341 research outputs found
Explanation of the Colour Change in Alexandrites.
Alexandrites are remarkable and rare gemstones. They display an extraordinary colour change according to the ambient lighting, from emerald green in daylight to ruby red in incandescent light from tungsten lamps or candles. While this colour change has been correctly attributed to chromium impurities and their absorption band in the yellow region of the visible light spectrum, no adequate explanation of the mechanism has been given. Here, the alexandrite effect is fully explained by considering the von Kries model of the human colour constancy mechanism. This implies that our colour constancy mechanism is real (objective) and primarily attuned to correct for the colour temperature of black-body illuminants
Estrategias e desenvolvimento de garantia e controle de qualidade no ELSA-Brasil
O Estudo Longitudinal de Saúde do Adulto (ELSA-Brasil) é um estudo de coorte composto de 15.105 adultos acompanhados para avaliar o desenvolvimento de doenças crônicas, especialmente diabetes e doença cardiovascular. Seu porte, natureza multicêntrica e diversidade de medidas exigiram mecanismos ágeis e efetivos de garantia e controle de qualidade. Entre as atividades de garantia de qualidade (aquelas desenvolvidas antes de iniciar a coleta de dados), destacam-se: seleção criteriosa dos instrumentos de pesquisa, treinamento e certificação centralizados, pré-testes e estudos pilotos, e elaboração de manuais de operações para os procedimentos. As atividades de controle de qualidade (realizadas durante a coleta e processamento dos dados) foram efetuadas mais intensivamente no inÃcio, quando as rotinas ainda não estavam estabelecidas. Entre elas, ressaltam-se: observação periódica dos aferidores, estudos de teste reteste, monitoramento dos dados, rede de supervisores e visitas cruzadas. Dados que estimam a confiabilidade das informações obtidas atestam que as metas de qualidade foram alcançadas
Organizational aspects and implementation of data systems in large-scale epidemiological studies in less developed countries
BACKGROUND: In the conduct of epidemiological studies in less developed countries, while great emphasis is placed on study design, data collection, and analysis, often little attention is paid to data management. As a consequence, investigators working in these countries frequently face challenges in cleaning, analyzing and interpreting data. In most research settings, the data management team is formed with temporary and unskilled persons. A proper working environment and training or guidance in constructing a reliable database is rarely available. There is little information available that describes data management problems and solutions to those problems. Usually a line or two can be obtained in the methods section of research papers stating that the data are doubly-entered and that outliers and inconsistencies were removed from the data. Such information provides little assurance that the data are reliable. There are several issues in data management that if not properly practiced may create an unreliable database, and outcomes of this database will be spurious. RESULTS: We have outlined the data management practices for epidemiological studies that we have modeled for our research sites in seven Asian countries and one African country. CONCLUSION: Information from this model data management structure may help others construct reliable databases for large-scale epidemiological studies in less developed countries
Routine management of locally advanced cervical cancer with concurrent radiation and cisplatin. Five-year results
BACKGROUND: Globally, cervical cancer primarily affects socially disadvantaged women. Five randomized trials were the foundation for adopting cisplatin-based chemotherapy during radiation as the standard of care for high-risk patients after primary radical hysterectomy who require adjuvant radiation and for locally advanced patients treated with definitive radiation. These results were obtained in clinical trials performed in carefully prepared academic centers; hence, we sought to determine whether these results could be reproduced when patients were treated on an out-of-protocol basis. METHODS: We reviewed the files of 294 patients with locally advanced cervical cancer who received radiation plus weekly cisplatin as routine management between 1999 to 2003, and analyzed treatment compliance, response rate, toxicity, and survival. RESULTS: A total of 294 patients who received radiation and cisplatin were analyzed. Mean age was 43.8 years (range, 26–68 years). The majority of cases were squamous cell carcinoma (87.8%), and distribution according to International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics (FIGO) stage was as follows: IB2-IIA, 23%; IIB, 53.3%, and IIIB, 23%; there were only two IVA cases. Overall, 96% of patients completed external beam, and intracavitary therapy. The majority of patients (67%) received the planned six courses of weekly cisplatin. Complete responses were achieved in 243 (83%) patients, whereas 51 (17%) had either persistent (32 patients, 10.8%) or progressive (19 patients, 6.4%) disease. At median follow-up (28 months; range, 2–68 months), 36 patients (12.2%) have relapsed (locally 30.5, and systemically, 69.5%). The most common toxicities were hematologic and gastrointestinal, in the majority of cases considered mild-moderate. At median follow-up (28 months; range, 2–68 months), overall and progression-free survival are 76.5 and 67%, respectively. CONCLUSION: Our results support use of chemoradiation with six weekly applications of cisplatin at 40 mg/m(2 )during external radiation for routine management of locally advanced cervical cancer
