12 research outputs found

    Model Pengendalian Mutu Lahan Kering Berbasis Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Di Kabupaten Ponorogo

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    To control quality of rainfed areas as well as improvement of farmers\u27 welfare is efforts already has been done by local government (Ponogoro) however it\u27sstill not success yet because it used to partial approach. Therefore, it is very important to research and develop model how to control quality of rainfed based on community empowerment with integrated (system) ap­proach.The location of research is in Ponorogo Districtwith 326 respondens, consist of 6experts, 20 linkage agencies staff and 300 farmers. Beside useAnalytical Hierarchy Process (AHP), Interpretative Structural Modelling (ISM), and System, this re­search also use univariat and bevariate analyze (Chi- Square and Structure Equation Model- SEM).Based on data and informa­tion that collected and analyzed, this research develop model that reflected the the real situation (fact), that can be simulated and validated. The model is established with system approach of population, local government services and ecology. The model vali­dated by absolute mean error (AME) and absolute variation error (AVE) that reflected variance between actual and value from model less than 10%, it show the model is a valid.This mean model able to simulate any changing of rainfed areas quality con­trol both in short or long term period.Other significant factors that related with rainfed areas quality control is farmers know­ledge (p-value= 0,030) and farmers behavior (p-value=0,040).The empowerment of farmers indicated by food and nutrition security (γ = 1), settlement and sanitation security (γ = 0.23), healthy security (γ = 0.01)and education security (γ = 0.24). The empowerment of farmers influenced by coping strategy (β=0.41), that reflected by how farmer survive in production, consump­tion and marketing of agriculture with respective of γ is0.59, 0.27, 037 and 0.42. In line with these statistic analysis AHP, ISM results and validation model, this research formulated empowerment policy focus on life skill development through farmer group. In the beginning process of life skill development focus on soft skill and then hard skill later on up to achieve sustainable self help group in managing their rainfed areas

    The Impact and Strategy for Combating the Outbreak Covid-19 in Student

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    This study aims to find the social impact, morals, and strategies for dealing with COVID-19 among students. Another goal is to find out the social, religious and psychological impact of COVID-19 on students at Ibn Khaldun University, Bogor. The research method approach uses a descriptive qualitative approach. Data were collected by in-depth interviews with the head of the student class. The sample was selected through a purposive technique. The results were carefully examined through triangulation. The results showed that students could not establish social relations between students and did not participate in campus social organizations. Another finding, the Covid-19 outbreak has an impact on student morals because online meetings are more difficult to foster student morals because teachers do not meet students. In addition, students experience various stresses due to piling tasks and online learning does not face various obstacles such as difficulty communicating with lecturers and not understanding the material. Students take various ways to overcome stress such as listening to favourite music, watching YouTube, playing games, getting enough rest, eating favourite foods such as eating meatballs, straightening intentions, and also strengthening worship and getting closer to God

    Enducation Environment and the Impact of Pandemic Covid-19 in Student Perspective

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    There are several objectives of this research, namely the COVID-19 disaster to provide natural environmental learning or education to humans, including educating people in climate-friendly and low-emission behaviour, saving energy, saving water, and recognizing the ability of the universe. Another goal is to find the social, religious and psychological impact of COVID-19 that students at Ibn Khaldun University Bogor. The research method approach used a descriptive qualitative approach. Data were collected by in-depth interviews with the class leader of semester VI students. The sample was selected through a purposive technique. The results were scrutinized carefully through triangulation and source triangulation techniques. The results show that students have the view that the arrival of COVID-19 has taught humans to behave friendly to the climate because with the presence of COVID-19, students are no longer at campus, lecturers and campus officers. This method is classified as an action to reduce glass emissions as a cause of global warming. In addition, energy and water are used very little and even at the beginning of the lockdown, these natural resources were not used, thereby educating people to save energy and water through the campus. The use of energy also causes climate problems so that it can economically reduce emissions. After that, humans are taught to live cleanly because to cope with this disaster, humans must maintain the cleanliness of the environment, themselves and places of worship. Then, the COVID-19 outbreak has a social impact because students no longer have face-to-face contact with other students, disrupt religious activities such as religion and also make students psychologically stresse

    Playing Football Creating Education Character in Youth Perspective in Nighborhood Environment

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    The objective of this research to discover character value in playing football from a youth perspective in nighborhood football team. The research method approach exerts qualitative and ethnographic. The method is implied because the research intends to find out character value in football playing based on community perspective in nighborhood football group. The data are gathered with an in-depth interview. Sample are selected through purposive technique. The result is probed meticulously through triangulation technique and triangulation sources. The result shows that playing football has numerous value in creating character including teamwork, honesty, responsibility, role in society, and Sportif value. The other is playing football have social capital value because football match creating social networking, trusting, solidarity, mutual assisting and social connection among the member in group or group of a competitor. The other is to vanish some of the ailment such as heart attack, obesity, abolish the rate of human stress, and lung ailment. Lastly, it can improve the prosperity of societies around because the community have the opportunity to trade some of the meal and drink when the football is conducte

