1,439 research outputs found

    Ultracold homonuclear and heteronuclear collisions in metastable helium

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    Scattering and ionizing cross sections and rates are calculated for ultracold collisions between metastable helium atoms using a fully quantum-mechanical close-coupled formalism. Homonuclear collisions of the bosonic 4{}^{4}He∗+4^{*} +{}^{4}He∗^{*} and fermionic 3{}^{3}He∗+3^{*} + {}^{3}He∗^{*} systems, and heteronuclear collisions of the mixed 3{}^{3}He∗+4^{*} +{}^{4}He∗^{*} system, are investigated over a temperature range 1 μ\muK to 1 K. Carefully constructed Born-Oppenheimer molecular potentials are used to describe the electrostatic interaction between the colliding atoms, and complex optical potentials used to represent loss through ionization from the 1,3Σ{}^{1,3}\Sigma states. Magnetic spin-dipole mediated transitions from the 5Σ{}^{5}\Sigma state are included and results reported for spin-polarized and unpolarized systems. Comparisons are made with experimental results, previous semi-classical models, and a perturbed single channel model.Comment: 14 pages, 9 figure

    When is general wariness favored in avoiding multiple predator types?

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    Free access to article and electronic appendices via DOI.Adaptive responses to predation are generally studied assuming only one predator type exists, but most prey species are depredated by multiple types. When multiple types occur, the optimal antipredator response level may be determined solely by the probability of attack by the relevant predator: "specific responsiveness." Conversely, an increase in the probability of attack by one predator type might increase responsiveness to an alternative predator type: "general wariness." We formulate a mathematical model in which a prey animal perceives a cue providing information on the probability of two predator types being present. It can perform one of two evasive behaviors that vary in their suitability as a response to the "wrong" predator type. We show that general wariness is optimal when incorrect behavioral decisions have differential fitness costs. Counterintuitively, difficulty in discriminating between predator types does not favor general wariness. We predict that where responses to predator types are mutually exclusive (e.g., referential alarm-calling), specific responsiveness will occur; we suggest that prey generalize their defensive responses based on cue similarity due to an assumption of response utility; and we predict, with relevance to conservation, that habituation to human disturbance should generalize only to predators that elicit the same antipredator response as humans

    Photoassociation spectra and the validity of the dipole approximation for weakly bound dimers

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    Photoassociation (PA) of ultracold metastable helium to the 2s2p manifold is theoretically investigated using a non-perturbative close-coupled treatment in which the laser coupling is evaluated without assuming the dipole approximation. The results are compared with our previous study [Cocks and Whittingham, Phys. Rev. A 80, 023417 (2009)] that makes use of the dipole approximation. The approximation is found to strongly affect the PA spectra because the photoassociated levels are weakly bound, and a similar impact is predicted to occur in other systems of a weakly bound nature. The inclusion or not of the approximation does not affect the resonance positions or widths, however significant differences are observed in the background of the spectra and the maximum laser intensity at which resonances are discernable. Couplings not satisfying the dipole selection rule |J-1| <= J' <= |J+1| do not lead to observable resonances.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures; Minor textual revision

    Test-Retest Reliability of Measuring the Vertebral Arterial Blood Flow Velocity in People With Cervicogenic Dizziness

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    Abstract OBJECTIVES: The purpose of this study was to determine the within-session and between-sessions reliability of measuring the vertebral artery blood flow velocities in people with cervicogenic dizziness using Doppler ultrasound at both upper and lower cervical levels. METHODS: Outcome measures were taken on 2 occasions 3 weeks apart with no active treatment provided in between the assessments on 12 participants. Pulsed-wave Doppler ultrasound was used to quantify time-averaged mean velocities through the vertebral artery at upper cervical (C0-1) and lower cervical vertebrae (C5-6). The clinical outcome measures were also recorded in people with cervicogenic dizziness. The intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) was used to determine the within-session and between-session repeatability. Paired t test was used to determine the differences in the time-averaged mean velocities of blood flow at the same site of the vertebral artery and the clinical outcome measures in 2 sessions 3 weeks apart. RESULTS: In people with cervicogenic dizziness, there was no significant change in both clinical outcome measures and the time-averaged mean velocities when the patients were measured 3 weeks apart (P > .05). This study identified good within-session (ICC: 0.903-0.967) and between-session (ICC: 0.922-0.984) repeatability in measuring the vertical blood flow velocities in patients with cervicogenic dizziness when the clinical outcome measures were unchanged. CONCLUSIONS: This study supports the use of Doppler ultrasound to identify changes in mean vertebral arterial blood flow velocities before and after intervention in people with cervicogenic dizziness in future studies

