4,269 research outputs found

    Homotopical Adjoint Lifting Theorem

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    This paper provides a homotopical version of the adjoint lifting theorem in category theory, allowing for Quillen equivalences to be lifted from monoidal model categories to categories of algebras over colored operads. The generality of our approach allows us to simultaneously answer questions of rectification and of changing the base model category to a Quillen equivalent one. We work in the setting of colored operads, and we do not require them to be Σ\Sigma-cofibrant. Special cases of our main theorem recover many known results regarding rectification and change of model category, as well as numerous new results. In particular, we recover a recent result of Richter-Shipley about a zig-zag of Quillen equivalences between commutative HQH\mathbb{Q}-algebra spectra and commutative differential graded Q\mathbb{Q}-algebras, but our version involves only three Quillen equivalences instead of six. We also work out the theory of how to lift Quillen equivalences to categories of colored operad algebras after a left Bousfield localization.Comment: This is the final, journal versio

    Smith Ideals of Operadic Algebras in Monoidal Model Categories

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    Building upon Hovey's work on Smith ideals for monoids, we develop a homotopy theory of Smith ideals for general operads in a symmetric monoidal category. For a sufficiently nice stable monoidal model category and an operad satisfying a cofibrancy condition, we show that there is a Quillen equivalence between a model structure on Smith ideals and a model structure on algebra maps induced by the cokernel and the kernel. For symmetric spectra this applies to the commutative operad and all Sigma-cofibrant operads. For chain complexes over a field of characteristic zero and the stable module category, this Quillen equivalence holds for all operads.Comment: Comments welcom

    Arrow Categories of Monoidal Model Categories

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    We prove that the arrow category of a monoidal model category, equipped with the pushout product monoidal structure and the projective model structure, is a monoidal model category. This answers a question posed by Mark Hovey, and has the important consequence that it allows for the consideration of a monoidal product in cubical homotopy theory. As illustrations we include numerous examples of non-cofibrantly generated monoidal model categories, including chain complexes, small categories, topological spaces, and pro-categories.Comment: 13 pages. Comments welcome. Version 2 adds more examples, and an application to cubical homotopy theory. Version 3 is the final, journal version, accepted to Mathematica Scandinavic

    Comonadic Coalgebras and Bousfield Localization

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    For a model category, we prove that taking the category of coalgebras over a comonad commutes with left Bousfield localization in a suitable sense. Then we prove a general existence result for left-induced model structure on the category of coalgebras over a comonad in a left Bousfield localization. Next we provide several equivalent characterizations of when a left Bousfield localization preserves coalgebras over a comonad. These results are illustrated with many applications in chain complexes, (localized) spectra, and the stable module category

    Marginally Trapped Surfaces and AdS/CFT

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    It has been proposed that the areas of marginally trapped or anti-trapped surfaces (also known as leaves of holographic screens) may encode some notion of entropy. To connect this to AdS/CFT, we study the case of marginally trapped surfaces anchored to an AdS boundary. We establish that such boundary-anchored leaves lie between the causal and extremal surfaces defined by the anchor and that they have area bounded below by that of the minimal extremal surface. This suggests that the area of any leaf represents a coarse-grained von Neumann entropy for the associated region of the dual CFT. We further demonstrate that the leading area-divergence of a boundary-anchored marginally trapped surface agrees with that for the associated extremal surface, though subleading divergences generally differ. Finally, we generalize an argument of Bousso and Engelhardt to show that holographic screens with all leaves anchored to the same boundary set have leaf-areas that increase monotonically along the screen, and we describe a construction through which this monotonicity can take the more standard form of requiring entropy to increase with boundary time. This construction is related to what one might call future causal holographic information, which in such cases also provides an upper bound on the area of the associated leaves.Comment: 23 pages, 5 figure

    Sharp Fronts Due to Diffusion and Viscoelastic Relaxation in Polymers

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    A model for sharp fronts in glassy polymers is derived and analyzed. The major effect of a diffusing penetrant on the polymer entanglement network is taken to be the inducement of a differential viscoelastic stress. This couples diffusive and mechanical processes through a viscoelastic response where the strain depends upon the amount of penetrant present. Analytically, the major effect is to produce explicit delay terms via a relaxation parameter. This accounts for the fundamental difference between a polymer in its rubbery state and the polymer in its glassy state, namely the finite relaxation time in the glassy state due to slow response to changing conditions. Both numerical and analytical perturbation studies of a boundary value problem for a dry glass polymer exposed to a penetrant solvent are completed. Concentration profiles in good agreement with observations are obtained

    A perturbative perspective on self-supporting wormholes

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    We describe a class of wormholes that generically become traversable after incorporating gravitational back-reaction from linear quantum fields satisfying appropriate (periodic or anti-periodic) boundary conditions around a non-contractible cycle, but with natural boundary conditions at infinity (i.e., without additional boundary interactions). The class includes both asymptotically flat and asymptotically AdS examples. Simple asymptotically AdS3_3 or asymptotically AdS3×S1_3 \times S^1 examples with a single periodic scalar field are then studied in detail. When the examples admit a smooth extremal limit, our perturbative analysis indicates the back-reacted wormhole remains traversable at later and later times as this limit is approached. This suggests that a fully non-perturbative treatment would find a self-supporting eternal traversable wormhole. While the general case remains to be analyzed in detail, the likely relation of the above effect to other known instabilities of extreme black holes may make the construction of eternal traversable wormholes more straightforward than previously expected.Comment: Minor corrections (including fixing a factor of 2 in several formulas/plots

    From Dogfight to Teamwork

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    A squadron of Fokker D-7\u27s is flying along over No-Man\u27s Land; the pilots in their open cockpits are alert, scanning the skies for Allied planes. Suddenly they find them, roaring out of the clouds above. Each Spad picks out a Jerry, breaks formation, and goes after him. From then on it is each man for himself, shooting one plane down and going after another. The only chance for survival lies in out-maneuvering the enemy and letting him have it with the single .30 caliber machine gun. When one side has had enough, it runs for home. This is an aerial battle of World War I
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