735 research outputs found

    Sub-Nanosecond Time of Flight on Commercial Wi-Fi Cards

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    Time-of-flight, i.e., the time incurred by a signal to travel from transmitter to receiver, is perhaps the most intuitive way to measure distances using wireless signals. It is used in major positioning systems such as GPS, RADAR, and SONAR. However, attempts at using time-of-flight for indoor localization have failed to deliver acceptable accuracy due to fundamental limitations in measuring time on Wi-Fi and other RF consumer technologies. While the research community has developed alternatives for RF-based indoor localization that do not require time-of-flight, those approaches have their own limitations that hamper their use in practice. In particular, many existing approaches need receivers with large antenna arrays while commercial Wi-Fi nodes have two or three antennas. Other systems require fingerprinting the environment to create signal maps. More fundamentally, none of these methods support indoor positioning between a pair of Wi-Fi devices without~third~party~support. In this paper, we present a set of algorithms that measure the time-of-flight to sub-nanosecond accuracy on commercial Wi-Fi cards. We implement these algorithms and demonstrate a system that achieves accurate device-to-device localization, i.e. enables a pair of Wi-Fi devices to locate each other without any support from the infrastructure, not even the location of the access points.Comment: 14 page

    Analisis Tipologi Adaptasi Robert K. Merton Dalam Implementasi Pendekatan Saintifik Oleh Guru Di SMA Negeri 2 Sukoharjo

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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah (1) mendeskripsikan penerapan penekatan saintifik guru di SMAN 2 Sukogharjo, (2) mendiskripsikan analisisis tipologi adaptasi Robert K. Merton dalam penerapan pendekatan saintifik guru di SMAN 2 Sukoharjo.Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif, dengan strategi studi kasus fenomenologi. Sumber data dari informan atau narasumber serta dokumen dan arsip. Tekhnik cuplikan menggunakan purposive. Tekhnik pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini terdiri dari observasi langsung, wawancara mendalam dan dokumen. Untuk validitas data menggunakan trianggulasi data atau sumber dan triangulasi metode. Tekhnik analisis data yang digunakan adalah model analisis interaktif.Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan, pertama, bahwa dari enam guru yang diteliti hanya dua guru yang menerapkan pendekatan saintifik dengan benar. Sedangkan empat guru lain tidak menerapkan pendekatan saintifik yang sesuai. Kedua, dalam Tipe adaptasi menurut merton terdapat 5 tipe yaitu: comformity, innovation, ritualism, retreatism, dan rebellion. dari enam guru yang diteliti satu guru termasuk kedalam tipe adapatasi comformity, dua guru masuk kedalam tipe adaptasi innovation, satu guru masuk kedalam tipe adaptasi ritualism, dan dua guru masuk kedalam tipe adapatasi retreatism

    Pemodelan Determinan Niat Berwirausaha Dan Efek Pengaruh Edukasi Kewirausahaan Di Kalangan Mahasiswa

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    . Entrepreneurial intentions among undergraduates students need deeper studyin order to reveal entrepreneurial intention formation model, intention determinantvariables, and how those variables interact each other that affect intention formationprocess and intention strength level. Personal attitudes and social norms are the mostimportant variable influencing entrepreneurial intentions, besidesperceived behavioralcontrol. These three variables are the most important entrepreneurial intentionsdeterminant variable that direcly are influenced by personal beliefs about these factors.Entrepreneurship educations are aimed to change all personal beliefs to be morepositive to entrepreneurial activity so we could find strong entrepreneurial intentionsamong undergraduate students. Empirical test show that entrepreneurship educationsignificantly influence personal attitude dan perceived behavior control to be morefavorable in developing entrepreneurship edcuatio

    Banking Competition Measurement and Banking Sector Performance: Analysis of 4 ASEAN Countries

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    Many believe concentrated banking industry which is dominated by few big banks creates lower competition, high profitability, and low efficiency. The main issue in empirical testing of this hypothesis is how to measure banking competition level. Traditional measures of competition are concentration ratio and Herfindahl-Hirschman Index. This study uses three measures of banking level competition which are widely used in recent financial literature: Boone Indicator, Lerner Index and H-Panzar-Rosse statistics. Lerner Index and H-Panzar-Rosse statistics resulted a similar competition level conclusion, while Boone Indicator produced slightly different output. Industry concentration produced opposing results with those three level of industry competition measurement methods. The results show banking competition tend to be a monopolistic competition in ASEAN countries, especially in Indonesia which banks' strategy basically were non-pricing strategy. Competition significantly caused lower profitability, while banking efficiency was not significantly affected by level of competition.DOI: 10.15408/sjie.v6i1.454

