2,110 research outputs found

    Control of Variable Watermilfoil in Bashan Lake, CT with 2,4-D: Monitoring of Lake and Well Water.

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    Variable watermilfoil (Myriophyllum heterophyllum Michx.) has recently become a problem in Bashan Lake, East Haddam, CT, USA. By 1998, approximately 4 ha of the 110 ha lake was covered with variable watermilfoil. In 1999, the milfoil was spot treated with Aquacide®, an 18% active ingredient of the sodium salt of 2,4-D [(2,4-dichlorophenoxy) acetic acid], applied at a rate of 114 kg/ha. Aquacide® was used because labeling regarding domestic water intakes and irrigation limitations prevented the use of Navigate® or AquaKleen®, a 19% active ingredient of the butoxyethyl ester of 2,4-D. Variable watermilfoil was partially controlled in shallow protected coves but little control occurred in deeper more exposed locations. 2,4-D levels in the treatment sites were lower than desired and offsite dilution was rapid. In 2000, the United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) issued a special local need (SLN) registration to allow the use of Navigate ® or AquaKleen® in lakes with potable and irrigation water intakes. Navigate® was applied at a rate of 227 kg/ha to the same areas as treated in 1999. An additional 2 ha of variable watermilfoil was treated with Navigate® in 2001, and 0.4 ha was treated in mid-September. Dilution of the 2,4-D ester formulation to untreated areas was slower than with the salt formulation. Concentrations of 2,4-D exceeded 1000 μg/ L in several lake water samples in 2000 but not 2001. Nearly all of the treated variable watermilfoil was controlled in both years. The mid-September treatment appeared as effective as the spring and early summer treatments. Testing of homeowner wells in all 3 years found no detectable levels of 2,4-D.(PDF contains 8 pages.

    Frequency control in synchronized networks of inhibitory neurons

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    We analyze the control of frequency for a synchronized inhibitory neuronal network. The analysis is done for a reduced membrane model with a biophysically-based synaptic influence. We argue that such a reduced model can quantitatively capture the frequency behavior of a larger class of neuronal models. We show that in different parameter regimes, the network frequency depends in different ways on the intrinsic and synaptic time constants. Only in one portion of the parameter space, called `phasic', is the network period proportional to the synaptic decay time. These results are discussed in connection with previous work of the authors, which showed that for mildly heterogeneous networks, the synchrony breaks down, but coherence is preserved much more for systems in the phasic regime than in the other regimes. These results imply that for mildly heterogeneous networks, the existence of a coherent rhythm implies a linear dependence of the network period on synaptic decay time, and a much weaker dependence on the drive to the cells. We give experimental evidence for this conclusion.Comment: 18 pages, 3 figures, Kluwer.sty. J. Comp. Neurosci. (in press). Originally submitted to the neuro-sys archive which was never publicly announced (was 9803001

    Interaction of hyperaccumulating plants with Zn and Cd nanoparticles

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    Metal hyperaccumulating plant species are an interesting example of natural selection and environmental adaptation but they may also be useful to developing new technologies of environmental monitoring and remediation. Noccaea caerulescens and Arabidopsis halleri are both Brassicaceae and are known metal hyperaccumulators. This study evaluated tolerance, uptake and translocation of zinc sulfide quantum dots by N. cearulescens and cadmium sulfide quantum dots by A. halleri in direct comparison with the non-hyperaccumulator, genetically similar T. perfoliatum and A. thaliana. Growth media were supplied with two different concentrations of metal in either salt (ZnSO4 and CdSO4) or nanoscale form (ZnS QDs and CdS QDs). After 30 days of exposure, the concentration of metals in the soil, roots and leaves was determined. Uptake and localization of the metal in both nanoscale and non-nanoscale form inside plant tissues was investigated by Environmental Scanning Electron Microscopy (ESEM) equipped with an X-ray probe. Specifically, the hyperaccumulators in comparison with the non-hyperaccumulators accumulate ionic and nanoscale Zn and Cd in the aerial parts with a BCF ratio of 45.9 for Zn ion, 49.6 for nanoscale Zn, 2.64 for Cd ion and 2.54 for nanoscale Cd. Results obtained with a differential extraction analytical procedure also showed that a significant fraction of nanoscale metals remained inside the plants in a form compatible with the retention of at least a partial initial structure. The molecular consequences of the hyperaccumulation of nanoscale materials are discussed considering data obtained with hyperaccumulation of ionic metal. This is the first report of conventional hyperaccumulating plants demonstrating an ability to hyperaccumulate also engineered nanomaterials (ENMs) and suggests a potential novel strategy for not only understanding plant-nanomaterial interactions but also for potential biomonitoring in the environment to avoid their entering into the food chains


