18 research outputs found

    Integration of artificial intelligence into nursing practice

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    BACKGROUND: Artificial Intelligence (AI) is developing at a rapid pace and finding new applications across the health service team. Some professionals have voiced concerns over the implementation of AI, whilst others predict greater job opportunities in the future. Nursing practice will be directly affected and further information is required on the knowledge and perceptions of nurses regarding the integration of AI in practice. The study aims to assess the knowledge, attitude, willingness, and organizational readiness in integrating AI into nursing practice. METHODS: An exploratory cross-sectional survey of nurses working in health organisations. A survey link was emailed to participants. Nurses working in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) health organisations were invited to participate. Eligibility criteria included registered nurses in government or private hospitals. The survey captured the nurses demographic, knoweldage, preceptions, orgianizational readinesss and challenges regarding implementation of AI into nursing practice. RESULTS: 553 responses were returned from 650 invitation giving a response rate of 85%. 51% of respondents stated their knowledge on AI was obtained through self-taught measures for most of the participants, while 20% of them gained it through various courses. Only 8% stated they learned through postgraduate courses, while 9% stated they lack knowledge of AI. 75% of all respondents agreed that the nursing curriculum should include some basic knowledge of AI. CONCLUSIONS: There is a lack of understanding of the principles of AI across the nursing profession. Further education and training is required to enable a seamless and safe integration of AI into nursing practice

    Ultrazvučna procjena fetalne prsne duljine kao prediktor gestacijske dobi kod nigerijske populacije

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    Background: The ultrasound machines used in our locality are programmed with software of non-indigenous normative values; furthermore, as pregnancy advances the accuracy of most biometric parameters in predicting GA varies due to racial morphological difference and error increases, hence the need for this study. Purpose: To determine local (black race) sonographic FTL normative values and to compare the values with that of the Caucasian population. Material and Methods: Women with a singleton pregnancy that was conceived naturally and who met the individual inclusion criteria were recruited consecutively. The Helsinki declaration of 1975 was considered. A prospective cross-sectional study was conducted in the Federal Medical Center Azare, Bauchi. The study involved 253 women from 16 to 38 weeks of gestation. A 2D ultrasound scan was used to measure the FTL (that is from the root of the neck to the diaphragm) at the level of the four-chamber view. Results: Normal values of the FTL were developed and showed a linear and statistically significant correlation with the weeks of gestation (r2= 0.81, P≤0.001). The FTL has a growth rate of 0.182 cm per week. Conclusion: There is no statistically significant difference between the FTL of the population under study (black population) and that of the Caucasian population. Hence, the use of Caucasian FTL on black race is a valid estimate of GA. And the GA predictive equation is; y = 3.61x + 11.95. Where y = gestational age in weeks and x= thoracic length.Uvod: Ultrazvučni uređaji koji se upotrebljavaju u našem području koriste se softverskim programom koji sadrži normativne vrijednosti koje ne odgovaraju domaćem stanovništvu. Nadalje, kako trudnoća odmiče, točnost većine biometrijskih parametara u predviđanju gestacijske dobi varira zbog rasnih morfoloških razlika te se povećava mogućnost pogreške. Stoga postoji i potreba za ovim istraživanjem. Svrha istraživanja: Utvrditi ultrazvučne normativne vrijednosti fetalne prsne duljine za lokalnu populaciju (pripadnici crne rase) i usporediti s vrijednostima koje se primjenjuju za pripadnike bijele rase. Materijali i metode: Žene trudne s jednim djetetom, koje su zanijele prirodnim putem i koje su zadovoljavale pojedinačne kriterije za uključivanje u istraživanje, redom su uključivane u istraživanje. Prilikom istraživanja u obzir je uzeta i Helsinška deklaracija iz 1975. godine. Prospektivno presječno istraživanje provedeno je u Saveznom medicinskom centru Azare, Bauchi. Istraživanje je obuhvatilo 253 žene koje su se bile trudne između 16 i 38 tjedana. 2D ultrazvuk primijenjen je za mjerenje fetalne prsne duljine (od korijena vrata do dijafragme) na razini presjeka kroz četiri srčane komore. Rezultati: Dobivene su normalne vrijednosti fetalne prsne duljine koje imaju linearnu i statistički značajnu povezanost s tjednima trudnoće (r2 = 0,81, P ≤ 0,001). Fetalna prsna duljina ima stopu rasta od 0,182 cm tjedno. Zaključak: Nema statistički značajne razlike između vrijednosti fetalne prsne duljine za stanovništvo na kojem se vršilo istraživanje (crna populacija) i za bijelu populaciju. Stoga se vrijednosti fetalne prsne duljine koje se primjenjuju za bijelu populaciju mogu primjenjivati za valjanu procjenu gestacijske dobi kod crne populacije. Prediktivna je jednadžba za izračun gestacijske dobi: y = 3,61x + 11,95, gdje je y = gestacijska dob u tjednima i x = prsna duljina

