194 research outputs found

    Lessons learnt from ceftriaxone-resistant gonorrhoea in the UK and Australia.

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    Neisseria gonorrhoeae, the causative pathogen of gonorrhoea, has shown impressive agility in developing resistance to successive classes of antimicrobials used for therapy, leading to a progressive reduction in available treatment options. Ceftriaxone is the last-line treatment option for gonorrhoea, and many countries recommend dual therapy with ceftriaxone (250–1000 mg) in combination with azithromycin (1–2 g). However, since the introduction of dual therapy, the global prevalence of azithromycin resistance has increased. Additionally, the extensively drug-resistant N gonorrhoeae FC428 clone, which is associated with ceftriaxone resistance and intermediate resistance to azithromycin, has been reported to have spread internationally, with epidemiological links to the Asia-Pacific region

    Merkel Cell Polyomavirus DNA in Respiratory Specimens from Children and Adults

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    Merkel cell polyomavirus (MCPyV) DNA was detected in 7 (1.3%) of 526 respiratory tract samples from patients in Australia with upper or lower respiratory tract symptoms. Partial T antigen and major capsid protein sequences of MCPyV identified in respiratory secretions showed high homology (99%–100%) to those found in Merkel cell carcinoma

    Viruses causing lower respiratory symptoms in young children: Findings from the ORChID birth cohort

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    © 2018 Article author(s). Introduction Viral acute respiratory infections (ARIs) cause substantial child morbidity. Sensitive molecular-based assays aid virus detection, but the clinical significance of positive tests remains uncertain as some viruses may be found in both acutely ill and healthy children. We describe disease-pathogen associations of respiratory viruses and quantify virus-specific attributable risk of ARIs in healthy children during the first 2 years of life. Methods One hundred fifty-eight term newborn babies in Brisbane, Australia, were recruited progressively into a longitudinal, community-based, birth cohort study conducted between September 2010 and October 2014. A daily tick-box diary captured predefined respiratory symptoms from birth until their second birthday. Weekly parent-collected nasal swabs were batch-tested for 17 respiratory viruses by PCR assays, allowing calculation of virus-specific attributable fractions in the exposed (AFE) to determine the proportion of virus-positive children whose ARI symptoms could be attributed to that particular virus. Results Of 8100 nasal swabs analysed, 2646 (32.7%) were virus-positive (275 virus codetections, 3.4%), with human rhinoviruses accounting for 2058/2646 (77.8%) positive swabs. Viruses were detected in 1154/1530 (75.4%) ARI episodes and in 984/4308 (22.8%) swabs from asymptomatic periods. Respiratory syncytial virus (AFE: 68% (95% CI 45% to 82%)) and human metapneumovirus (AFE: 69% (95% CI 43% to 83%)) were strongly associated with higher risk of lower respiratory symptoms. Discussion The strong association of respiratory syncytial virus and human metapneumovirus with ARIs and lower respiratory symptoms in young children managed within the community indicates successful development of vaccines against these two viruses should provide substantial health benefits

    Genetic relatedness of ceftriaxone-resistant and high-level azithromycin resistant Neisseria gonorrhoeae cases, United Kingdom and Australia, February to April 2018.

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    Between February and April 2018, three ceftriaxone-resistant and high-level azithromycin-resistant Neisseria gonorrhoeae cases were identified; one in the United Kingdom and two in Australia. Whole genome sequencing was used to show that the isolates from these cases belong to a single gonococcal clone, which we name the A2543 clone

    Regulation of Orai1/STIM1 mediated ICRAC by intracellular pH

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    Ca²⁺ release activated Ca²⁺-(CRAC) channels composed of two cellular proteins, Ca²⁺-sensing stromal interaction molecule 1 (STIM1) and pore-forming Orai1, are the main mediators of the Ca²⁺ entry pathway activated in response to depletion of intracellular Ca²⁺ stores. Previously it has been shown that the amplitude of CRAC current (ICRAC) strongly depends on extracellular and intracellular pH. Here we investigate the intracellular pH (pHi) dependence of ICRAC mediated by Orai1 and STIM1ectopically expressed in HEK293 cells. The results indicate that pHi affects not only the amplitude of the current, but also Ca²⁺ dependent gating of CRAC channels. Intracellular acidification changes the kinetics of ICRAC, introducing prominent re-activation component in the currents recorded in response to voltage steps to strongly negative potentials. ICRAC with similar kinetics can be observed at normal pHi if the expression levels of Orai1 are increased, relative to the expression levels of STIM1. Mutations in the STIM1 inactivation domain significantly diminish the dependence of ICRAC kinetics on pHi, but have no effect on pHi dependence of ICRAC amplitude, implying that more than one mechanism is involved in CRAC channel regulation by intracellular pH.D. Gavriliouk, N.R. Scrimgeour, S. Grigoryev, L. Ma, F.H. Zhou, G.J. Barritt, G.Y. Rychko

    Rapid inactivation and sample preparation for SARS-CoV-2 PCR-based diagnostics using TNA-Cifer Reagent E