    Religiosity and Entrepreneurial Intention

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    Religion and economic activities relationship is an evolving research topic in economics. Secular world-view usually put a side religiosity as just one of non-economic factors. However, religiosity is an important individual characteristic that has significant influence in shaping daily life decisions. Entrepreneurial intentions among undergraduates students need deeper study in order to reveal entrepreneurial intention formation model, intention determinant variables, how those variables interact each other, and how individual religiosity affect intention formation process and intention strength level. Based on Structural Equation Model, personal attitudes and social norms are the most important variables influencing entrepreneurial intentions, besides perceived behavioral control. These three variables are the most important entrepreneurial intentions determinant variable that direcly are influenced by personal beliefs about these factors. Religiosity plays an important role in entrepreneurial intention. Empirical test show that religious student group has stronger personal attitude towards entrepreneurial activity dan perceived behavior control compared to irreligious group.DOI: 10.15408/etk.v16i2.496

    Stabilitas Bank, Tingkat Persaingan Antar Bank Dan Diversifikasi Sumber Pendapatan: Analisis Per Kelompok Bank Di Indonesia

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    . The"Competition-fragility" view and The "Competition-stability" view has a contrary logical flow in predicting the relationship between bank stability and competition among banks. According to Berger et al (2009), these two views differ on credit risk aspect of loan portfolio, but on the risks faced by the bank as a whole, these two views have the same prediction. In the credit market which is dominated by few banks with substantial market power, the risk of bank credit portfolio increases as predicted by the view "competition-fragility", but the bank\u27s overall risk does not always go up with the jump in credit portfolio risk. The paper shows that empirical test of the Indonesian banking system support this hypothesis, except in foreign bank group that has its own business model. The relationship of competition and the credit risk of banks in Indonesia also have a U -shape pattern that increasing competition in the early stages can reduce credit risk, which is due to increasing income diversification and diversification of bank credit type, but at a certain point the increasing competition has worsened the quality of bank credit portfolio

    Intensitas Peran Aktor Kebijakan Dan Kekuatan Politis Dalam Perumusan Kebijakan Sertifikasi Pendidik

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    Kebijakan sertifikasi pendidik pada awalnya tidak begitu diterima dan tidak mudah diterapkan lebih lebih dengan masih adanya masalah pada subsidi pemerintah. Masalah-masalah tersebut dapat berasal dari tahap Perumusan kebijakan yang telah melibatkan para pelaku kebijakan yang juga memiliki kepentingan. Penelitian ini bersifat retrospektif dengan menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dan snowball sampling. Untuk menganalisis data hasil penelitian, peneliti menggunakan interpretative inductive analysis. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kebijakan sertifikasi pendidik merupakan sebuah proses politis yang dirancang oleh para pembuat kebijakan sesuai dengan Perundangan yang berlaku, intensitas DPR dan PGRI lebih dominan daripada pemerintah dan para pejabat tidak resmi lain, dan pengaruh DPR dan PGRI merupakan pihak-pihak yang signifikan dalam Perubahan paradigm atau Perubahan preferensi nilai dari peningkatan kualitas pendidikan melalui peningkatan kesejahteraan guru

    Output Lembaga Pendidikan Dalam Perspektif Ekonomi Pendidikan

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    Schooling is social institution needed to produce educational products and services, which useful for the existence of individual, community, or nation and state. In the term of economic of education, education production processes consume resources which scarce or limited, so education stakeholders should be capable to use the available resources effectively and efficiently. Educational results can be categories as consumption and investment. As consumption, the results are immediately and directly enjoyable, called “outputs”. While as investment, education give benefits indirectly and in the long term continuously, named “outcomes”. Also the results can be differentiating as economic valued outputs and non-economic valued outputs. The first one is outputs which potentially useful to get financial or monetary advantages, as knowledge and skills. While the second one is benefits which can not be measured as money, like friendship, happiness etc. The calculation of economical education results carried out by formulas: the earnings differentials, net present value, or internal rate of return, etc. This computation is very important to make decision or consideration in choose and continue study, to explain manpower condition, and to improve education program to meet with manpower demand
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