1,758 research outputs found
This research was aimed at producing a crude intracellular phytase characterized from recombinant
bacteria. The recombinant bacteria (pEAS1AMP) was produced by way of transforming pET-22b(+)
+pEAS1 into competent E. coli BL21 and E. coli BL21(DE3) cells. Crude intracellular phytase
production was induced using 1,5 mM Isopropyl-β-D-thiogalactopyranosid (IPTG). Recombinant
bacteria product and enzyme activity test followed the Sajidan method. E. coli BL21(+)pEAS1 and E.
coli BL21 (DE3)(+)pEAS1 recombinant bacteria showed growth after 20 hours and 10 hours of
transformation. Phytase activity of E. coli BL21 (DE3)(+)+pEAS1 showed higher than those of E. coli
BL21(+)+pEAS1. Crude intracellular phytase of pEAS1AMP recombinant bacteria has an optimum
activity at pH 5, 40o
C, incubation period of 60 minutes, substrate concentration of 2%, molecular weight
(MW) of 47.3 kDa, Km = 15.91 υM and Vm = 2.41 υM/second. Mg2+
acts as a cofactor but Fe3+
M) acts as an inhibitor.
Keywords: bacteria recombinant pEAS1AMP, competent cells, crude intracellular phytas
In Vitro Stability of Phytase from Recombinant Bacteria E. Coli BL21 (DE3) EAS1-AMP
The objective of the research was to inquire the Km, Vm, activity, intracellular phytase
stability exposed to pH variation, temperature variation and protease (pepsin and pancreas) in
vitro. The phytase was produced from recombinant bacteria E. coli BL21(DE3) EAS1-AMP using
1.5 mM IPTG as inducer. Intracellular enzyme was extracted via freeze shock and centrifugation.
Pure enzyme was acquired through NI-NTA agarose column. The enzyme was then tested for
Km, Vm, phytase activity and stability against pH, temperature and protease. Treatment levels for
stability against protease were P0: without protease, P1: addition of pepsin, P2: addition of pepsin
and pancreas, and the data were statistically analyzed using analysis of variance of one-way
Completely Randomized Design. Crude intracellular phytase had Vm 6.39 υM/sec, Km 34.82
υM, and 277 units activity. Intracellular phytas was stable at pH 4–6 and 0–550
C. Protease level
influenced the activity of intracellular phytase (P<0.05). Intracellular phytase was stable against
pepsin but not pancreas.
Keywords: Km, Vm, activity, intracellular phytase, pH, temperature, protease
Congener specific analysis of polychlorinated terphenyls
In order to identify and to quantify polychlorinated terphenyls (PCT) in environmental matrices, the chro-
matographic behavior of coplanar and non-coplanar congeners was evaluated. A mixture of 16 single PCT
congeners was used for method development. Four of these compounds were synthesized for the first
time by SUZUKI-coupling reaction. These were p-PCT (2,200
-tetrachloro-, 20
-hexachloro-) and m-PCT (2,200
-hexachloro-). They were characterized by NMR
C) spectroscopy. By means of the new column chromatographic clean-up reported here, a good
matrix removal and the separation of the coplanar PCT congeners from the non-coplanar ones was
obtained. The recovery rates for all congeners were good for the PCT in different test matrices like fat,
charcoal, and soil. The quality of the clean-up, the separation and the recovery rates were determined
by GC/MS analysis. The method was applied for the first time to a real sample from a fire accident, where
different PCT, obviously formed during the combustion process, were found. The conclusion is drawn that
this method is suitable for the analysis of PCT in different environmental samples
Aplikasi Sistem Informasi Geografi (Sig) Untuk Penataan Kawasan Pantai
Kawasan pantai merupakan suatu kawasan yang spesifik, dinamik, unik dansangat kaya akan habitat baik laut maupun darat. Kawasan ini banyak sekali manfaatnya baik bagi masyarakat, swasta maupun pemerintah dan semakin lama semakin banyak yang membutuhkan padahal luasnya sangat terbatas, sehingga di kawasan ini sering terjadi konflik kepntingan antar sector seperti yang terjadi di Pantai Parangtritis dan sekitarnya. Oleh karena itulah perlu adanya penataan ruang yang baik di kawasan Pantai Parangtritis dan sekitarnya.Suatu perencanaan, penataan dan pengembangan wilayah yang baik memerlukan data spasial dan jnon-spasial yang kompleks dan sanga banyak, sehingga perlu adanya alat yang dapat menghubungkan, mengelola, memanipulasi, menganalisis, dan menampilkan data serta informasi secara baik. Salah satu alat tersebut adalah Teknologi SIG yang saat ini telah berkembang dengan sangat pesat.Penataan kawasan Pantai Parangtritis dapat dilihat pada Gambar 4 dan Tabel 3.Berdasarkan hal diatas maka pemanfaatan lahan di Pantai Parang tritis dansekitarnya adalah : untuk kawasan lindung hutan wisata (1,234 km2), kawasan lindung budaya (0,659 km2), hutan pantai (0,623 km2), kawasan lindung gumuk pasir (1,311 km2), sempadan pantai (1,533 km2), pertanian lahan basah (13,141 km2), pertanian lahan kering (7,563 km2), perikanan darat (1,272 km2), perikanan laut (0,652 km2) dan untuk pengembangan kawasan pemukiman (11,882 km2) serta pengembangan fasilitas wisata (1,006 km2)
The study is to reveal how the struggle for better life of the major character, John McLoughlin, influences his personality. The objective of the study is to analyze the movie based on the structural analysis and the psychoanalytic analysis.