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    RT-qPCR remains a key diagnostic methodology for COVID-19/SARS-CoV-2. Typically, nasal or saliva swabs from patients are placed in virus transport media (VTM), RNA is extracted at the pathology laboratory, and viral RNA is measured using RT-qPCR. In this study, we describe the use of TNA-Cifer Reagent E in a pre-clinical evaluation study to inactivate SARS-CoV-2 as well as prepare samples for RT-qPCR. Adding 1 part TNA-Cifer Reagent E to 5 parts medium containing SARS-CoV-2 for 10 min at room temperature inactivated the virus and permitted RT-qPCR detection. TNA-Cifer Reagent E was compared with established column-based RNA extraction and purification methodology using a panel of human clinical nasal swab samples (n = 61), with TNA-Cifer Reagent E showing high specificity (100%) and sensitivity (97.37%). Mixtures of SARS-CoV-2 virus and TNA-Cifer Reagent E could be stored for 3 days at room temperature or for 2 weeks at 4°C without the loss of RT-qPCR detection sensitivity. The detection sensitivity was preserved when TNA-Cifer Reagent E was used in conjunction with a range of VTM for saliva samples but only PBS (Gibco) and Amies Orange for nasal samples. Thus, TNA-Cifer Reagent E improves safety by rapidly inactivating the virus during sample processing, potentially providing a safe means for molecular SARS-CoV-2 testing outside traditional laboratory settings. The reagent also eliminates the need for column-based and/or automated viral RNA extraction/purification processes, thereby providing cost savings for equipment and reagents, as well as reducing processing and handling times

    Genomic epidemiology and population structure of Neisseria gonorrhoeae from remote highly endemic Western Australian populations

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    Background: Neisseria gonorrhoeae causes gonorrhoea, the second most commonly notified sexually transmitted infection in Australia. One of the highest notification rates of gonorrhoea is found in the remote regions of Western Australia (WA). Unlike isolates from the major Australian population centres, the remote community isolates have low rates of antimicrobial resistance (AMR). Population structure and whole-genome comparison of 59 isolates from the Western Australian N. gonorrhoeae collection were used to investigate relatedness of isolates cultured in the metropolitan and remote areas. Core genome phylogeny, multilocus sequencing typing (MLST), N. gonorrhoeae multi-antigen sequence typing (NG-MAST) and N. gonorrhoeae sequence typing for antimicrobial resistance (NG-STAR) in addition to hierarchical clustering of sequences were used to characterize the isolates. Results: Population structure analysis of the 59 isolates together with 72 isolates from an international collection, revealed six population groups suggesting that N. gonorrhoeae is a weakly clonal species. Two distinct population groups, Aus1 and Aus2, represented 63% of WA isolates and were mostly composed of the remote community isolates that carried no chromosomal AMR genotypes. In contrast, the Western Australian metropolitan isolates were frequently multi-drug resistant and belonged to population groups found in the international database, suggesting international transmission of the isolates. Conclusions: Our study suggests that the population structure of N. gonorrhoeae is distinct between the communities in remote and metropolitan WA. Given the high rate of AMR in metropolitan regions, ongoing surveillance is essential to ensure the enduring efficacy of the empiric gonorrhoea treatment in remote WA

    Achievement of therapeutic antibiotic exposures using Bayesian dosing software in critically unwell children and adults with sepsis

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    PURPOSE: Early recognition and effective treatment of sepsis improves outcomes in critically ill patients. However, antibiotic exposures are frequently suboptimal in the intensive care unit (ICU) setting. We describe the feasibility of the Bayesian dosing software Individually Designed Optimum Dosing Strategies (ID-ODS™), to reduce time to effective antibiotic exposure in children and adults with sepsis in ICU. METHODS: A multi-centre prospective, non-randomised interventional trial in three adult ICUs and one paediatric ICU. In a pre-intervention Phase 1, we measured the time to target antibiotic exposure in participants. In Phase 2, antibiotic dosing recommendations were made using ID-ODS™, and time to target antibiotic concentrations were compared to patients in Phase 1 (a pre-post-design). RESULTS: 175 antibiotic courses (Phase 1 = 123, Phase 2 = 52) were analysed from 156 participants. Across all patients, there was no difference in the time to achieve target exposures (8.7 h vs 14.3 h in Phase 1 and Phase 2, respectively, p = 0.45). Sixty-one courses in 54 participants failed to achieve target exposures within 24 h of antibiotic commencement (n = 36 in Phase 1, n = 18 in Phase 2). In these participants, ID-ODS™ was associated with a reduction in time to target antibiotic exposure (96 vs 36.4 h in Phase 1 and Phase 2, respectively, p < 0.01). These patients were less likely to exhibit subtherapeutic antibiotic exposures at 96 h (hazard ratio (HR) 0.02, 95% confidence interval (CI) 0.01-0.05, p < 0.01). There was no difference observed in in-hospital mortality. CONCLUSIONS: Dosing software may reduce the time to achieve target antibiotic exposures. It should be evaluated further in trials to establish its impact on clinical outcomes