic nose technology. Method: This was a prospective multi‐centre case–control cohort including two district hospitals and one tertiary referral hospital. Patients undergoing colonoscopy were instructed to collect a faecal sample prior to bowel cleansing and were included in the study when CRC, AAs, large adenomas (LAs; 0.5–1.0 cm), small adenomas (SAs; 0.1–0.5 cm) or no endoscopic abnormalities (controls) were observed. Patients undergoing polypectomy and controls were asked for a second sample after 3 months. Faecal VOCs were measured with gas chromatography–ion mobility spectrometry. Random forest, support vector machine, Gaussian process and neural net classification were used to evaluate accuracy. Results: In total, 14 patients with CRC, 64 with AAs, 69 with LAs, 127 with SAs and 227 controls were included. A second sample was collected from 32 polypectomy patients and 32 controls. Faecal VOCs discriminated CRC and adenomas from control [AUC (95% CI): CRC vs control 0.96 (0.89–1); AA vs control 0.96 (0.93–1); LA vs control 0.96 (0.92–0.99); SA vs control 0.96 (0.94–0.99)]. There were no significant differences between CRC and adenoma groups. Patients with adenomas and controls were discriminated prior to polypectomy, whereas 3 months after polypectomy VOC profiles were similar [T0 adenoma vs control 0.98 (0.95–1); T1 adenoma vs control 0.55 (0.40–0.69)]. Conclusions: Faecal VOC profiles may be useful for early detection of CRC and adenomas and the timing of polyp surveillance as polypectomy led to a normalization of the VOC profile
