7 research outputs found

    The Correlation of Patients' Knowledge About Diabetes Wound Care and Interest in Visiting

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    Diabetes mellitus is a chronic metabolic disease caused by the body's inability to produce insulin according to the body's needs or due to ineffective use of insulin or both. When asked about their understanding of treating gangrene wounds independently, they said they did not fully understand how to treat gangrene wounds. The study aims to determine the correlation between patients' knowledge about diabetic wound care and interest in visiting the surgical clinic at Cut Nyak Dhien Meulaboh Hospital. This type of research used a cross-sectional, with a total sample of 38 respondents. The results showed that most respondents' knowledge was in the good category, namely 22 respondents (57.9%), and the least was in the less good category, 16 respondents (42.1%). The interest in visiting the majority of respondents was in the high class, namely 27 respondents (71.1%), and the least was in the low category, 11 respondents (28.9%). The correlation between the two variables, namely between the respondent's knowledge and interest in visiting the patient, is related to the results of the bivariate test using the Chi-square test, which is 0.00. It can increase their knowledge about diabetic wound care so that they can increase awareness for treating diabetic wounds and regularly re-control the hospital so that the healing process can run well and not cause complications that end in amputation


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    Sectio caesarea (SC) is a surgical process to deliver a fetus through incisions made in the abdominal wall and uterus so that the fetus can be born healthy and intact. Caesarean section has life-threatening risks, one of which is the risk of infection. The quality of wound care must not decline after the patient is discharged, follow-up care at home will be very important. The aim of this study is to determine the effectiveness of discharge planning regarding wound care for wound healing in Sectio caesarea patients. This research was conducted at the BLUD of RSU Cut Nyakdhien Meulaboh. This type of research uses a quantitative method with a quasi-experimental design through a one group pre-test post-test design approach. The research population was 35 people. The sampling technique uses saturated sampling. The instrument in this study used a questionnaire filled out by respondents and observation sheets. Data analysis using univariate and bivariate. Bivariate analysis using paired t-test (Paired T-Test). The results showed that the majority of wound healing before discharge planning was carried out was good. Wound healing after the majority of discharge planning was carried out very well. The significance value of p-value = 0.000 (p <0.05) then H0 is accepted. This means that there is effectiveness of discharge planning regarding wound care for wound healing in Sectio caesarea patients. It is suggested that this study can provide additional references for future research to discuss more broadly the factors that accelerate wound healing in Sectio caesarea patients


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    Weight gain is based on dry weight. When the body has to bear excess fluid between two dialysis times, this is what is called interdialitic body weight / Inter Dialitic Weight Gain (IDWG). IRR in 2015 noted the most frequent complication in hemodialysis durante was hypertension (38%), followed by hypotension (15%), where the etiology of the two complications above is very closely related to the number of ultrafiltration. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between inter dialitic weight gains (IDWG) with the occurrence of complications of durante hemodialysis. By using a research design analytic method that uses a cross sectional approach. The sampling technique uses total sampling, in which 60 respondents measured body weight and blood pressure and observed whether experiencing complications durante hemodialysis. Furthermore, the results of observations are written in the observation sheet and tested by statistical data with the Chi-Square Test. The results showed the majority of respondents had a moderate IDWG of 33 people (55%), of which 27 people (45%) had complications consisting of 7 people (11.7%) hypotension and 20 people (33.3%) hypertension. Statistical test results with the chi-square test showed that the value of p = 0,000, which means that there is a significant relationship between IDWG and the occurrence of complications of hemodialysis durante. Future researchers are expected to be able to further develop research on other complications that may occur related to IDWG. &nbsp


