621 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Kualitas Layanan, Reputasi, dan Nilai Layanan Perguruan Tinngi terhadap Kepuasaan Mahasiswa

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    Currently, there is a tight competition in service industry, especially in higher education or university. The administrators or universities have to understand deeply their students and try to fulfill their needs well to make them satisfied and tell positive word-of-mouth about the university. Therefore, the understanding of student satisfaction and other factors determining student satisfaction, such as service quality, reputation, and service value of the university, become very important. The objectives of this study are to know whether there are positive effects of service quality and reputation on service value. Furthermore, this study also try to verify whether there are positive effects of service quality and value on student satisfaction. Results indicate that most of the empirical data support that there are positive effects of service quality and reputation on service value. Likewise, this study proves that there is a positive effect of service value on student satisfaction. However, this study also find that there is not a positive effect of service quality on student satisfaction

    Pengaruh Manfaat Dan Kualitas Hubungan Relasional Terhadap Hasil Pemasaran Relasional: Sebuah Studi Terhadap Layanan Suratkabar

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    The importance of developing and maintaining enduring relationships with customersof service businesses is generally accepted in the marketing literature. A keychallenge for researchers is to identify and understand how managerially controlledantecedent variables influence important relationship marketing outcomes (e.g., customerloyalty and word-of-mouth communication). Relational benefits, which havea focus on the benefits consumers receive apart from the core service, and relationshipquality, which focuses on the overall nature of the relationship, represent twoapproaches to understanding customer loyalty and word of mouth. This article integratesthese two concepts by positioning customer satisfaction and commitment asrelationship quality dimensions that partially mediate the relationship between threerelational benefits (confidence benefits, social benefits, and special treatment benefits)and the two outcome variables. The results indicate that the concepts of customer satisfactionand commitment serve to significantly contribute to relationship marketingoutcomes in services. On the other hand, the data does not approve that there is apositive effect of relational benefits to loyalty

    Analisis Hubungan Indeks Harga Saham Domestik, Indeks Harga Saham Internasional, dan Kurs: Pendekatan Vector Autoregression (Var)

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    This research aims to analyze the relation between domestic share price index variable (composite share price index), International share indexes, and Rp/US exchange rate simultaneously. This research uses weekly data along August 2007-April 2008 period. The data is then analyzed with vector autoregression method (VAR). The result of analysis with impulse response function shows that IHSG variable tends to give positive response towards shock of exchange rate variable, Dow Jones Index, Hangseng Index, Singapore Index, or Nikkei Index. Meanwhile, the analysis of variance decomposition shows that along 10 observations periods, /HSG variable tends to give the biggest average contribution (49%-100%) towards the movement of /HSG variable, while Singapore's index variable gives the smallest average contribution (0%-2,9%)

    Migrasi Kepada Penyedia Jasa Baru: Studi Intensi Berpindah Pelanggan Jasa Telepon Seluler

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    A reasonably strong competitive atmosphere can now be felt among service provider of telecommunication industry, especially GSM mobile phones. Therefore, it is no doubt crucial for service provider of cell phone to possess profound understanding on why one client stay with one provider or leave them to move to another. The purposes of this research are to know whether there are any positive effects of push and pull factors to the clients' intention to migrate; and the negative effects of mooring factors to people's attitude to do so. Furthermore, this research also discusses whether there are any negative effects of mooring factors to the relationship between push effects and clients' intention to migrate. Likewise the drawbacks of mooring effects related to the pull effects and clients' intention to migrate. This research is conducted among 230 economic students of Economic Faculty of University of Indonesia who have used GSM cell phone providers for at least six months. Most of the result obtained from this research supported the idea that there is a negative effect of mooring factors to the intentions to migrate. On the other hand, the data does not approve that there is a positive effect of push and pull factors to client's intention to migrate. Neither, in addition, do they support the notion that there is a negative effect of mooring effects towards relationship between pull effects and people's intention to migrate. Later it is found that no significant negative effect of mooring effects towards relationship between pull effects and intention to migrate is found. Keywords: switching intentions, push effects, pull effects, mooring effect

