393 research outputs found

    Experimental Constraints on the Partitioning Behavior of F, Cl, and OH Between Apatite and Basaltic Melt

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    The mineral apatite is present in a wide range of planetary materials. The presence of volatiles (F, Cl, and OH) within its crystal structure (X-site) have motivated numerous studies to investigate the partitioning behavior of F, Cl, and OH between apatite and silicate melt with the end goal of using apatite to constrain the volatile contents of planetary magmas and mantle sources. A number of recent experimental studies have investigated the apatite-melt partitioning behavior of F, Cl, and OH in magmatic systems. Apatite-melt partitioning of volatiles are best described as exchange equilibria similar to Fe-Mg partitioning between olivine and silicate melt. However, the partitioning behavior is likely to change as a function of temperature, pressure, oxygen fugacity, apatite composition, and melt composition. In the present study, we have conducted experiments to assess the partitioning behavior of F, Cl, and OH between apatite and silicate melt over a pressure range of 0-6 gigapascals, a temperature range of 950-1500 degrees Centigrade, and a wide range of apatite ternary compositions. All of the experiments were conducted between iron-wustite oxidation potentials IW minus 1 and IW plus 2 in a basaltic melt composition. The experimental run products were analyzed by a combination of electron probe microanalysis and secondary ion mass spectrometry (NanoSIMS). Temperature, apatite crystal chemistry, and pressure all play important roles in the partitioning behavior of F, Cl, and OH between apatite and silicate melt. In portions of apatite ternary space that undergo ideal mixing of F, Cl, and OH, exchange coefficients remain constant at constant temperature and pressure. However, exchange coefficients vary at constant temperature (T) and pressure (P) in portions of apatite compositional space where F, Cl, and OH do not mix ideally in apatite. The variation in exchange coefficients exhibited by apatite that does not undergo ideal mixing far exceeds the variations induced by changes in temperature (T) or pressure (P) . In regions where apatite undergoes ideal mixing of F, Cl, and OH, temperature has a stronger effect than pressure on the partitioning behavior, but both are important. Furthermore, fluorine becomes less compatible in apatite with increasing pressure and temperature. We are still in the process of analyzing our experimental run products, but we plan to quantify the effects of P and T on apatite-melt partitioning of F, Cl, and OH

    Experimental Study into the Stability of Whitlockite in Basaltic Magmas

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    Apatite Ca5(PO4)3(F,Cl,OH), merrillite Ca18Na2Mg2(PO4)14, and whitlockite Ca9(Mg,Fe2+)(PO4)6[PO3(OH)] are the primary phosphate minerals found in most planetary materials including rocks from Earth, Moon, Mars, and asteroids [1-2]. For many years, the terms merrillite and whitlockite have been used interchangeably in the meteorite literature. Much of the confusion regarding the relationship between terrestrial and extraterrestrial "whitlockite" is based on the presence or absence of hydrogen in the mineral structure. Whitlockite has approximately 8500 ppm H2O, and the term "merrillite" has been adopted to identify the hydrogen-free form of whitlockite [2]. The atomic structures of merrillite and whitlockite were examined in detail by Hughes et al. [3-4]. On Earth, whitlockite has been found in rocks from evolved pegmatitic systems [2-4] and in some mantle rocks [e.g., 5]. Furthermore, terrestrial whitlockite has been shown to have some merrillite component [4]. For the meteoritic and lunar materials that have been investigated, merrillite appears to be far more common than whitlockite, and it has been proposed that the whitlockite component is unique to terrestrial samples [4]. There are some reports of "whitlockite" in the meteorite literature; however, these likely represent misidentifications of merrillite because there have been no reports of extraterrestrial whitlockite that have been verified through crystal structural studies or analyzed for their H contents. Hughes et al. [3] reported the atomic arrangement of lunar merrillite and demonstrated that the phase is similar to meteoritic merrillite and, predictably, devoid of hydrogen. In a follow-up study, Hughes et al. [4] reported the atomic arrangements of two natural samples of whitlockite, one synthetic whitlockite, and samples of synthetic whitlockite that were heated at 500degC and 1050degC for 24 h. The crystal chemistry and crystal structures of the phases were compared, and it was discovered that the latter treatment resulted in the dehydrogenation of whitlockite to form merrillite. The presence of merrillite vs. whitlockite was widely thought to serve as an indication that magmas were anhydrous [e.g., 6-7]. However, McCubbin et al., [8] determined that merrillite in the martian meteorite Shergotty had no discernible whitlockite component despite its coexistence with OH-rich apatite. Consequently, McCubbin et al., (2014) speculated that the absence of a whitlockite component in Shergotty merrillite and other planetary merrillites may be a consequence of the limited thermal stability of H in whitlockite (stable only at T less than1050degC), which would prohibit merrillite-whitlockite solid-solution at high temperatures. In the present study, we have aimed to test this hypothesis experimentally by examining the stability of whitlockite in basaltic magmas at 1.2 GPa and a temperature range of -1000- 1300degC