    Building Pro-Social Behavior in Nursery Student

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menemukan cara menumbuhkan perilaku sosial pada anak sekolah di Taman kanak-kanak. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah kualitatif dengan analisis deskriptif. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui kuesioner, wawancara, observasi dan dokumentasi. Pemilihan informan menggunakan teknik purposive sampling. Hasil penelitian dianalisis menggunakan teknik triangulasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa permainan luar dan dalam dapat membentuk perilaku sosial siswa mulai dari siswa akan memahami keterbatasan alat permainan sehingga rela untuk mengantri, siswa juga bisa bekerjasama dan menjalin interaksi sosial melalui permainan. Temuan lain yaitu untuk menjalin interaksi sosial maka guru mengatur posisi tempat duduk siswa membentuk huruf U sehingga interaksi guru dan siswa serta antar siswa bisa dilakukan. Kemudian, dalam menjalin hubungan sosial antar siswa maka kerja kelompok diberikan oleh guru sehingga mereka bisa bekerjasama. Disamping itu, market day sebagai salah satu cara yang dapat membentuk nilai-nilai sosial pada siswa mulai dari negosiasi sosial, komunikasi, interaksi sosial, dan kepedulian sosial. Bahkan sebagai cara untuk membentuk jiwa entrepreneurship semenjak usia dini. Temuan terakhir yaitu siswa diajrkan untuk hidup harus saling tolong menolong dan saling berbagi. Caranya yaitu guru memotivasi siswa untuk memberikan makanan yang mereka bawa dari rumah ketika ada teman yang lain yang tidak membawa. Siswa ada yang membawakan untuk teman dan guru sehingga diharapkan dapat membentuk perilaku sosial yang baik. Agama juga diajarkan untuk mengatur perilaku sosial anak sehingga anak-anak baik secara sosial dana agam

    Environmental and Religious Character in Silat Tapak Suci in Students' Perspective

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    This study aims to find moral, social and religious values as well as the environment in silat tapak suci. The research method used is descriptive qualitative. The selection of research subjects with purposive sampling technique. Data was collected using in-dept interview, observation and documentation techniques. The results showed that members are conducted some behaviour such as ablution activities, prayers, short lectures or cults, reading Al-Fatihah letters, and closing prayers and there was another advisory activity at the end of the silat practice. Another finding is that players are not allowed to hit sensitive parts such as the neck, but are allowed to hit the waist, both the right and left and the chest to the stomach. Even if the opponent has fallen then it cannot be hit. At the same time there is a natural environment value because when there is a level up test, members will be brought camping close to nature both in forest areas and river banks. Silat is also healthy because using the right moves will expend energy and be healthy for the heart, lungs and other body parts

    The Drawbacks and Advantages of Tiktok in Student Amid Pandemic Covid-19

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    Tiktok has become a part of life in today's digital era. This study aims to find out the negative and positive effects of TikTok on school children. This study uses a qualitative method. The sampling technique was carried out purposively, namely school teachers. Data were collected through in-depth interviews. The sample was selected through a purposive technique. The results were carefully examined through triangulation and source triangulation techniques. The results show that Tiktok is a digital literacy method for students so they can keep up with the times. Tiktok is also a fairly good learning medium for students when the content of TikTok includes religious lectures, religious values, and moral values that exist in religion. Even TikTok is useful as an interesting learning medium for students during a pandemic when teachers use TikTok as material for distributing material. The features of TikTok make the material interesting for children because of the many color combinations, music, and not boring. Plus there are economic values because TikTok is also a trading medium for many people. This is a trigger for entrepreneurship education for students. However, TikTok also has a bad impact on children because school children can spend time playing TikTok, spending cellphone credit, being lazy, and following the TikTok style that is not following religious teachings. The attitude of children who are still imitating can imitate what is seen on TikTok. For this reason, parents play a role in supervising children by looking at the history of what children open on their cellphones and giving understanding to which children are worthy to be seen and which are no

    The Impact 0f Playing Games and the Role of Parents to Control Student Behaviour in Online Learning From A Teacher's Perspective Amid Pandemic Covid-19

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    The purpose of this study was to find the positive and negative impacts of online learning on students' behavior in playing games. At the same time to find the best method for students not to spend time playing games and the role of parents to control student behavior. The research method used is descriptive qualitative and sampling method with purposive technique. While the sampling method used observation, interviews, and documentation. The results show that when learning online, students will participate in playing games, causing students to be lazy to study, undisciplined, enter online classes, and students' behavior becomes aggressive towards negative because they lose playing games. Games also have a positive impact as entertainment for students and learn strategies in problem-solving and educate the brain. Another finding is that online learning causes obesity and eye disease in students due to radiation exposure. Parents play an active role in controlling behavior by diverting children to find positive things such as children being told to look for language lessons online so that time is spent studying compared than playing games and social media. Parents should be friends with children and listen to children so that children are close to their parents