13 research outputs found

    Respon Recipient dan Strategi Pengelolaan Berkelanjutan Sekolah Komunal Vonggo dalam Menghabituasikan Praktik Sekolah Komunitas

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    The problem of education in Vonggo Village is a crucial matter that needs to be resolved immediately. The presence of the Vonggo Communal School is expected to be a beacon for the Vonggo people so that they can pursue education like other children in general. This paper aims to look at how the Vonggo Village community responds to the inclusion of education through the Vonggo Communal School and see how the Vonggo Communal School's management strategy is in habituating community school practices. The method used in this research is qualitative research with a participatory action research (PAR) approach. The problems in this study were analyzed using the Habituation theory by Pierre Bourdieu. The results showed that at the beginning of SKV's presence, there were negative responses, including 1) people's attitude which tended to be closed; 2) there is public opinion that education is not a priority; and 3) concerns about the entry of Islamization through schools. However, over time, the community began to show a positive response by starting to participate in the development of school implementation and the emergence of enthusiasm to send their children to SKV. SKV, which is still relatively new, has been running quite well, but in its implementation, there are still many problems that require various alternative solutions so that this school can run continuously

    Pewarisan Pengetahuan Etnobotani Minyak Rempah dalam Terapi Pijat Tunanetra Suharno

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    The ethnobotanical knowledge of Minyak Rempah provides an important perspective on the relationship between plants and culture. Minyak Rempah is used as a medicine in the practice of Suharno's blind massage therapy experiencing the inheritance of knowledge that exists until now. This study aims to describe the process of inheritance of ethnobotanical knowledge in Suharno blind massage therapy treatment practice in Kemadohan, Ngalas Village, South Klaten District, Klaten Regency. The data was obtained using qualitative methods. The data collection techniques used were participatory observation and informant interviews. The results showed that there was a combination of plants and liquid paraffin used to make Minyak Rempah. The ethnobotanical knowledge of Minyak Rempah in Suharno blind massage therapy is inherited through a cultural learning process which is divided into three stages, namely intenalization, socialization, and enculturation. The learning process is based on Ilmu Kedaton which explains the knowledge that three types of diseases can be treated with Minyak Rempah and massage therapy. The success of the learning process of ethnobotanical knowledge of Minyak Rempah and massage therapy is indicated by the knowledge being made part of daily life as a local medicine practitioner.Pengetahuan etnobotani Minyak Rempah memberikan perspektif penting hubungan antara tumbuhan dan budaya. Minyak Rempah digunakan sebagai obat pada praktik terapi pijat tunantetra Suharno mengalami pewarisan pengetahuan yang bertahan hingga saat ini. Kajian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis proses pewarisan pengetahuan etnobotani pada praktik pengobatan terapi pijat tunanetra Suharno di Dukuh Kemadohan, Desa Ngalas, Kecamatan Klaten Selatan, Kabupaten Klaten. Data diperoleh menggunakan metode kualitatif. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah observasi partisipatoris dan wawancara informan. Hasil penelitian menunjukan terdapat kombinasi tumbuhan dan parafin cair yang digunakan untuk pembuatan Minyak Rempah. Pengetahuan etnobotani Minyak Rempah dalam terapi pijat tunanertra Suharno diwariskan melalui proses belajar kebudayaan yang terbagi menjadi tiga tahap yaitu intenalisasi, sosialisasi, dan enkulturasi. Proses belajar didasarkan pada Ilmu Kedaton yang menjelaskan pengetahuan tiga jenis penyakit dapat diobati dengan Minyak Rempah dan terapi pijat. Keberhasilan proses belajar pengetahuan etnobotani Minyak Rempah dan terapi pijat ditandai dengan pengetahuan tersebut dijadikan bagian dari kehidupan sehari-hari sebagai praktisi pengobatan lokal

    Dongke dalam Masyarakat Desa Tanggulangin: Pemahaman Konsep Sehat-Sakit dan Penyakit dalam Kajian Etnosains Terhadap Sistem Medis

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    Pemahaman terhadap konsep sehat-sakit bagi sebagian masyarakat lokal akan sangat penting terhadap pola pengobatan atau respon terhadap sistem penyakit. Namun banyak bagian dari sistem medis modern yang mengabaikan pengetetahuan lokal tentang ini, dengan alasan tidak rasional. Dengan alasan tersebut, maka penggalian terhadap sistem pengetahuan lokal dilakukan guna membantu pemahaman sistem medis modern terhadap pola pengobatan dalam sistem medis tradisonal. Kajian ini, merupakan kajian sistem medis tradisional yang berupaya menggali pemahaman masyarakat Desa Tanggulangin dalam Masyarakat Jawa dengan pendekatan etnografis. Dalam kaitan ini, pemahaman konsep sehat-sakit ada kaitannya dengan sistem penyembuhan yang akan diterapkan