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    Anxiety is an emotional and subjective experience without any specific object so that people feel a specific feeling of being (worried) as if there is something bad that will happen and generally accompanied by the autonomic symptoms that take some time. This research aims to know the role of the Faculty of guidance lecturers with an emergency level of students at the end of the S1 study program at the Health Institute of North Sumatra. The population in this study is a total of 92 students, sampling techniques using purposive sampling. Samples were taken, 48 people. Data collection tools using questionnaires. This research is a correlation study with a chi-square test. The study gets the majority of active guidance lecturers have been 52.1% and minorities of the faculty have been inactive as much as 47.9%. The majority of respondents had a severe anxiety rate of 54.2%, and minority respondents who had experienced severe anxiety/panic rates of 4.2%. Statistical test result relationship of the Supervisor lecturer with final level student anxiety level with the value of p-value = 0.661 (p> 0.05). These results show no relationship of mentor lecturer roles with an end-level student anxiety level. This research is expected to be the motivation that the thesis is an educational trust that must be resolved properly and on time


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    Clinical leadership is a process to increase patient care quality with a set of nurses' capabilities in a hospital focusing on multidiscipline of care. Implementation of clinical leadership for nurses was unusual for any hospital practitioner. How this model implements were needed as proof, and whether this can aim to determine the study was aimed to find out the effectivity of Clinical Leadership Competency Framework (CLCF) implementation for nurses. Quasy experiment design was used in this research, whereas there was no control group for 52 respondents. The instruments measuring clinical leadership were adopted and modified from the standard tools. The first measurement showed that the majority of nurses' clinical leadership was in a good category, they were 31 respondents (59,6%), and for the second measurement majority of nurses' clinical leadership was in a good category also, they were 34 respondents (65,4%). T-test dependent showed that significant difference in mean between the first measurement and the second one (p=0,001; α = 0,05). It meant that CLCF was effective in influencing the nurses' clinical leadership. CLCF implementation in a hospital was a scientific simulation that could be developed for other hospitals because clinical leadership had a strong influence on nurses' performance. Excellent nurses' performance will influence patient care quality, and it will impact people's trust in the hospital finally


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    Communication is the most important thing in providing services to patients because everything related to Covid-19 patients must be conveyed, well, and correctly. On this basis, adjustments are needed from various parties to communicate so that the message to be conveyed regarding patients can run smoothly. Until now this continues to be a concern of all medical personnel and adjustments are needed in communicating considering the obstacles experienced. This study used a cross-sectional design. The location of research was held at Bhayangkara General Hospital, Banda Aceh. Sampling technique with random sampling with a sample of 57 patients. Data collection using the observation table instrument. The statistical test used the Chi-square test. The majority of room head supervision is in the good category 55 people (96.5%). The results of the study obtained were that the majority of nurses' SBAR communication was good as many as 54 people (94.7), and the relationship between the two variables between the implementation of supervision of the head of the room and the implementation of SBAR communication obtained the p-value of 0.000. Suggestions in this study are expected to be the basis for hospital management policy to improve hospital services, especially in terms of implementing the supervision of the head of the room and the implementation of nurse SBAR communication. This research can play a major role in terms of providing nursing services in the future. The increase in nursing communication services can reduce unwanted events

    Rancang Bangun Attenuator 105 MHz-990 MHz

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    Penggunaan Band Stop Filter pada Attenuator banyak digunakan karena rentang frekuensi attenuasi yang besar, serta perhitungan komponen yang tidak rumit. Penggunaan dioda pada rangkaian digunakan sebagai pemotong level tegangan pada sisi rangkaian pararel dan penahan arus DC pada sisi rangkaian serial. Model tipe π digunakan dengan cara pemberian arus pada baterai agar dapat memberikan level attenuasi yang besar. Rangkaian didalam attenuator ini menggunakan komponen pasif dimana komponen yang digunakan adalah sebuah dioda sebagai penyearah, kapasitor, resistor dan induktansi dan lain-lain. Metode pembuatan alat ini dengan cara merancang sebuah rangkaian yang telah ditentukan nilai komponennya. Di dalam pengujian alat ini digunakan sebuah spectrum analyzer atau function generator untuk melihat frekuensi gelombang radio yang sudah diredam