10 research outputs found


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    Indonesia has a lot of potential for renewable energy. Electricity generation from hybrid solar and wind energy will be a prospective solution to fulfill electricity supply for remote and rural communities. Although diesel generator was still part of the hybrid power system, however, with a proper design, the fuel consumption could be reduced significantly. HOMER software was utilized to aid the design process by providing optimum configuration of the hybrid power system components in terms of performance and economy

    An uncertainty model of a non-ideal open area test site for electromagnetic measurement

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    An open area test site (OATS) is a standard facility to perform electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) compliance testing of electrical and electronic products. An ideal OATS is a flat area, free of any obstructions and external signals. Precompliance testing in a non-ideal OATS is an economical way to prepare a product for compliance testing. However, measurements in the non-ideal OATS have higher uncertainty. In addition, the existing model to analyse the measurement uncertainty is not adequate. Therefore, this research proposes an uncertainty model of a non-ideal OATS for electromagnetic measurement to analyse the measurement uncertainty components in the non-ideal OATS. In this research a normalized site attenuation (NSA) measurement uncertainty model was derived. A 3-m non-ideal OATS has been designed and built. The suitability of the location to build the OATS has been evaluated. To evaluate the measurement uncertainty in the site and the closeness of the site NSA to the ideal NSA, a series of NSA measurements in the non-ideal OATS were performed in the frequency range of 300 MHz to 1000 MHz. From the analysis, the expanded uncertainties of the OATS with a coverage factor of 2 were in the range of ±1.68 dB to ±1.98 dB. Besides, the OATS NSA values were inside ±4 dB margins as specified in CISPR 16-1-4:2010 standard. Therefore, the non-ideal OATS is eligible for pre-compliance testing. Based on many factors investigated in the sensitivity analysis, it was found that the dominant factor that contributed to the measurement uncertainty in the non-ideal OATS came from the antennas. In summary, this research mainly contributes to the development and evaluation of a low cost non-ideal OATS for pre-compliance testing

    Development of UTHM’s Airship Virtual Simulator

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    Airship virtual simulator was developed by programming the solution of the airship equations of motion to Matlab GUI. This paper shows a case study done by applying the physical data of a designed airship called ‘UTHM’s Airship’ in the airship equations of motion for development of airship virtual simulator. In this study, the approximate and calculated stability modes of the designed airship were compared for validation purposes. The virtual simulator operates by selecting the desired control angle of elevator, rudder or vectored thrust as input and the response outputs are shown in motion of pitch, yaw or roll angle through a moving airship figure in the simulator. At the end of this paper, the virtual simulator had successfully helped interprets the response of the designed airship into an interesting and easy to understand visualization

    Development of UTHM's Airship Virtual Simulator

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    Airship virtual simulator was developed by programming the solution of the airship equations of motion to Matlab GUI. This paper shows a case study done by applying the physical data of a designed airship called ‘UTHM’s Airship’ in the airship equations of motion for development of airship virtual simulator. In this study, the approximate and calculated stability modes of the designed airship were compared for validation purposes. The virtual simulator operates by selecting the desired control angle of elevator, rudder or vectored thrust as input and the response outputs are shown in motion of pitch, yaw or roll angle through a moving airship figure in the simulator. At the end of this paper, the virtual simulator had successfully helped interprets the response of the designed airship into an interesting and easy to understand visualization

    Inovasi dan Implementasi Model Pembelajaran Berorientasi Luaran (Outcome-Based Education, OBE) dan Washington Accord di Program Studi Teknik Mesin Universitas Mercu Buana

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    Pembelajaran Berorientasi Luaran (Outcome-Based Education, OBE) adalah metode pembelajaran yang memili fokus pada luaran yaitu capaian pembelajarn. Identifikasi dan penentuan capaian pembelajaran sangat penting pada metode OBE karena akan menentukan metode pembelajaran dan perencanaan asesmen. Berbeda dengan metode pembelajaran tradisional dimana fokus utama adalah proses belajar mengajar. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengembangkan model pembelajaran berorientasi luaran (OBE) dan Washington Accord. Pelaksanaan OBE dilakukan dengan mengintegrasikan beberapa proses antara lain desain kurikulum, asesmen dan metode belajar mengajar yang memberi tumpuan kepada apa yang mahasiswa bisa lakukan.  OBE menekankan agar capaian pembelajaran dapat dipenuhi dari aspek pengetahuan, keterampilan dan sikap sesuai keadaan sosial, ekonomi dan budaya akademik. Dengan mengadopsi metode dan sistem pembelajaran berorientasi luaran, diperoleh hasil yang baik dimana kelulusan pada mata kuliah Perancangan Produk menunjukkan nilai di atas 80%

    Preliminary Design and Development of Open Field Antenna Test Site

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    An open area test site (OATS) for electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) antennas calibration will be built at the campus of Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM) in Batu Pahat, Johor, Malaysia. The calibration of the EMC antenna mainly is to determine the antenna factor (AF). The development of the test site will be through modeling, simulation, selection of test site location, test site construction, and evaluation phases. The location of the test site will be selected so that it will have low ambient noise. The test site will be constructed based on the specification obtained from the model and simulation. Site attenuation measurements will be performed to evaluate the quality of the test site. This paper discusses a preliminary design and development of the test site includes feasibility study, design of the site construction, and measurements on site attenuation for site validation

    Message from Chief Editor

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    Message from Chief Editor

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    Message from Chief Editor

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