This study is a qualitative study. The object of the study is Andrea Berloff’s World Trade Centre. The data sources are divided into two, namely primary data source and secondary data source. In collecting the data, the writer watches the movie and uses library research by collecting and selecting the appropriate data from many sources. The technique of the data analysis, the writer uses descriptive technique.
After analyzing the movie of Andrea Berloff’s World Trade Centre, the writer concluded that there are several aspects of psychoanalytic approach of the major character. The aspects consist of id, ego and superego. The anxieties of the major character consist of reality anxiety, neurotic anxiety, and moral anxiety. .
The conflict of the three elements of John McLoughlin personality occurs, influencing his mental condition and causing his anxiety. Anxiety attacks him when he is in a complicated situation and it forces the ego to make decision between the conflicts o the id and the superego. The cause of his anxiety comes from the situation that threats him and puts him in dangerous and deadly situation
The Criticism on the Meaning of “Open Legal Policy” in Verdicts of Judicial Review at the Constitutional Court
In several verdicts of judicial review, the Constitutional Court formulates a concept of Open Legal Policy. The concept begins from a condition when a norm of law submitted to judicial review by the 1945 Constitution does not have reference in the 1945 Constitution. In other words, the open legal policy is a condition when the Constitutional Court cannot find any reference for the norm submitted to the judicial review. By using a construction method, this present research tries to find the meaning of a concept of open legal policy arranged by the Constitutional Court, then assessing whether the concept is in line with the spirit of judicial review. If the formulation of the concept done by the Constitutional Court has not been ideal, the deconstruction will be conducted toward the meaning that already exists until the open legal policy ideal with the perspective of the constitution is found. In this research, the finding shows different meaning of open legal policy between various verdicts of the Constitutional Court. Moreover, a new meaning is proposed including improvement of criteria of the open legal policy based on the difference between the object of regulation (what) and the content of the regulation (how)
Teknologi Konservasi Untuk Penanganan Kawasan Resapan Air Dalam Suatu Daerah Aliran Sungai
Perkembangan pembangunan dan pertumbuhan penduduk yang sangat pesat mengakibatkan kebutuhan akan air juga akan meningkat. Kebutuhan air bersih saat ini umumnya dipenuhi dari air tanah, padahal jumlah air tanah relatif tetap dan cenderung menurun karena berkurangnya resapan air ke dalam air tanah, sehingga terjadi ketidakseimbangan antara pemasukan dengan pengambilan air tanah. Untuk itulah perlu dilakukan USAha-USAha untuk meningkatkan pemasukan (recharge) air tanah. Salah satu cara yang umum dilakukan adalah dengan menetapkan kawasan-kawasan resapan air sebagai kawasan lindung selain itu perlu dikembangkan pula berbagai macam teknologi konservasi yang lebih pro- aktif baik yang bersifat vegetatif maupun non-vegetatif. Beberapa alternatif teknologi konservasi untuk meningkatkan imbuhan/resapan air ke dalam tanah adalah :1. Melakukan upaya rehabilitasi lahan dan konservasi tanah baik secara vegetatif seperti : reboisasi, hutan kemasyarakatan, strip cropping system, tumpangsari, dll; maupun secara mekanis/teknis seperti : terasering, saluran/parit jebakan, bangunan bendung penahan, dll2. Melakukan imbuhan buatan, dengan cara sistem imbas, injeksi, ditch and forrow dan spreading recharge.3. Pembuatan sistem peresapan air hujan seperti sumur resapan atau parit resapan
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