451 research outputs found

    Sub-Nanosecond Time of Flight on Commercial Wi-Fi Cards

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    Time-of-flight, i.e., the time incurred by a signal to travel from transmitter to receiver, is perhaps the most intuitive way to measure distances using wireless signals. It is used in major positioning systems such as GPS, RADAR, and SONAR. However, attempts at using time-of-flight for indoor localization have failed to deliver acceptable accuracy due to fundamental limitations in measuring time on Wi-Fi and other RF consumer technologies. While the research community has developed alternatives for RF-based indoor localization that do not require time-of-flight, those approaches have their own limitations that hamper their use in practice. In particular, many existing approaches need receivers with large antenna arrays while commercial Wi-Fi nodes have two or three antennas. Other systems require fingerprinting the environment to create signal maps. More fundamentally, none of these methods support indoor positioning between a pair of Wi-Fi devices without~third~party~support. In this paper, we present a set of algorithms that measure the time-of-flight to sub-nanosecond accuracy on commercial Wi-Fi cards. We implement these algorithms and demonstrate a system that achieves accurate device-to-device localization, i.e. enables a pair of Wi-Fi devices to locate each other without any support from the infrastructure, not even the location of the access points.Comment: 14 page

    Disain Sistem Kontrol Mesin Auto Washer Feeder Berbasis Kendali Plc Untuk Perakitan Bvc (Base Valve Complete) Pada Pembuatan Shock Absorber

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    Line sub assembly merupakan line di mana komponen bagian dalam dari shock absorber dirakit. Salah satu proses pada line sub assembly adalah proses perakitan Base Valve Complete (BVC). BVC merupakan salah satu komponen penting pada shock absorber yang berfungsi mengatur sirkulasi fluida pada saat shock absorber mengalami kompresi. BVC untuk model shock absorber ini terdiri dari guide, non-return spring, non-return valve, base valve case, leaf valve, shim, dan valve stopper. Leaf valve merupakan plat tipis berbentuk lingkaran dengan ketebalan 0.1-0.2 mm. Permasalahan pada proses perakitan BVC adalah operator kesulitan dalam memisahkan leaf valve sesuai dengan jumlah yang ditentukan. Kesalahan jumlah leaf valve yang dirakit akan menyebabkan BVC menjadi reject. Solusi dari permasalahan tersebut adalah dengan dibuat mesin auto washer feeder. Mesin ini berfungsi untuk mengeluarkan leaf valve sesuai dengan jumlah yang ditentukan. Kontrol pada mesin auto washer feeder terdiri dari perangkat input, perangkat proses, dan perangkat output. Perangkat input terdiri dari push button, selector switch, toogle switch, emergency switch, photoelectric sensor, proximity sensor, reed switch. Perangkat proses menggunakan PLC Omron CJ1M-CPU11. Perangkat output yang digunakan adalah lampu indikator, silinder pneumatik, dan cool muscle ac servo motor. Hasil yang diperoleh dari pembuatan mesin ini adalah operator menjadi lebih mudah dalam melakukan perakitan leaf valve, berkurangnya waktu perakitan leaf valve dari 81 detik menjadi 50.6 detik, dan berkurangnya jumlah BVC yang reject dari 8 pcs per minggu menjadi 0 pcs per minggu

    Inclusive Education in Indonesia: Equality Education Access for Disabilities

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    Based on data from the World Bank, one out of ten poor people around the world is the disabled. Poverty experienced by the disabled is a direct and indirect result of the exclusion and marginalization of people with disabilities because of the stigma and prejudices about disability. One of the stigma and prejudice on people with disabilities arise in the educational setting. The United Nations [UN] report showed that 90 % of all children with disabilities in developing countries still do not attend school, and the literacy rate of adults disabled predicted only 1 % (United Nations). Since Indonesia ratified Salamanca declaration, about equal education access for persons with disabilities, some inclusive schools begin to set in Indonesia. The government started affirming that Children With Special Needs (CWSN) basically has the right to education as normal children, without discriminated, by placed CWSN in special schools that are different from normal children. This article attempts to review various studies regarding the implementation of inclusive schools in Indonesia, to get a picture about the process of eliminating discrimination against students with special needs in Indonesian school.     Keywords: Disabled, Equality Education Access, Inclusive Education, Lampung, Metr

    Memodifikasi Perilaku Orang Yang Rentan Terhadap Hiv/aids

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    Pergaulan bebas dan penggunaan narkoba yang marak di Indonesia, menyebabkan semakin pesatnya penyebaran Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) di Indonesia. Pad a tahun 2000 jumlah pengidap AIDS naik menjadi 3 kali lipat dan parahnya, trend ini terus berlangsung hingga saat ini. Intervensi yang tepat untuk merubah perilaku rentan penyebab menyebamya HIV amat dibutuhkan. Intervensi perlakuan dibuat dengan mentargetkan perilaku yang rentan terhadap penyebaran HIV. Perilaku yang menjadi targen dan akan di rubah dalam tulisan ini adalah; a) Perilaku mengkuti tes HIV b) Mengurangi perilaku beresiko penyebab penyebaran HIV c) Mengembangkan pola hidup sehat pada pengidap HIV

    Pemanfaatan Pmt Kopel sebagai Sarana Pengalihan Beban di Gardu Induk Sayung Kabupaten Demak

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    Binka Aji Wibowo, Saiful Manan, in paper use PMT coupling as load transfer in Sayung District Substation, Demak explain that to meet the reliability of the distribution system , it is necessary to do a continuity in the distribution of electrical energy. There are various causes of outages ranging from maintenance to interference. To resolved these problems, there are several solutions that can be done, such as transfer transformer load through PMT coupling. This can be done by connecting the two busbars by using a PMT. In operation the PMT coupling need to do prior preparation, among others, the daily load calculations. It is intended to carry transformer load does not exceed setting value

    Analisis Semiotika Iklan Rokok U Mild Versi Tiap Luka Punya Cerita

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    This study entitled Analysis of Semiotics of Masculinity In U Mild Ciggarets Version “Tiap Luka Punya Cerita”. The Purpose of this advertisement is to knowing the denotation meaning, conotation meaning and myth that represented in this ad and to knowing the meaning of masculinity by five of masculinity reachness from Archer and Lloyd.This research using analysis of semiotic theory by Roland Barthes, there are meaning of signifier, signified, denotation level, conotation level. In this advertisement have fourteen seconds of duration that divided in five scenes. The mhetod that used in this research is cualitative mhetod. The researcher downloaded the video of this advertisement for the first step from youtube, then turning out the video being the pieces of pictures which all will be analyzed. The video made be eight pictures and divided in five scenes.The lifestyle of society nowadays so close with cigarrets. Not only adults, teenagers even the children are many in comsuming cigarrets. Image of cigarrets advertisement in televison fixed with the kind of closeness objection that advertised. Cigarret is a regular consumption for man. The man is always showed up in way of masculinity.This research is using a couple of relevant theorys, are : Advertisement, semiotic, Roland Barthes semiotic theory, visual communication semiotic, masculinity, film structure and sounds. Denotation meaning of this ads is representing men that have masculinity by their looks. The men who can representing masculinity are they who have sharp body, hard and love the things of dangerousity and have the youth soul. The other things the men who can called masculine man if could handle broken hearted soul that caused by women. The conotation that showed up in this ads is represented by a friendship of man. Cigarrets conotated as a friend and the men who have youth soul.