782 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Komunikasi, Konflik dan Disiplin Kerja terhadap Kinerja Pegawai

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    Komunikasi, konflik dan disiplin kerja berpengaruh baik secara simultan maupun parsial terhadap kinerja pegawai, hal inilah yang dicari dalam penelitian ini serta variabel yang paling dominan untuk diketahui pada Kantor Balai Besar Meteorologi Klimatologi dan Geofisika Wilayah III Denpasar. Analisis regresi linier berganda adalah teknik analisis yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini. Komunikasi, konflik dan disiplin kerja secara simultan dan parsial berpengaruh signifikan terhadap kinerja pegawai adalah hasil analisis yang ditunjukan dalam penelitian ini. Variabel yang paling dominan berpengaruh terhadap kinerja pegawai adalah variabel komunikasi karena berdasarkan perhitungan analisis Standardized Coefficients Beta memiliki nilai terbesar

    Conceptual Framework Of Bidding Strategy In Order To Improve Construction Project Performance

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    Globalization makes the competition of construction is increasingly tight. The competitors faced not only in the regional district/city, province, but increasingly widespread, even cross the country worldwide. Bidding strategy is an important factor that improves competitiveness. It defines as a management skills of using all available resources both physical and financial, in order to offer a comprehensive and competitive bidding. The bidders usually consider various aspects, including internal, external and environment, with aim to win the bidding competition, and provide maximum project performance.The literature review method is used to create ideas, and synthesize the related researches which have been done previously. This paper aims to develop a framework that can be used for evaluation in the early stages of project selection, based on theriview of various literature related to bidding strategies and project performance. The result from the literature review concerning are presented, and a conceptual framework of bidding strategy model is developed

    The Pattern of Cleanliness:A Study of Environmental Psychology of Urban Waste Management

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    The purpose of this study was to obtain a theoretical model on cleanliness behavior of the urban society. This modelwas built based on the pattern of cleanliness behavior which was studied by observing the psychological factors withinthe individual and the socio-physical factors related to the participants. The indicator used to measure the cleanliness ofthe environment was the quantity of garbage scattered around the observed location. By living in the society, theresearchers could observe and investigate the occurance of cleanliness behavior in the urban region. Direct observationwas conducted in 4 (four) clean and 4 (four) dirty group of locations. Qualitative methods were used to process theinformation from those groups, in order to get significant information regarding the differences and similarities fromthose locations. The result showed that society\u27s day-to-day collective action toward garbage created a pattern ofcleanliness behavior that is relatively permanent. A series of collective actions which were not in accordance with thecommunal motive formed cleanliness behavior pattern "X" and created a condition of dirty environment. Meanwhile,the other series of collective actions which were in accordance with the communal motives formed cleanliness behaviorpattern "Y". The collective efforts of the society in a particular region to form cleanliness behavioral pattern "Y" isknown as Program Kebersihan (Cleanliness Program)

    Keragaman Dan Kemelimpahan Collembola Serta Arthropoda Tanah Di Lahan Sawah Organik Dan Konvensional Pada Masa Bera

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    The diversity and abundance of Collembola and soil arthropods in organic and conventional lowland field at fallow time. As ecosystem components, Collembola and arthropods are important in keeping the ecosystem stability. Beside its role as the decomposer, Collembola also takes part as the alternative food for arthropod predators. This research was aimed to gather information on the diversity and abundance of Collembola and arthropods in organic and conventional lowland field at fallow time. The sampling was done using pitfall trap and Berlese funnel. The results showed that: (1) the abundance of Collembola in organic lowland field was higher than that of in the conventional lowland field but the diversity of Collembola in the organic lowland field was not different from that of in the conventional field; (2) Entomobryidae was the family with the highest abundance; and (3) the diversity and abundance of soil arthropods were relatively greater in organic lowland field than that of in the conventional lowland

    Fanatisme Dan Agresivitas Suporter Klub Sepak Bola

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui sejauh mana hubungan antara fanatisme dengan agresivitas pada supporter sepak bola. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan metode kuantitatif. Subjek dalam penelitian ini adalah 97 orang yang terdiri dari suporter klub sepak bola Persija Jakarta (The Jakmania) dan suporter klub sepak bola Persib Bandung (Viking). Hasil perhitungan korelasi diketahui bahwa signifikansi antara variabel fanatisme dan agresivitas adalah sebesar 0,038 dan R=0,181. Hasil analisis diketahui bahwa terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara fanatisme dengan agresivitas pada suporter sepak bola. Koefisien R menunjukkan bahwa hubungan antara fanatisme dan agresivitas berada pada taraf hubungan yang sangat lemah
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