    Understanding Video Game Developers as an Occupational Community

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    The video game industry has rapidly expanded over the last four decades; yet there is limited research about the workers who make video games. In examining these workers, this article responds to calls for renewed attention to the role of the occupation in understanding project-based workers in boundaryless careers. Specifically, this article uses secondary analysis of online sources to demonstrate that video game developers can be understood as a unique social group called an occupational community (OC). Once this classification has been made, the concept of OC can be used in future research to understand video game workers in terms of identity formation, competency development, career advancement and support, collective action, as well as adherence to and deviance from organizational and industry norms

    Faculty and administrator views of influences on professional programs

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    Administrators in professional programs perceive influences on the program from within the university as stronger than do faculty but the two groups do not perceive the strength of societal influences, professional community influences, or internal levels of curriculum debate differently. After controlling for program and institutional sizes and institutional types, these differences between faculty and administrator views regarding relationships between the program and the university appear characteristic of certain professional fields. The analysis was based on subsamples drawn from a data base of survey responses from 873 administrators and 849 faculty members in ten professional fields representing 732 programs in 346 colleges and universities.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/43601/1/11162_2004_Article_BF00992306.pd

    Exploring the relationship between homosexuality and sport among the teammates of a small, Midwestern Catholic college soccer team.

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    Despite decreasing homophobia, openly gay male athletes are still rare in organized, competitive teamsports. In this action research, we explore two aspects of homosexuality and sport: (1) the effect of a gay male soccer player coming out to his teammates; and (2) the effect of having an openly gay researcher in the field. This is, therefore, the first-ever first-hand account of an athlete's coming-out process with researchers in the field. Even though this is action research and, therefore, not generalizable, we highlight that this research contributes to the body of literature on sexuality and sport because we document the interactions of straight athletes with a gay player and a gay researcher among the heterosexual players at a small, Catholic college in the American Midwest. We use interviews to show that players were accepting of homosexuality before the beginning of this research and show that discussions with these two gay men further promoted players' perspectives on homosexuality. This led to an increase in the team's social cohesion and a decrease in heteronormativity

    The organizational construction of hegemonic masculinity: the case of the US Navy

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    This article examines the construction of hegemonic masculinity within the US Navy. Based on life history interviews with 27 male officers, this study explores alternative discourses and identities of officers from three different communities in the Navy: aviation, surface warfare, and the supply corps. Definitions of masculinity are relationally constructed through associations of difference: aviators tend to draw upon themes of autonomy and risk taking; surface warfare officers draw upon themes of perseverance and endurance; and supply officers draw upon themes of technical rationality. Further,these masculinities depend upon various contrasting definitions of femininity. Finally,this article explores a series of contradictions that threaten the secure construction of masculinity within this military culture

    SS-31 and NMN: Two paths to improve metabolism and function in aged hearts

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    The effects of two different mitochondrial-targeted drugs, SS-31 and NMN, were tested on Old mouse hearts. After treatment with the drugs, individually or Combined, heart function was examined by echocardiography. SS-31 partially reversed an age-related decline in diastolic function while NMN fully reversed an age-related deficiency in systolic function at a higher workload. Metabolomic analysis revealed that both NMN and the Combined treatment increased nicotinamide and 1-methylnicotinamide levels, indicating greater NA