Reexamining the possible benefits of visual crowding: dissociating crowding from ensemble percepts
Peripheral objects and their features become indistinct when closely surrounding but nonoverlapping objects are present. Most models suggest that this phenomenon, called crowding, reflects limitations of visual processing, but an intriguing idea is that it may be, in part, adaptive. Specifically, the mechanism generating crowding may simultaneously facilitate ensemble representations of features, leaving meaningful information about clusters of objects. In two experiments, we tested whether visual crowding and the perception of ensemble features share a common mechanism. Observers judged the orientation of a crowded bar, or the ensemble orientation of all bars in the upper and lower visual fields. While crowding was predictably stronger in the upper relative to the lower visual field, the ensemble percept did not vary between the visual fields. Featural averaging within the crowded region does not always scale with the resolution limit defined by crowding, suggesting that dissociable processes contribute to visual crowding and ensemble percepts
A continuous mapping of sleep states through association of EEG with a mesoscale cortical model
Here we show that a mathematical model of the human sleep cycle can be used to obtain a detailed description of electroencephalogram (EEG) sleep stages, and we discuss how this analysis may aid in the prediction and prevention of seizures during sleep. The association between EEG data and the cortical model is found via locally linear embedding (LLE), a method of dimensionality reduction. We first show that LLE can distinguish between traditional sleep stages when applied to EEG data. It reliably separates REM and non-REM sleep and maps the EEG data to a low-dimensional output space where the sleep state changes smoothly over time. We also incorporate the concept of strongly connected components and use this as a method of automatic outlier rejection for EEG data. Then, by using LLE on a hybrid data set containing both sleep EEG and signals generated from the mesoscale cortical model, we quantify the relationship between the data and the mathematical model. This enables us to take any sample of sleep EEG data and associate it with a position among the continuous range of sleep states provided by the model; we can thus infer a trajectory of states as the subject sleeps. Lastly, we show that this method gives consistent results for various subjects over a full night of sleep and can be done in real time
Treatment of squamous cell carcinoma of the uterine cervix with radiation therapy alone: long-term survival, late complications, and incidence of second cancers
The objective of this retrospective study was to determine the survival rate, incidence of late complications, and incidence of second cancers when radiation therapy alone is used for carcinoma of the uterine cervix. Between 1971 and 1995, 1495 patients with squamous cell carcinoma of the uterine cervix (stages I–IV) were treated with radiation therapy alone in our hospital. Radiation therapy consisted of a combination of high-dose-rate intracavitary brachytherapy and external beam radiotherapy. The cumulative 5-year survival rates for stages Ib, II, and III/IVa carcinoma were 93.5, 77.0, and 60.3%, respectively, and the 10-year survival rates were 90.9, 74.5, and 56.1%, respectively. Local control rates for stages Ib, II, and III/IVa carcinoma were 92.0, 79.4 and 64.2%, respectively. Eighty-two (5.5%) patients suffered grade III/IV or V (fatal) complications. A second cancer developed in 13 (0.87%) patients. Second cancers were observed most frequently in the rectum (five cases), colon (three cases), and uterine body (two cases). Long-term follow-up data revealed that our method of radiation therapy alone for locally advanced carcinoma of the uterine cervix is effective, with low incidences of late complications and second cancers
Sambucus javanica Reinw. ex Blume Viburnaceae
Ebulum javanicum (Reinw. ex Blume) Hosok.; Phyteuma bipinnata Lour.; Phyteuma cochinchinensis Lour.; Sambucus argyi H.Lév.; Sambucus chinensis var. pinnatilobatus G.W.Hu; Sambucus ebuloides Desv. ex DC.; Sambucus henriana Samutina; Sambucus phyteumoides DC.; Sambucus thunbergiana Blume ex Miq.; Sambucus thunbergii G.Don. (POWO 2020
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