1,016 research outputs found

    Congener specific analysis of polychlorinated terphenyls

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    In order to identify and to quantify polychlorinated terphenyls (PCT) in environmental matrices, the chro- matographic behavior of coplanar and non-coplanar congeners was evaluated. A mixture of 16 single PCT congeners was used for method development. Four of these compounds were synthesized for the first time by SUZUKI-coupling reaction. These were p-PCT (2,200 ,6,600 -tetrachloro-, 20 ,3,300 ,4,400 ,50 ,-hexachloro-, 20 ,3,300 ,5,50 ,500 -hexachloro-) and m-PCT (2,200 ,3,300 ,5,500 -hexachloro-). They were characterized by NMR ( 1 H, 13 C) spectroscopy. By means of the new column chromatographic clean-up reported here, a good matrix removal and the separation of the coplanar PCT congeners from the non-coplanar ones was obtained. The recovery rates for all congeners were good for the PCT in different test matrices like fat, charcoal, and soil. The quality of the clean-up, the separation and the recovery rates were determined by GC/MS analysis. The method was applied for the first time to a real sample from a fire accident, where different PCT, obviously formed during the combustion process, were found. The conclusion is drawn that this method is suitable for the analysis of PCT in different environmental samples

    Dinamika Ketersediaan Beras : sebuah Studi Kasus di Kalimantan Selatan

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    The availability of rice have an impact on the stability of the economic, social, and security of a region, further rice as a staple food has a strategic position. Therefore, it needs to be managed properly to ensure their availability in order to maintain the regional stability. This paper aims to investigate the leverage point in rice production model, where the leverage point will serve as the basis for the availability of rice policies model development which will support food security protocols. System dynamics approach is used in this study, while Kalimantan Selatan is selected as case study. As the result, productivity and land management became a major leverage point in order to escalate rice production in Kalimantan Selatan

    Sekolah Berwawasan Gender

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    . School is an institution that plays an important role to change the mindset of students, including behaviors that are considered gender bias. Therefore, gender-oriented school that holds a strategic role and function in preparing students for multi intelegensianya to develop optimally without constrained by social values that sometimes gender-biased culture. The process of learning in the classroom that have not been entirely Encouraging active participation Between boys and girls equally, physical school environment that does not answer the specific needs of boys and girls as well as materials teaching materials in general, gender bias, the more clear that face education we do still need to be polished with a gender-responsive approach

    The Law and Institutional Aspect in Increasing the Effectiveness and Efficiency of the Coastal Area Management

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    This research is intended to identify the regulation and institution related to management of coastal area. Regarding the subject matter of this study, this research is a normative legal research. It employed several approach, i.e. conceptual approach and statutory approach.From this research, find out that (1) the authority of coastal area management can be found in sector regulation such as tourism, environmental, land, mining, forestry regulation, etc. It consequence that many institution will take about the coastal authority, (2) From the Institutional view, the activities of cross sector, overlapping and potentially creating a conflict of authority, all of this, need the institutional system with integration and coordinating priority, (3) The institutional approach by clear authority, strong institution and good procedure, can be increased effectively by the management of sustainable coastal area

    Penyisihan Logam Pada Lindi Dengan Sistem Sub-surface Constructed Wetland

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    Salah satu hasil dari proses pengolahan sampah yang dilakukan di TPA adalah air lindi. Sebagian besar sampah yang diolah di TPA Batu Layang berasal dari limbah domestik, walaupun demikian, di dalam air lindi tersebut juga memiliki kandungan logam. Keberadaannya di lingkungan harus dihindari karena apabila logam berat masuk ke dalam rantai makanan dalam kadar tertentu dapat mengganggu kesehatan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengetahui seberapa besar efisiensi penyisihan logam Cu, Zn, dan Fe pada lindi dengan menggunakan sistem Sub-surface Constructed Wetland menggunakan tanaman Cyperus papyrus dan Echinodorus palaefolius, membandingkan besar efisiensi antara tanaman Cyperus papyrus dan Echinodorus palaefolius dalam penyisihan logam pada lindi dan menentukan waktu detensi yang efektif untuk menurunkan kadar logam pada lindi. Setelah dilakukan penelitian, efisiensi penyisihan logam Cu, Fe dan Zn pada lindi dalam bak I dengan tanaman echinodorus paleofolius berdasarkan hasil analisis sampel awal lindi masing-masing sebesar 34.5%, 85.5% dan 94.2% dan pada bak II dengan tanaman cyperus papyrus masing-masing sebesar -3.4%, 76.4% dan 91.4%. Apabila berdasarkan hasil analisis effluent hari ke-0, maka efisiensi penyisihan logam pada bak I masing-masing sebesar 87.7%, 99.3% dan 95.5% sedangkan pada bak II masing-masing sebesar 75.9%, 98.8% dan 93.4%. Tanaman echinodorus paleofolius mampu menyerap logam Cu, Fe dan Zn dengan efisiensi penyerapan masing-masing sebesar 82.9%, 92.3% dan 90.5%, lebih banyak dibandingkan dengan tanaman cyperus papyrus yang memiliki efisiensi penyerapan masing-masing 71.5%, 90.8% dan 87.6%. Waktu detensi yang efektif dalam penurunan logam Cu, Fe dan Zn pada bak I dengan tanaman echinodorus paleofolius adalah 6 hari, sedangkan pada bak II dengan tanaman cyperus papyrus, waktu detensi untuk ketiga logam adalah 9 hari

    Memperkenalkan: Sistem Saraf Saluran Pencernaan Sebagai Otak Kedua

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    Pada abad ke-19, Bayliss dan Sterling menemukan gerakan peristalsis yang mendorong makanan d dalam usus ke arah distal walaupun persarafan usus dengan Sistem Saraf Pusat (SSP) diputuskan. Kesimpulan serupa dipublikasikan Trendelenburg (1917); dan John Langley (1921) yang menyebutkan bahwa sistem saraf otonom terdiri dari simpatis, parasimpatis, dan sistem enteric. Subsistem enteric itu kemudian dinyatakan sebagai variasi subsistem parasimpatis.Dalam saluran pencernaan, kedua sistem itu berhubungan dengan rangkaian saraf yang membentuk plexus submucosus dan plexus myentericus, dan pengaruhnya terhadap sistem pencernaan diatur oleh Sistem Saraf Saluran Pencernaan (SSSP). Pengaturan oleh SSSP di proximal dan distal saluran pencernaan masih dintervensi oleh SSP (Goyal & Hirano, 1996; Gershon, 1998).Serabut saraf SSSP mengatur pergerakan organ serta waktu dan kuantitas sekresi kelenjar-kelenjar pencernaan. Jumlah sel saraf dalam SSSP sekitar 100 juta (Goyal & Hirano, 1996), setara dengan jumlah sel saraf di medulla spinalis. Karena itu SSSP dinilai sebagai suatu sistem yang derajatnya setara SSP sehingga dinamakan The Second Brain. Badan. Badan dan serabut saraf SSSP hanya dapat dipelajari dengan menggunakan mikroskop elektron (Gershon, 1998).Michael Gershon memperkenalkan peranan serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine) sebagai neurotransmiter di SSSP yang mempengaruhi gerakan peristalstik dan sekresi kelenjar pencernaan. Sampai sekarang telah ditemukan sekitar 20 neurotransmiter di SSSP (Goyal & Hirano, 1996). Keberadaan SSSP menunjukkan bahwa pengaturan mekanisme kerja saluran pencernaan tidak sederhana