429 research outputs found

    Alien Registration- Whitworth, John E. (Bangor, Penobscot County)

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    The banking sector and recovery in the EU economy

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    Banks within Europe have become larger and more international as Europe has moved towards a unified financial services market, but this trend has been reversed since the crisis. In order to establish the effect of these structural changes on output in Europe, we use a micro data set to investigate the impact of size (as measured by asset size) on banks’ net interest margins. We show that larger banks offer lower borrowing costs for firms, which raises sustainable output. We then use NiGEM to look at the impact of banks becoming smaller and moving back into their home territory. We investigate the impacts on output according to country size, showing that the effects are generally larger in small countries, and also larger in economies that are more dependent on bank finance for their business investment decisions. Keywords: Net interest margins; bank size; European financial integration; growth; bank regulation JEL Classifications: E44; G10; G2

    Cardiovascular consequences of cortisol excess

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    Cushing's syndrome is a consequence of primary or, more commonly, secondary oversecretion of cortisol. Cardiovascular disease is the major cause of morbidity and mortality in Cushing's syndrome, and excess risk remains even in effectively treated patients. The cardiovascular consequences of cortisol excess are protean and include, inter alia, elevation of blood pressure, truncal obesity, hyperinsulinemia, hyperglycemia, insulin resistance, and dyslipidemia. This review analyses the relationship of cortisol excess, both locally and at tissue level, to these cardiovascular risk factors, and to putative mechanisms for hypertension. Previous studies have examined correlations between cortisol, blood pressure, and other parameters in the general population and in Cushing's syndrome. This review also details changes induced by short-term cortisol administration in normotensive healthy men

    Preventing Acute Mountain Sickness

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    Gradual ascent is the most effective method for preventing acute mountain sickness. (Strength of Recommendation [SOR]: B, based on good-quality prospective and retrospective cohort studies.) Acetazolamide should be used to prevent acute mountain sickness in persons with a history of acute mountain sickness or when gradual ascent is not practical. (SOR: A, based on two randomized controlled trials [RCTs] and a meta-analysis of 15 RCTs.) Dexamethasone is effective in preventing acute mountain sickness, but adverse effects must be considered. (SOR: A, based on a meta-analysis of seven RCTs.) Ginkgo extract is not recommended for acute mountain sickness prophylaxis. (SOR: A, based on seven controlled trials.

    The Banking Sector and Recovery in the EU Economy. ESRI Research Bulletin 2011/2/2

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    The financial crisis of the last three years has seen a dramatic change in the EU financial sector. Since the early 1990s, with the completion of the internal market, there had been a growing trend towards an EU financial services market. Banks were becoming more international with greater regional coverage within the EU (and the world) resulting in a more efficient use of capital in the EU economy and enhanced competition. The benefit of this growth in “European” banks was expected to arise from both efficiency gains within the sector and also from a more efficient allocation of capital across wider European economy, all leading to higher growth. Experience has shown that the expected changes in the banking sector within the EU did, in fact, translate into welfare benefits for consumers in the period prior to the current crisis

    Atomic Electrons in Strong Magnetic Fields: Transition from Elliptical to Helical Behavior.

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    The behavior of an atomic electron in a static magnetic field strong enough to correspond to the transition regime is examined. The field strength is characterized by the parameter L^, the effective component of angular momentum. A Floquet-Mathieu analysis shows that the bifurcation of classical trajectories into elliptical and helical families is related to the 2:1 resonance which occurs at L^=L^T. Quantum mechanics gives an avoided crossing at L^T; we examine the nature of the wave functions as L^ passes through the resonance. Semiclassical calculations accurately reproduce the quantum eigenvalues and produce trajectories which underlie the quantum wave functions. The avoided crossing is expressed in semiclassical terms as a switch between elliptical and helical families. The bifurcation of the classical motion means that, at the primitive semiclassical level, some states may be missed and others may be generated in both elliptical and helical representations

    Bovine Trichomoniasis

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    The Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Service periodically issues revisions to its publications. The most current edition is made available. For access to an earlier edition, if available for this title, please contact the Oklahoma State University Library Archives by email at [email protected] or by phone at 405-744-6311
