688 research outputs found

    Time maintenance of user clocks via the tracking and data relay satellite system

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    A system is described which uses the Tracking and Data Relay Satellite System (TDRSS) itself to compare the user satellite clock with a clock at the White Sands station that is referenced to Universal Time Coordinated (UTC). No command of the spacecraft by the system is required, and actual on-board clock corrections are made by the spacecraft control center at its discretion. Computer models were constructed using basic orbital parameters for user and TDRS satellites. With only first-order corrections and simple averaging techniques for constant clock rates, error measurement precision of better than one microsecond was obtained. More sophisticated computations should allow considerable improvement over this

    Submicrosecond comparison of international clock synchronization by VLBI and the NTS satellite

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    The intercontinental clock synchronization capabilities of Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI) and the Navigation Technology Satellite (NTS) were compared using both methods to synchronize the Cesium clocks at the NASA Deep Space Net complexes at Madrid, Spain and Goldstone, California. Verification of the accuracy of both systems was examined. The VLBI experiments used the Wideband VLBI Data Acquisition System developed at the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory. The NTS Satellites were designed and built by the Naval Research Laboratory used with NTS Timing Receivers developed by the Goddard Space Flight Center. The two methods agreed at about the one-half microsecond level

    Cost efficient operations for Discovery class missions

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    The Near Earth Asteroid Rendezvous (NEAR) program at The Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory is scheduled to launch the first spacecraft in NASA's Discovery program. The Discovery program is to promote low cost spacecraft design, development, and mission operations for planetary space missions. The authors describe the NEAR mission and discuss the design and development of the NEAR Mission Operations System and the NEAR Ground System with an emphasis on those aspects of the design that are conducive to low-cost operations

    Spatial-Distance Cues Influence Economic Decision-Making in a Social Context

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    Social distance (i.e., the degree of closeness to another person) affects the way humans perceive and respond to fairness during financial negotiations. Feeling close to someone enhances the acceptance of monetary offers. Here, we explored whether this effect also extends to the spatial domain. Specifically, using an iterated version of the Ultimatum Game in a within-subject design, we investigated whether different visual spatial distance-cues result in different rates of acceptance of otherwise identical monetary offers. Study 1 found that participants accepted significantly more offers when they were cued with spatial closeness than when they were cued with spatial distance. Study 2 replicated this effect using identical procedures but different spatial- distance cues in an independent sample. Importantly, our results could not be explained by feelings of social closeness. Our results demonstrate that mere perceptions of spatial closeness produce analogous–but independent–effects to those of social closeness

    Naturally occurring Ehrlichia chaffeensis infection in coyotes from Oklahoma.

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    A nested polymerase chain reaction assay was used to determine the presence of Ehrlichia chaffeensis, E. canis, and E. ewingii DNA in blood samples of free-ranging coyotes from central and northcentral Oklahoma. Of the 21 coyotes examined, 15 (71%) were positive for E. chaffeensis DNA; none was positive for E. canis or E. ewingii. Results suggest that E. chaffeensis infections are common in free-ranging coyotes in Oklahoma and that these wild canids could play a role in the epidemiology of human monocytotropic ehrlichiosis

    Biomarkers of Tuberculosis Severity and Treatment Effect: A Directed Screen of 70 Host Markers in a Randomized Clinical Trial.

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    More efficacious treatment regimens are needed for tuberculosis, however, drug development is impeded by a lack of reliable biomarkers of disease severity and of treatment effect. We conducted a directed screen of host biomarkers in participants enrolled in a tuberculosis clinical trial to address this need. Serum samples from 319 protocol-correct, culture-confirmed pulmonary tuberculosis patients treated under direct observation as part of an international, phase 2 trial were screened for 70 markers of infection, inflammation, and metabolism. Biomarker assays were specifically developed for this study and quantified using a novel, multiplexed electrochemiluminescence assay. We evaluated the association of biomarkers with baseline characteristics, as well as with detailed microbiologic data, using Bonferroni-adjusted, linear regression models. Across numerous analyses, seven proteins, SAA1, PCT, IL-1β, IL-6, CRP, PTX-3 and MMP-8, showed recurring strong associations with markers of baseline disease severity, smear grade and cavitation; were strongly modulated by tuberculosis treatment; and had responses that were greater for patients who culture-converted at 8weeks. With treatment, all proteins decreased, except for osteocalcin, MCP-1 and MCP-4, which significantly increased. Several previously reported putative tuberculosis-associated biomarkers (HOMX1, neopterin, and cathelicidin) were not significantly associated with treatment response. In conclusion, across a geographically diverse and large population of tuberculosis patients enrolled in a clinical trial, several previously reported putative biomarkers were not significantly associated with treatment response, however, seven proteins had recurring strong associations with baseline radiographic and microbiologic measures of disease severity, as well as with early treatment response, deserving additional study

    Random division of an interval

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    The well-known relation between random division of an interval and the Poisson process is interpreted as a Laplace transformation. With the use of this interpretation a number of (in part known) results is derived very easily

    Collapse of Rotating Magnetized Molecular Cloud Cores and Mass Outflows

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    Collapse of the rotating magnetized molecular cloud core is studied with the axisymmetric magnetohydrodynamical (MHD) simulations. Due to the change of the equation of state of the interstellar gas, the molecular cloud cores experience several different phases as collapse proce eds. In the isothermal run-away collapse (n1010H2cm3n \lesssim 10^{10}{\rm H_2 cm}^{-3}), a pseudo-disk is formed and it continues to contract till the opaque core is fo rmed at the center. In this disk, a number of MHD fast and slow shock pairs appear running parallelly to the disk. After the equation of state becomes hard, an adiabatic core is formed, which is separated from the isothermal contracting pseudo-disk by the accretion shock front facing radially outwards. By the effect of the magnetic tension, the angular momentum is transferred from the disk mid-plane to the surface. The gas with excess angular momentum near the surface is finally ejected, which explains the molecular bipolar outflow. Two types of outflows are observed. When the poloidal magnetic field is strong (magnetic energy is comparable to the thermal one), a U-shaped outflow is formed in which fast moving gas is confined to the wall whose shape looks like a capit al letter U. The other is the turbulent outflow in which magnetic field lines and velocity fi elds are randomly oriented. In this case, turbulent gas moves out almost perpendicularly from the disk. The continuous mass accretion leads to the quasistatic contraction of the first core. A second collapse due to dissociation of H2_2 in the first core follows. Finally another quasistatic core is again formed by atomic hydrogen (the second core). It is found that another outflow is ejected around the second atomic core, which seems to correspond to the optical jets or the fast neutral winds.Comment: submitted to Ap

    The HII Region KR 140: Spontaneous Formation of a High Mass Star

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    We have used a multiwavelength data set from the Canadian Galactic Plane Survey (CGPS) to study the Galactic HII region KR 140, both on the scale of the nebula itself and in the context of the star forming activity in the nearby W3/W4/W5 complex of molecular clouds and HII regions. From both radio and infrared data we have found a covering factor of about 0.5 for KR 140 and we interpret the nebula as a bowl-shaped region viewed close to face on. Extinction measurements place the region on the near side of its parent molecular cloud. The nebula is kept ionized by one O8.5 V(e) star, VES 735, which is less than a few million years old. CO data show that VES 735 has disrupted much of the original molecular cloud for which the estimated mass and density are about 5000 MM_{\odot} and 100 cm3^{-3}, respectively. KR 140 is isolated from the nearest star forming activity, in W3. Our data suggest that KR 140 is an example of spontaneous (i.e., non-triggered) formation of, unusually, a high mass star.Comment: 46 pages; includes 15 figures; accepted by the Ap