316 research outputs found

    Electroretinogram evaluation of equine eyes with extensive ‘bullet-hole’ fundic lesions

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    Objective To evaluate the impact of extensive bullet-hole nontapetal fundic lesions in horses on retinal function as measured by full field electroretinography (ERG). Materials and Methods Full field ERG was performed on two horses with numerous bullet-hole lesions in the nontapetal fundus of both eyes. The ERG was first recorded from the eye with the more extensive lesions in response to a low intensity light stimulus (0.03 cd·s/m2) that was given at times (T) T = 5, 10, 15, 20 minutes of dark adaptation. Consecutively, combined rod-cone response was evaluated bilaterally in response to high intensity light stimulus (3 cd·s/m2), followed by cone function evaluation by flicker stimulus (3 cd·s/m2 at 30Hz). Off-line analysis of the ERG recordings was then performed. Results Despite extensive bullet-hole lesions in the nontapetal fundus bilaterally in both horses retinal function as measured by ERG did not show any observable deficits. The b-wave amplitude of the full-field ERG increased continuously from 5 to 20 minutes of dark adaptation peaking at 446µv and 377µv for horse number 1 and 2 respectively. The b-wave amplitudes of the combined rod-cone response were OS- 459µv and OD- 392µv for horse number 1 and OS- 491µv and OD- 608µv for horse number 2. The amplitude of the flicker ERG for horse number 1 was OS- 86 µv and OD- 110 µv and for horse number 2 OS- 80 µv and OD- 74 µv. Conclusions Extensive bullet-hole chorioretinal lesions do not appear to compromise outer retinal function in these horses

    Uveal Hematocysts in a Golden Retriever Dog

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    Case Description. A 7-year-old neutered male golden retriever presented for examination 1 month following the observation of multifocal round brown structures in the anterior chamber of the left eye and similar, but blood-filled, structures in the right eye. Clinical Findings. Ophthalmic examination revealed bilateral iris hyperpigmentation, pigment deposition on the anterior lens capsule, and uveal cysts. The uveal cysts in the right eye were partially blood filled. Clinical findings were consistent with pigmentary uveitis of golden retrievers. Treatment and Outcome. The patient has been maintained on topical anti-inflammatories and no progression of the disease has occurred in eight months. Clinical Relevance. This paper emphasizes the importance of recognizing the unique clinical signs of pigmentary uveitis and highlights uveal hematocysts, a rare manifestation of the disease

    Psychosocial characteristics as potential predictors of suicide in adults: an overview of the evidence with new results from prospective cohort studies.

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    In this narrative overview of the evidence linking psychosocial factors with future suicide risk, we collected results from published reports of prospective studies with verified suicide events (mortality or, less commonly, hospitalisation) alongside analyses of new data. There is abundant evidence indicating that low socioeconomic position, irrespective of the economic status of the country in question, is associated with an increased risk of suicide, including the suggestion that the recent global economic recession has been responsible for an increase in suicide deaths and, by proxy, attempts. Social isolation, low scores on tests of intelligence, serious mental illness (both particularly strongly), chronic psychological distress, and lower physical stature (a marker of childhood exposures) were also consistently related to elevated suicide rates. Although there is some circumstantial evidence for psychosocial stress, personality disposition, and early-life characteristics such as bullying being risk indices for suicide, the general paucity of studies means it is not currently possible to draw clear conclusions about their role. Most suicide intervention strategies have traditionally not explored the modification of psychosocial factors, partly because evidence linking psychosocial factors with suicide risk is, as shown herein, largely in its infancy, or, where is does exist, for instance for intelligence and personality disposition, the characteristics in question do not appear to be easily malleable

    Innovation as a Nonlinear Process, the Scientometric Perspective, and the Specification of an "Innovation Opportunities Explorer"

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    The process of innovation follows non-linear patterns across the domains of science, technology, and the economy. Novel bibliometric mapping techniques can be used to investigate and represent distinctive, but complementary perspectives on the innovation process (e.g., "demand" and "supply") as well as the interactions among these perspectives. The perspectives can be represented as "continents" of data related to varying extents over time. For example, the different branches of Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) in the Medline database provide sources of such perspectives (e.g., "Diseases" versus "Drugs and Chemicals"). The multiple-perspective approach enables us to reconstruct facets of the dynamics of innovation, in terms of selection mechanisms shaping localizable trajectories and/or resulting in more globalized regimes. By expanding the data with patents and scholarly publications, we demonstrate the use of this multi-perspective approach in the case of RNA Interference (RNAi). The possibility to develop an "Innovation Opportunities Explorer" is specified.Comment: Technology Analysis and Strategic Management (forthcoming in 2013

    Evaluating Approaches to Measuring Ocular Pain in Bovine Calves with Corneal Scarification and IBK-Associated Corneal Ulcerations

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    The objective of this experiment was to describe the magnitude and variation of measures of ocular pain in cattle experiencing corneal scarification and corneal ulcerations associated with experimentally induced IBK. In our study, pressure algometry may be appropriate to quantify ocular pain in calves. This information will enable appropriate design of studies for assessing the extent of ocular pain associated with ophthalmic abnormalities in cattle and efficacy of pain mitigation strategies