    Late non-physiological impacts of Covid-19 on radiography education

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    In this letter to the editor the authors say that there are long term questions which have not yet been published/investigated to address demands on staff and student radiographers during pandemic recovery and suggest that a special issue of 'Radiography' may address these ideas

    Machine learning as new approach for predicting of maxillary sinus volume, a sexual dimorphic study

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    The maxillary sinus is the most prominent in humans. Maxillary Sinus Volume (MSV) has grown in popularity as a tool to predict the success of various dental procedures and oral surgeries and determine a person's gender in cases such as forensic investigations when only partial skulls are available. Because it is an irregularly shaped cavity that may be difficult to measure manually, robust imaging techniques such as cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) used in conjunction with machine learning (ML) algorithms may offer quick and vigorous ways to make accurate predictions using sinus data. In this retrospective study, we used data from 150 patients with normal maxillary sinuses to train and evaluate a Python ML algorithm for its ability to predict MSV from basic patient demographics (age, gender) and sinus length measurements in three directions (anteroposterior, mediolateral, and superoinferior). The model found sinus length measurements had significantly higher predictive values than either age or gender and could predict MSVs from these length measurements with almost linear accuracy indicated by R-squared values ranging from 0.97 to 0.98% for the right and left sinuses

    Infection control and radiation safety practices in the radiology department during the COVID-19 outbreak.

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    Rationale and objectivesRadiology personnel must have good knowledge, experience and adherence to radiation protection and infection control practices to ensure patient safety and prevent the further spread of the COVID-19 virus. This study analysed compliance and adherence to radiation protection and infection control during COVID-19 mobile radiography.MethodsA cross-sectional using online survey was conducted from September to December 2021. Data on demographic characteristics, adherence to radiation protection and infection control practice were collected during mobile radiography for COVID-19 patients in the study. A random sample of the radiographers working in COVID-19 centres in the United Arab Emirates.ResultsResponses were received from 140 participants, with a response rate of 87.5%. Females were the predominant participants (n = 81; 58%). Participants aged ages between 18-25 years (n = 46; 33%) and 26-35 years (n = 42; 30%), (n = 57; 41%) had less than five years of experience, followed by participants who had more than 15 years (n = 38; 27%). Most participants (n = 81; 57.9%) stated that they performed approximately 1-5 suspected or confirmed COVID-19 cases daily. The participants had moderate to high adherence to radiation protection, with a mean and standard deviation of 42.3 ± 6.28. Additionally, infection control adherence was high, with 82% of the participants showing high adherence.ConclusionContinuous guidance, training and follow-up are recommended to increase adherence and compliance to radiation protection and infection control compliance. Educational institutions and professional organisations must collaborate to provide structured training programmes for radiology practitioners to overcome the practice and knowledge gap

    Establishment of Diagnostic Reference Levels in Cone Beam Computed Tomography Scans in the United Arab Emirates

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    This study aimed to address the knowledge gap in assessing the radiation doses from cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) procedures, establishing a typical value, and estimating effective and organ doses. A total of 340 patients aged 18–80 years were included in this study. Organ doses were estimated using VirtualDose IR software. The typical values were based on median values estimated as 1000 mGy cm2. The mean ED (µSv) per procedure was 149.5 ± 56, and the mean of the peak skin dose during the CBCT examination was 39.29 mGy. The highest organ dose was received by the salivary glands (2.71 mGy), the extrathoracic region (1.64 mGy), thyroid (1.24 mGy) and eyes (0.61 mGy). The patients’ doses were higher than in previous studies. Staff awareness, education, training and dose optimisation are highly recommended. With the establishment of local DRLs, patient dosages can be reduced successfully without compromising image quality

    Impacts of Phantom Off-Center Positioning on CT Numbers and Dose Index CTDIv: An Evaluation of Two CT Scanners from GE

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    The purpose of this work is to evaluate the impacts of body off-center positioning on CT numbers and dose index CTDIv of two scanners from GE. HD750 and APEX scanners were used to acquire a PBU60 phantom of Kagaku and a 062M phantom of CIRS respectively. CT images were acquired at various off-center positions under automatic tube current modulation using various peak voltages. CTDIv were recorded for each of the acquisitions. An abdomen section of the PBU60 phantom was used for CT number analysis and tissue inserts of the 062M phantom were filled with water balloons to mimic the human abdomen. CT numbers of central regions of interests were averaged using the Fiji software. As phantoms were lifted above the iso-center, both CTDIv and CT numbers were increased for the HD750 scanner whilst they were approximately constant for the APEX scanner. The measured sizes of anterior-posterior projection images were also increased for both scanners whilst the sizes of lateral projection images were increased for the HD750 scanner but decreased for the APEX scanner. Off-center correction algorithms were implemented in the APEX scanner. Matching the X-ray projection center with the system’s iso-center could improve the accuracy of CT imaging

    Bridging the Gap in Online Learning Anxiety Among Different Generations in Health Professions Education

