2,502 research outputs found

    Continuous wave detector has wide frequency range

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    Portable battery-operated detector indicates the presence of steady state signals exceeding a predetermined value over a wide frequency range by the closure of output relay contacts. It was designed to monitor electronic equipment used in the Saturn 2 program

    LRG-BEASTS III: Ground-based transmission spectrum of the gas giant orbiting the cool dwarf WASP-80

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    We have performed ground-based transmission spectroscopy of the hot Jupiter orbiting the cool dwarf WASP-80 using the ACAM instrument on the William Herschel Telescope (WHT) as part of the LRG-BEASTS programme. This is the third paper of a ground-based transmission spectroscopy survey of hot Jupiters using low-resolution grism spectrographs. We observed two transits of the planet and have constructed transmission spectra spanning a wavelength range of 4640-8840A. Our transmission spectrum is inconsistent with a previously claimed detection of potassium in WASP-80b's atmosphere, and is instead most consistent with a haze. We also do not see evidence for sodium absorption at a resolution of 100A.Comment: 11 pages, 9 figures. Accepted for publication in MNRA

    The shared evaporation history of three sub-Neptunes spanning the radius-period valley of a Hyades star

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    We model the evaporation histories of the three planets around K2-136, a K-dwarf in the Hyades open cluster with an age of 700 Myr. The star hosts three transiting planets, with radii of 1.0, 3.0 and 1.5 Earth radii, where the middle planet lies above the radius-period valley and the inner and outer planets are below. We use an XMM-Newton observation to measure the XUV radiation environment of the planets, finding that the X-ray activity of K2-136 is lower than predicted by models but typical of similar Hyades members. We estimate the internal structure of each planet, and model their evaporation histories using a range of structure and atmospheric escape formulations. While the precise X-ray irradiation history of the system may be uncertain, we exploit the fact that the three planets must have shared the same history. We find that the Earth-sized K2-136b is most likely rocky, with any primordial gaseous envelope being lost within a few Myr. The sub-Neptune, K2-136c, has an envelope contributing 1-1.7% of its mass that is stable against evaporation thanks to the high mass of its rocky core, whilst the super-Earth, K2-136d, must have a mass at the upper end of the allowed range in order to retain any of its envelope. Our results are consistent with all three planets beginning as sub-Neptunes that have since been sculpted by atmospheric evaporation to their current states, stripping the envelope from planet b and removing most from planet d whilst preserving planet c above the radius-period valley.Comment: Accepted for publication on MNRA

    The XUV irradiation and likely atmospheric escape of the super-Earth π\pi Men c

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    π\pi Men c was recently announced as the first confirmed exoplanet from the TESS mission. The planet has a radius of just 2 R⊕_{\rm\oplus} and it transits a nearby Sun-like star of naked-eye brightness, making it the ideal target for atmospheric characterisation of a super-Earth. Here we analyse archival ROSAT\textit{ROSAT} and Swift\textit{Swift} observations of π\pi Men in order to determine the X-ray and extreme-ultraviolet irradiation of the planetary atmosphere and assess whether atmospheric escape is likely to be on-going. We find that π\pi Men has a similar level of X-ray emission to the Sun, with LX/Lbol=(4.84−0.84+0.92)×10−7L_{\rm X}/L_{\rm bol} = (4.84^{+0.92}_{-0.84})\times10^{-7}. However, due to its small orbital separation, the high-energy irradiation of the super-Earth is around 2000 times stronger than suffered by the Earth. We show that this is sufficient to drive atmospheric escape at a rate greater than that readily detected from the warm Neptune GJ 436b. Furthermore, we estimate π\pi Men to be four times brighter at Ly α\alpha than GJ 436. Given the small atmospheric scale heights of super-Earths, together with their potentially cloudy atmospheres, and the consequent difficulty in measuring transmission spectra, we conclude that ultraviolet absorption by material escaping π\pi Men c presents the best opportunity currently to determine the atmospheric composition of a super-Earth.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, 3 tables; accepted for publication in MNRAS Letter

    An XMM-Newton observation of the nova-like variable UX UMa: spatially and spectrally resolved two-component X-ray emission

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    In the optical and ultraviolet regions of the electromagnetic spectrum, UX Ursae Majoris is a deeply eclipsing cataclysmic variable. However, no soft X-ray eclipse was detected in ROSAT observations. We have obtained a 38 ksec XMM-Newton observation to further constrain the origin of the X-rays. The combination of spectral and timing information allows us to identify two components in the X-ray emission of the system. The soft component, dominant below photon energies of 2 keV, can be fitted with a multi-temperature plasma model and is uneclipsed. The hard component, dominant above 3 keV, can be fitted with a kT ~ 5 keV plasma model and appears to be deeply eclipsed. We suggest that the most likely source of the hard X-ray emission in UX UMa, and other systems in high mass transfer states, is the boundary layer.Comment: To appear in MNRAS Letter

    K2 Variable Catalogue II: Machine Learning Classification of Variable Stars and Eclipsing Binaries in K2 Fields 0-4

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    We are entering an era of unprecedented quantities of data from current and planned survey telescopes. To maximise the potential of such surveys, automated data analysis techniques are required. Here we implement a new methodology for variable star classification, through the combination of Kohonen Self Organising Maps (SOM, an unsupervised machine learning algorithm) and the more common Random Forest (RF) supervised machine learning technique. We apply this method to data from the K2 mission fields 0-4, finding 154 ab-type RR Lyraes (10 newly discovered), 377 Delta Scuti pulsators, 133 Gamma Doradus pulsators, 183 detached eclipsing binaries, 290 semi-detached or contact eclipsing binaries and 9399 other periodic (mostly spot-modulated) sources, once class significance cuts are taken into account. We present lightcurve features for all K2 stellar targets, including their three strongest detected frequencies, which can be used to study stellar rotation periods where the observed variability arises from spot modulation. The resulting catalogue of variable stars, classes, and associated data features are made available online. We publish our SOM code in Python as part of the open source PyMVPA package, which in combination with already available RF modules can be easily used to recreate the method.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRAS, 16 pages, 13 figures. Updated with proof corrections. Full catalogue tables available at https://www2.warwick.ac.uk/fac/sci/physics/research/astro/people/armstrong/ or at the CD
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