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    Agricultural trade barriers and producer subsidies inflict real costs, both on the countries that use these policies and on their trade partners. Trade barriers lower demand for trade partners' products, domestic subsidies can induce an oversupply of agricultural products which depresses world prices, and export subsidies create increased competition for producers in other countries. Eliminating global agricultural policy distortions would result in an annual world welfare gain of $56 billion. High protection for agricultural commodities in the form of tariffs continues to be the major factor restricting world trade. In 2000, World Trade Organization (WTO) members continued global negotiations on agricultural policy reform. To help policymakers and others realize what is at stake in the global agricultural negotiations, this report quantifies the costs of global agricultural distortions and the potential benefits of their full elimination. It also analyzes the effects on U.S. and world agriculture if only partial reform is achieved in liberalizing tariffs, tariff-rate quotas (limits on imported goods), domestic support, and export subsidies.Agricultural and Food Policy, International Relations/Trade,

    Steady-State Kinetics of α-Synuclein Ferrireductase Activity Identifies the Catalytically Competent Species

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    α-Synuclein (α-syn) is a cytosolic protein known for its association with neurodegenerative diseases, including Parkinson’s disease and other synucleinopathies. The potential cellular function of α-synuclein may be of consequence for understanding the pathogenesis of such diseases. Previous work has suggested that α-synuclein can catalyze the reduction of iron as a ferrireductase. We performed a detailed analysis of the steady-state kinetics of recombinant α-syn ferrireductase activity and for disease-associated variants. Our study illustrates that the ferrireductase activity we observed is clearly commensurate with bona fide enzyme activity and suggests a mechanistic rationale for the activity and the relationship to cellular regulation of the pool of Fe­(III) and Fe­(II). Using cell-based studies, we examined the functionally active conformation and found that the major catalytically active form is a putative membrane-associated tetramer. Using an artificial membrane environment with recombinant protein, we demonstrate that secondary structure folding of α-synuclein is insufficient to allow enzyme activity and the absolute specificity of the tertiary/quaternary structure is the primary requirement. Finally, we explored the steady-state kinetics of a range of disease α-synuclein variants and found that variants involved in neurodegenerative disease exhibited major changes in their enzymatic activity. We discuss these data in the context of a potential disease-associated mechanism for aberrant α-synuclein ferrireductase activity

    The sweet spot in sustainability: a framework for corporate assessment in sugar manufacturing

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    The assessment of corporate sustainability has become an increasingly important topic, both within academia and in industry. For manufacturing companies to conform to their commitments to sustainable development, a standard and reliable measurement framework is required. There is, however, a lack of sector-specific and empirical research in many areas, including the sugar industry. This paper presents an empirically developed framework for the assessment of corporate sustainability within the Thai sugar industry. Multiple case studies were conducted, and a survey using questionnaires was also employed to enhance the power of generalisation. The developed framework is an accurate and reliable measurement instrument of corporate sustainability, and guidelines to assess qualitative criteria are put forward. The proposed framework can be used for a company’s self-assessment and for guiding practitioners in performance improvement and policy decision-maki

    Case Report Uveal Hematocysts in a Golden Retriever Dog

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    Case Description. A 7-year-old neutered male golden retriever presented for examination 1 month following the observation of multifocal round brown structures in the anterior chamber of the left eye and similar, but blood-filled, structures in the right eye. Clinical Findings. Ophthalmic examination revealed bilateral iris hyperpigmentation, pigment deposition on the anterior lens capsule, and uveal cysts. The uveal cysts in the right eye were partially blood filled. Clinical findings were consistent with pigmentary uveitis of golden retrievers. Treatment and Outcome. The patient has been maintained on topical anti-inflammatories and no progression of the disease has occurred in eight months. Clinical Relevance. This paper emphasizes the importance of recognizing the unique clinical signs of pigmentary uveitis and highlights uveal hematocysts, a rare manifestation of the disease. Case Description A 7-year-old neutered male golden retriever dog presented to the Iowa State University Lloyd Veterinary Medical Center for ophthalmic examination 1 month following identification of multifocal brown structures in the anterior chamber of the left eye and similar, but blood-filled, structures in the right eye. The primary care veterinarian discovered these structures during annual wellness examination. Ophthalmic examination revealed normal palpebral, dazzle, and pupillary light reflexes in both eyes. Vision was considered normal based on positive menace responses and appropriate navigation in the hospital environment. On careful inspection, both eyes had mild conjunctival hyperemia, diffuse iris hyperpigmentation, pigment deposition on the anterior lens capsule, and numerous uveal cysts in the anterior chamber. The uveal cysts in the right eye were blood filled Dilation of the left pupil occurred within 20 minutes of tropicamide 1% application; however, dilation of the right pupil was limited by the posterior synechia. Indirect ophthalmoscopy revealed no abnormalities of the fundus in either eye. Complete physical examination was unremarkable, with the exception of a body condition score of 6/9. Notably, cardiovascular parameters were normal and no petechiation, ecchymosis, or bruising was identified. Complete blood count, serum biochemistry panel, and thyroid panel were within normal limits. The patient's clinical signs were considered consistent with pigmentary uveitis of golden retrievers, and prednisolone acetate 1% and tropicamide 1% were each prescribed for use in both eyes once daily. Reevaluation of the eyes 2 weeks later revealed resolution of the conjunctival hyperemia in both eyes and rupture of one blood-filled cyst in the right eye, resulting in a 2 mm corneal endothelial opacity. Intraocular pressures were 6 and 9 mmHg in the left and right eye, respectively. Ophthalmic examination was otherwise unchanged and no adjustments to the medication regimen were made. At the time of publication, treatment has successfully controlled clinical progression of the disease for the preceding eight months. Reevaluations are recommended every 3-6 months to monitor for progression of pigmentary uveitis and development of sequelae