    Additively manufactured rotating disk electrodes and experimental setup

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    This manuscript details the first report of a complete additively manufactured rotating disk electrode setup, highlighting how high-performing equipment can be designed and produced rapidly using additive manufacturing without compromising on performance. The additively manufactured rotating disk electrode system was printed using a predominantly acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS) based filament and used widely available, low-cost electronics, and simplified machined parts to create. The additively manufactured rotating disk electrode system costs less than 2% of a comparable commercial solution (£84.47 ($102.26) total). The rotating disk electrode is also additively manufactured using a carbon black/polylactic acid (CB/PLA) equivalent, developing a completely additively manufactured rotating disk electrode system. The electrochemical characterization of the additively manufactured rotating disk electrode setup was performed using hexaamineruthenium(III) chloride and compared favorably with a commercial glassy carbon electrode. Finally, this work shows how the additively manufactured rotating disk electrode experimental system and additive manufactured electrodes can be utilized for the electroanalytical determination of levodopa, a drug used in the treatment of Parkinson's disease, producing a limit of detection of 0.23 ± 0.03 μM. This work represents a step-change in how additive manufacturing can be used in research, allowing the production of high-end equipment for hugely reduced costs, without compromising on performance. Utilizing additive manufacturing in this way could greatly enhance the research possibilities for less well-funded research groups

    Laser Intensity Dependence of Photoassociation in Ultracold Metastable Helium

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    Photoassociation of spin-polarized metastable helium to the three lowest rovibrational levels of the J=1, 0u+0_u^+ state asymptoting to 2s3s {}^{3}S1+2p3_{1}+2p {}^{3}P0_{0} is studied using a second-order perturbative treatment of the line shifts valid for low laser intensities, and two variants of a non-perturbative close-coupled treatment, one based upon dressed states of the matter plus laser system, and the other on a modified radiative coupling which vanishes asymptotically, thus simulating experimental conditions. These non-perturbative treatments are valid for arbitrary laser intensities and yield the complete photoassociation resonance profile. Both variants give nearly identical results for the line shifts and widths of the resonances and show that their dependence upon laser intensity is very close to linear and quadratic respectively for the two lowest levels. The resonance profiles are superimposed upon a significant background loss, a feature for this metastable helium system not present in studies of photoassociation in other systems, which is due to the very shallow nature of the excited state 0u+0_u^+ potential. The results for the line shifts from the close-coupled and perturbative calculations agree very closely at low laser intensities.Comment: 14 pages, 7 figures, title altered, text reduce

    Trans-Gulf of Mexico loop migration of tree swallows revealed by solar geolocation

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    One of the greatest feats of avian migration is the non-stop crossing of extensive areas of inhospitable habitat such as deserts and seas. Differences in spring and autumn migration routes have been reported in species that cross such barriers, and are thought to have evolved in response to seasonal variation in prevailing wind direction. We tested the hypothesis that migration routes vary seasonally with respect to the Gulf of Mexico in the tree swallow Tachycineta bicolor using solar geolocators attached and retrieved at 4 breeding sites in central North America. We found that 100 % of birds (n = 10) made a trans-Gulf flight of \u3e850 km from Louisiana south to their wintering grounds in the Yucatan Peninsula in 12–36 hours, achieving minimum ground speeds as high as 32 m/s. Although most days during autumn migration were characterized by unfavorable headwinds blowing to the northwest, migration over the Gulf mostly occurred on days with strong winds blowing to the south. In contrast, in 8 of 9 (88 %) birds on spring migration returned from the wintering grounds towards Louisiana following a clockwise loop pat tern flying over land to the west around the Gulf. During this spring period there were few days with prevailing winds from the south to assist northward migration. Results suggest that, despite being up to three times further (ca. 2,700 km), a coastal cir- cum-Gulf spring migration represents the less risky route when wind conditions are not favorable. These findings also help to re solve a long-standing dispute in the literature concerning migration patterns between the US Gulf coast and Mexico, and provide insight into the factors shaping migration strategies of small songbirds migrating across large bodies of water
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