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    To equip first responders with critical, time-sensitive information and accelerate emergency services response times, various solutions are provided herein through several techniques. Under a first technique, after an emergency event such as a gunshot is either automatically detected by a camera or manually initiated by a user, or when a dangerous object such as a gun is detected by a camera, a network may react by associating the source of the dangerous event or object with a person based on proximity data; identifying the physical characteristics of the person (such as height, hair color, clothing, visible tattoos, etc.); attaching such characteristics as textual metadata; and then transmitting that metadata to first responders. A second technique automatically develops a radio frequency (RF) signature profile of a person of interest (from RF signals emitted by devices carried by the person), associates that profile to the person, and leverages that profile to track the person as they move throughout a building or campus, allowing a user to look back in time (to, for example, identify where a person came from and how they entered a building) by tracking the RF profile over time. The above-described data is extremely important during any ongoing emergency and equips first responders with critical information which only a network can provide

    Uptake and accumulation of bulk and nanosized cerium oxide particles and ionic cerium by radish (Raphanus sativus L.).

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    The potential toxicity and accumulation of engineered nanomaterials (ENMs) in agricultural crops has become an area of great concern and intense investigation. Interestingly, although below-ground vegetables are most likely to accumulate the highest concentrations of ENMs, little work has been done investigating the potential uptake and accumulation of ENMs for this plant group. The overall objective of this study was to evaluate how different forms of cerium (bulk cerium oxide, cerium oxide nanoparticles, and the cerium ion) affected the growth of radish (Raphanus sativus L.) and accumulation of cerium in radish tissues. Ionic cerium (Ce(3+)) had a negative effect on radish growth at 10 mg CeCl3/L, whereas bulk cerium oxide (CeO2) enhanced plant biomass at the same concentration. Treatment with 10 mg/L cerium oxide nanoparticles (CeO2 NPs) had no significant effect on radish growth. Exposure to all forms of cerium resulted in the accumulation of this element in radish tissues, including the edible storage root. However, the accumulation patterns and their effect on plant growth and physiological processes varied with the characteristics of cerium. This study provides a critical frame of reference on the effects of CeO2 NPs versus their bulk and ionic counterparts on radish growth

    Probing the ISM Near Star Forming Regions with GRB Afterglow Spectroscopy: Gas, Metals, and Dust

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    We study the chemical abundances of the interstellar medium surrounding high z gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) through analysis of the damped Lya systems (DLAs) identified in afterglow spectra. These GRB-DLAs are characterized by large HI column densities N(HI) and metallicities [M/H] spanning 1/100 to nearly solar, with median [M/H]>-1. The majority of GRB-DLAs have [M/H] values exceeding the cosmic mean metallicity of atomic gas at z>2, i.e. if anything, the GRB-DLAs are biased to larger metallicity. We also observe (i) large [Zn/Fe] values (>+0.6) and sub-solar Ti/Fe ratios which imply substantial differential depletion, (ii) large a/Fe ratios suggesting nucleosynthetic enrichment by massive stars, and (iii) low C^0/C^+ ratios (<10^{-4}). Quantitatively, the observed depletion levels and C^0/C^+ ratios of the gas are not characteristic of cold, dense HI clouds in the Galactic ISM. We argue that the GRB-DLAs represent the ISM near the GRB but not gas directly local to the GRB (e.g. its molecular cloud or circumstellar material). We compare these observations with DLAs intervening background quasars (QSO-DLAs). The GRB-DLAs exhibit larger N(HI) values, higher a/Fe and Zn/Fe ratios, and have higher metallicity than the QSO-DLAs. We argue that the differences primarily result from galactocentric radius-dependent differences in the ISM: GRB-DLAs preferentially probe denser, more depleted, higher metallicity gaslocated in the inner few kpc whereas QSO-DLAs are more likely to intersect the less dense, less enriched, outer regions of the galaxy. Finally, we investigate whether dust obscuration may exclude GRB-DLA sightlines from QSO-DLA samples; we find that the majority of GRB-DLAs would be recovered which implies little observational bias against large N(HI) systems.Comment: 16 pages, 9 figures. Submitted to Ap