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    Objectives: This study aimed to examine the effects of an individual’s generation group on anxiety related to online learning among students and online learning and teaching activities among faculty. Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted at the University of Sharjah, Sharjah, United Arab Emirates, in April 2020 using the Online Course Anxiety Scale. The questionnaires were sent to 370 undergraduate students and 81 faculty members via email and the responses were stratified by generation. Descriptive statistics and an independent sample t-test was used to compare the mean scores of online learning anxiety with gender and previous experience among faculty and students. Results: A total of 358 students and 70 faculty members completed the questionnaire (response rate: 96.8% and 86.4%, respectively). Only 5.7% of the faculty (compared to 54.7% of the students) enjoyed browsing internet resources during online learning. Among the faculty, 75.7% experienced anxiety during online teaching compared to 37.7% of students. Of the faculty, 92.3% of baby boomers felt anxious compared to 70.5% and 76.9% of X and Y generations, respectively. Conclusion: While students of Generations Z and Y enjoyed browsing the internet during online learning, the Generation Z students were anxious during online discussions and concerned about the misinterpretation of their written communication. Anxiety among faculty members was related to confusion regarding the use of the internet and computers and misinterpretations of text-based messages. Keywords: Anxiety; Online Learning; Generations; Work Engagement; Medical Education; United Arab Emirates

    Acceptability and potential impacts of innovative E-Portfolios implemented in E-Learning systems for clinical training

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    الملخص: أهداف البحث: هناك أدلة متزايدة على أن استخدام المحافظ الإلكترونية له تأثير إيجابي على خبرة التعلم. لكن، لم تظهر الأدبيات بيانات كافية عن فعالية المحافظ الإلكترونية في التعليم الطبي. أجريت هذه الدراسة لتقييم القبول والتأثيرات المحتملة للمحفظة الإلكترونية لطلاب الأشعة التصويرية. طرق البحث: أجريت هذه الدراسة الكمية المقطعية خلال العام الأكاديمي ٢٠١٦-٢٠١٧ على الطلاب أثناء التدريب السريري. تم توزيع استبانة ذاتية على مجموعة مختارة من الطلاب. أكمل جميع المشاركين نموذج الموافقة قبل تنفيذ الاستبانة. النتائج: من بين ٧٥ طالبا، أكمل ٦٦ الاستبانة (معدل الاستجابة؛ ٨٨٪). تم تحديد خبرات الطلاب، دعم التعلم للطلاب والتحديات للمحفظة الإلكترونية. اعتبر واحد واربعون طالبا (٦٢٪) أن المحفظة الإلكترونية تسهل التنظيم الفعال لعملهم، ووافق ٤٠ (٦١٪) على أن المحفظة الإلكترونية عزّزت مهاراتهم المهنية. في المقابل، أدرك الطلاب وجود علاقة سلبية بين دعم التعلم لدى الطلاب والاستفادة المستقبلية للمحفظة الإلكترونية. ووجد أن الاستخدام المستقبلي للمحفظة الإلكترونية يرتبط ارتباطا إيجابيا بالتحديات والالتزام بالمواعيد النهائية، معاملات الترابط ٠.٣٧١ و٠.١٥٢على التوالي. الاستنتاجات: استخلصت الدراسة أن الدعم الفني المستمر للمحفظة الإلكترونية طوال الدورة له دور محتمل في تعزيز خبرة التعلم. التدريب المناسب لدمج المحافظ الإلكترونية في التعليم والتعلم يمكن أن يؤدي إلى إثراء البيئة التعليمية. وردود فعل الطلاب وأعضاء هيئة التدريس هي حجر الزاوية الرئيس لنجاح المحفظة الإلكترونية. Abstract: Objective: There is growing evidence that use of E-portfolios has a positive effect on learning experience. However, literature has not shown sufficient data about the effectiveness of E-portfolios in medical education. This study was conducted to assess the acceptability and potential impacts of E-portfolio use for undergraduate radiography students. Methods: This cross-sectional quantitative study was conducted during the academic year 2016–2017 on students studying clinical courses. A self-administered questionnaire was distributed to the selected cohort of students. All participants completed the consent form before answering the questionnaire. Results: Of 75 students, 66 completed the survey (response rate; 88%). Students' experience, students' learning support, and the challenges of E-portfolio use were identified. Forty-one (62%) students perceived that E-portfolios facilitated the effective organization of their work, and 40 (61%) agreed that E-portfolios enhanced their professional skills. In contrast, the students perceived a negative correlation between students' learning support and future utilization of E-portfolios (correlation coefficient −0.394, p = 0.05). Future utilization of E-portfolios was found to be positively correlated with challenges and commitment to deadlines, with correlation coefficients of 0.371 and 0.152, respectively. Conclusion: The study found that continuous technical support for E-portfolios throughout the course had a potential role in enhancing learning experience. Appropriate training for integrating E-portfolios into teaching and learning can potentially enrich the educational environment. Student and faculty feedback is the main cornerstone for E-portfolio success. الكلمات المفتاحية: المحفظة الإليكترونية, التعلم, التعليم, التصوير بالأشعة, Keywords: Education, E-portfolio, Learning, Radiograph