3 research outputs found

    Konstruksi Makna Setara Melalui Perilaku Patriarkis Perempuan di Ruang Domestik dan Publik

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    Gender basically discusses the meaning of equality between women and men in various aspects of life. The existence of men and women are two entities that are often distinguished in terms of sex and the roles that must be performed gender so that the potential to cause disparity. The purpose of this study is to analyze how the construction of the meaning of "equal" in the study of gender equality is based on the perspective of men and women. This study uses a case study research method with in-depth interview techniques, observation, and literature review in the form of books, journals, and relevant articles. The results of this study indicate that the meaning of equality is generally closely related to women who are often treated unfairly and become inferior. The construction of the meaning of "equal" now turns out to be able to discredit men through the dogmatic state that develops in society. On the other hand the situation of gender equality is currently experiencing a shift in behavior, namely the emergence of superiority of women over men in the public and domestic spheres

    Pelatihan Jurnalistik dalam Membangun Literasi Media pada Anak-Anak di Sanggar Ar-Rosyid Purwokerto

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    The number of children who overuse the device makes them less creative in writing and telling stories. In addition, children sometimes access news that is not suitable for them, such as scenes of violence, pornography, and porno-action. This condition also occurs in children in Ar-Rosyid Purwokerto. Community Service Program (PKM) in the form of journalistic training is conducted to build media literacy by developing children's creativity in the field of journalism, both in the form of writing and in the form of broadcasts.This training was held by lecturers and students of the Communication Studies Program at Universitas Amikom Purwokerto in mid September and October 2019 (every Saturdays). There were 20 elementary and junior high school students participated in this training. They joined the non-formal activities in Ar-Rosyid Purwokerto. The facilitators assisted the participants and provided them with knowledge and skills related to the journalistic principles and elements. The participants gained knowledge and skills on how to conduct interviews and observation, and write news according to journalistic rules. In addition, the participants gained experience about the radio broadcasting process and making journalism photos. The training started from the orientation, introduction of journalism for children, journalistic practices for children, practice, and evaluation. All steps were carried out at Universitas Amikom Purwokerto.After the training, the participants' interest in writing article and stories are improving. The participants can write free themes using journalistic elements. In additions, they are confident to do deliver their simple speech in front of audience as well as in the radio broadcasting.  


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    Banyaknya kejadian kebakaran di pemukiman penduduk yang disebabkan oleh kurangnya pemahaman tentang SOP dari penggunaan ala-alat rumah tangga dan menjadi dasar dilaksanakannya program pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini. Program ini berupa sosialisasi siaga bencana kebakaran ini bertujuan untuk memberikan pemahaman kepada ibu-ibu rumah tangga akan sadar betapa pentingnya keamanan dapur. Sosialiasi diadakan oleh dosen dan mahasiswa prodi Ilmu Komunikasi Universitas Amikom Purwokerto bekerja sama dengan Tim Purwokerto Rescue kepada anggota PKK RW 6 Kranji, Purwokerto Utara. Para peserta mendapatkan pelatihan cara mengatasi suatu khasus kebakaran yang terjadi dalam rumah tangga seperti cara mengatasi gas yang bocor akibat pemasangan regulator yang salah dan kebocoran selang gas. Kegiatan ini dapat menjadi sarana bagi ibu-ibu untuk mengetahui lebih jauh tentang pencegahan kebakaran di rumah dan sebagai sharing center. Oleh karena itu, kasus kebakaran dapat dikurangi dan diminimalisir dampaknya dengan adanya pengetahuan setiap individu dan masyarakat tentang kebakaran dan bagaimana cara mencegah, menghadapi dan menanggulangi adanya kebakaran melalui kegiatan sosialisasi ini