    Mengenal Wajah Baru Dunia Komunitas Gay di Era Digital

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    Pesatnya perkembangan teknologi, khususnya gadget (smartphone) tidakbisa dihindari secara masif oleh masyarakat. Keberadaannya bisa menjadialat rekonstruksi personal di masyarakat. Tidak hanya sebagai alatkomunikasi, tetapisudah jauh melampaui dari fungsi dasar smartphone.Melalui smartphone pengguna bisa menunjukkan aktivitas dan membangunidentitas sosialnya, baik di dunia nyata maupun virtual. Kondisi semacam initidak hanya terjadi pada masyarakat yang memilih dirinya sebagaiheteroseksual, tetapi juga terjadi pada komunitas marjinal, yaitu komunitasgay.Smartphone sebagai produk budaya populer dimanfaatkan olehkomunitas gay sebagai ruang ekspresi identitas. Identitas sebagai gay yangselama ini dianggap menyimpang dari pilihan seksualitas di masyarakatmengakibatkan pelaku gay menyembunyikan dirinya. Kehadiran smartphonebagi komunitas gay menjadi solusi untuk mengeskpresikan diri di duniavirtual. Komunitas gay mengaku nyaman berada di dunia virtual, karenaruang virtual sebagai ruang ekspresi ‘tanpa batas’ untuk menyalurkanorientasi seksualnya.Melalui smartpnone gay bisa menemukan pasanganseksnya. Larinya pelaku gay dari dunia nyata ke ruang virtual merupakanakibat dimarginalkannya komunitas gay dalam dunia nyata. Kehadiransmartphone dimaknai oleh gaymenjadi jalan tengah bagi pelakuuntuk bisaditerima oleh masyarakat, tetapi tidak mengesampingkan orientasiseksualnya sebagai homoseksual[gay].Untuk melindungi kebutuhan sosialdan dasar seksualnya, maka komunitas gay menerapkan strategi dubbingculture antara dunia nyata dan virtual lewat smartphone

    Internal Dose Analysis for Radiation Worker in Cancer Therapy Based on Boron Neutron Capture Therapy with Neutron Source Cyclotron 30 MeV Using Monte Carlo N Particle Extended Simulator

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    Based Studies were carried out to analyze internal dose for radiation worker at Boron Neutron Capture Therapy (BNCT) facility base on Cyclotron 30 MeV with BSA and room that actually design before. This internal dose analyze include interaction between neutron and air. The air contains N2 (72%), O2 (20%), Ar (0.93%), CO2, Neon, Kripton, Xenon, Helium and Methane. That internal dose to the worker should be bellow limit dose for radiation worker amount of 20 mSv/years. From the particle that are present in the air, only Nitrogen and Argon can change into radioactive element. Nitrogen-14 activated to Carbon-14, Nitrogen-15 activated to Nitrogen-16, and Argon-40 activated to Argon-41. Calculation using tally facility in Monte Carlo N Particle Version Extended (MCNPX) program for calculated flux Neutron in the air 3,16x107 Neutron/cm2s. room design in cancer facility have a measurement of length 200 cm, width 200 cm and high 166,40 cm. flux neutron can be used to calculated the reaction rate which is 80,1x10-2 reaction/cm3s for carbon-14 and 8,75x10-5 reaction/cm3s. Internal dose exposed to the radiation worker is 9.08E-9 µSv

    Construction of Sexual Identity and Expression of Semarang Adolescents in the Global Economy: a City Ethnographic Adolescent Approach

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    Liminal identity is a problem faced by adolescence. Liminal events occur due to the reluctance of parents to share adolescent experiences with teenagers in the family. In addition to the transition period, the most noticeable development in adolescence is its physical growth. Physical growth is accompanied by an active hormone that influences the curiosity of adolescents about physical changes, psychological, and biological desires. This study aims to understand the construction of identity and sexual expression of adolescents in Semarang. This research employed descriptive qualitative research. The results of the study indicate that an inappropriate distribution of adolescents' curiosity brings great consequences during adolescence period. Many adolescents express themselves by having sex outside of marriage and other sexual behaviors. This occurs as a result of wrong association and inaccurate distribution of curiosity. Misconceptions of adolescent behavior also happen due to misconceptions and miss-adaptation of the environment. The behavior is heavily influenced by their environment where they grow and develop, especially in the urban environments which are very complex due to global dynamics