    Kepemimpinan Beretika Dan Kinerja Organisasi: Studi Kasus Indomie Di Taiwan Dan Hong Kong

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    Ethical leadership has emerged as a concept that played a significant part in promoting organizational performance. Based on this background, the purpose of this study is to critically examine the case of withdrawal of circulation of Indomieinstant noodles in Taiwan and Hong Kong. As one of the issues of business ethics in global business, critical analyzes will be viewed from the perspective of ethical leadership. Specifically, this case study will use the findings of previous studies bydesigning a theoretical model, called Integrated Ethical Leadership Model (IEL Model). This model is able to identify the antecedents and consequences of ethical leadership, as well as their implications for organizational performance. This studyis expected to be followed up with a quantitative empirical study to test the accuracy of theoretical models that have been designed

    Perpindahan Pelanggan (Customer Switching) dalam Pemasaran Jasa: sebuah Analisis Konseptual

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    The main goals of this paper are: (i) to review the literatures on customer switching occurred in business services, (ii) to identify the antecedents of customer switching in service business, and (iii) to provide recommendations for managers to avoid or reduce customer migration. This paper is a conceptual study through a literature review on the various articles in leading marketing journals. This paper presents various opinions of the authors and a discussion about customer switching growing to date. This study shows that companies have to pay attention to keep their customers from their competitors. Several factors determining customer switching such as attitudes about switching, subjective norms, customer dissatisfaction, and perceived quality are analyzed. The study shows that companies will gain profit by retaining their customers

    Perilaku Oportunistik dalam Hubungan Kemitraan (Partnership): sebuah Analisis Konseptual dengan Menggunakan Model Igmob

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    This paper reviews the impact of opportunistic behavior in a partnership or the buyer-seller relationship. This study strives to present an integrated general model of opportunistic behavior (IGMOB) to provide a conceptual understanding of opportunistic behavior from the perspective of relationship marketing theory. Various scientific articles from leading journals were re-examined, in particular articles discuss opportunistic behavior. In particular, the causes and consequences of opportunistic behavior were identified, then analyzed their relationships with performance. Based on previous empirical studies, a conceptual understanding was constructed by inserting various relationships among important concepts related. In the context of the relationships between the partners, various studies found that opportunistic behavior has a negative trait for a relationship. There are fifteen factors causing the emergence of opportunistic behavior were identified in this study: temporary relationships (temporality), cultural similarity, formalization, governance, equity-based cooperation, mutual influence, atmosphere of tolerance, mutual respect, satisfaction, length of relationship, flattery, cynicism, deceitful tendencies, and relativity. The study also identified six factors that could be affected by this opportunistic behavior: trust, commitment, cooperation, intention to extent the relationship, knowledge sharing, and guanxi. This study seeks to understand conceptually about the causes and effects of opportunistic behavior in building long-term partnerships between the partners based on a review of current literature. The conceptual model is successfully constructed in this study should be reviewed through various empirical studies

    Kualitas Even, Kepuasan Pengunjung, Dan Intensi Berperilaku Pengunjung: Suatu Studi Empiris

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    This study aims to examine the relationship between event quality (includes diversity and sponsor balance), visitor satisfaction, and behavioral intention of the visitors. Structured questionnaire was designed to collect survey data. Multiple linear regression analysis was used to test the significance of the causal relationships proposed in the hypothesis. The results showed that the diversity and sponsor balance affect visitor satisfaction. Similarly, diversity and visitor satisfaction affect the behavioral intention. However, the study also foundthat there was no influence of the sponsor balance to the behavioral intention. This study provides empirical contribution through conceptualization, and then verify empirically on a model. Empirical contribution comes from finding the strength and magnitude of the association relationship found. In addition, this study also provides practical contribution, particularly for event managers, to increase the number ofvisitors. The value of this study is centered on conceptual and empirical contributions related to the relationship between the event quality (diversity and sponsor balance), visitor satisfaction, and behavioral intention of the visitors
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