    Book Review. Resurrecting Kuntowijoyo's Idea on Prophetic Transformative (Sosial) Sciences

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    Understanding Kuntowijoyo’s idea about prophetic (social) sciences was the underpinning for Ahimsa-Putra to produce his lastest work. The fundamental structure of science offered by Kuntowijoyo, according to Ahimsa-Putra, still leaves some problems, both from paradigm aspect and some concepts used in an attempt to apply prophetic social sciences. That is, the idea is not yet ready to be applied into social sciences.This problem arises neither because Kuntowijoyo is not communicative, nor as an indication of the unproductiveness of contemporary scholars to respond to the idea

    Book Review. Resurrecting Kuntowijoyo's Idea on Prophetic Transformative (Sosial) Sciences

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    Understanding Kuntowijoyo’s idea about prophetic (social) sciences was the underpinning for Ahimsa-Putra to produce his lastest work. The fundamental structure of science offered by Kuntowijoyo, according to Ahimsa-Putra, still leaves some problems, both from paradigm aspect and some concepts used in an attempt to apply prophetic social sciences. That is, the idea is not yet ready to be applied into social sciences.This problem arises neither because Kuntowijoyo is not communicative, nor as an indication of the unproductiveness of contemporary scholars to respond to the idea


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    The presence and development of modern retail franchises or village have now made the traditional business people, especially decreasing penghasilan.Kondisi grocer makes them form associations known as PPLS (Lokas Traders Association sekaran) .Artikel aims to explain role in consolidating haberdasher PPLS in order to withstand the competition with waralab and retail modern.Penelitian done with a qualitative approach that uses observation, interview and documentation as methods of data collection and data triangulation technique as the validity of the data. The results showed that the role and aktfitas PPLS in strengthening democratic economy is a way to accommodate the aspirations and be a forum for the existence of the local economy have now, become a media control over government policy and the relevant parties, be a place for people lokaluntukmengembangkan effort kelontongannya who coined competitiveness high with modern retail. The implications of the presence of PPLS this is the strengthening of solidarity grocer, the re-negotiation between local communities, government, and retail shop owners modern, growing awareness of the critical community could encourage the birth of a social movement, and the opening of the society's perspective on the strategy of strengthening and development of their economic activity


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    People who got ill, they still take a traditional medicine treatment system, as found in Tanggulangin society who used dongke. The study conducted to determine the interest of Tanggulangin society who go to the dongke that still high, in this modern and rational era. The data This research was conducted in Tanggulangin - Tuban. The studied effectively held between January and March 2013, although the research has been done in early 2012. Participation observation and in-depth interviews conducted with 40 informants. The collecting data also from literatures review. analyzed based on ethnoscience approaches and society rational choice changed. dongke, caused they still stuck on The high interest of society who went to Javanese beliefs called a petungan. Dongke believed to be the person who is able to know the good as well as healing practitioners. Dongke known as healer who knowing as well a �good days�. The rational choice when they go to dongke influenced by view of culture, level of education, economic, diseases type, geography and social distance, and cultural similarities. The other influenced factor are natural conditions (micro and macro) in the society. Java. Tanggulangin society has concept about health and ill influenced by social structure and cosmology of Health concept defined as a condition called Seger kwarasan and in a condotional of balance between soul, body, and the mind. Ill concept defined as a unhealthy condition that make individuals cannot taking their roles in socio-cultural (family and society). Based on the recognition of society and Dongke, illness seen as contextually and comprehensively things with anttention relationships between beliefs, tradition system, and nature of Tanggulangin. The religious views (Islam/santri), health and ill has defined as gift of God. rituals. The society responses for illness symptoms depends on the diseases etiology attacked. If the pain caused by supernatural agents, it will be conducted with supernaturals healing, even because naturalistic and stress. The prevention system of diseases started from a system of ideas, actions, and to get healt The diversity of diseases attacked human while changed and development had make they are not using the only one of medical system. Public awareness of health make they have a rational choices about medical system in Tanggulangin. The awareness has stimulating society to determine the right priorities and choice to responses their pain. Treatment responses as a decisions between rational choices h