3,481 research outputs found

    Wind-tunnel Tests of a Cyclogiro Rotor

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    During an extensive study of all types of rotating wings, the NACA examined the cyclogiro rotor and made an aerodynamic analysis of that system (reference 1). The examination disclosed that such a machine had sufficient promise to justify an experimental investigation; a model with a diameter and span of 8 feet was therefore constructed and tested in the 20-foot wind tunnel during 1934. The experimental work included tests of the effect of the motion upon the rotor forces during the static-lift and forward-flight conditions at several rotor speeds and the determination of the relations between the forces generated by the rotor and the power required by it

    LIFE3: A predictive costing tool for digital collections

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    Predicting the costs of long-term digital preservation is a crucial yet complex task for even the largest repositories and institutions. For smaller projects and individual researchers faced with preservation requirements, the problem is even more overwhelming, as they lack the accumulated experience of the former. Yet being able to estimate future preservation costs is vital to answering a range of important questions for each. The LIFE (Life Cycle Information for E-Literature) project, which has just completed its third phase, helps institutions and researchers address these concerns, reducing the financial and preservation risks, and allowing decision makers to assess a range of options in order to achieve effective preservation while operating within financial restraints. The project is a collaboration between University College London (UCL), The British Library and the Humanities Advanced Technology and Information Institute (HATII) at the University of Glasgow. Funding has been supplied in the UK by the Joint Information Systems Committee (JISC) and the Research Information Network (RIN)

    GALEX ultraviolet observations of stellar variability in the Hyades and Pleiades clusters

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    We present GALEX near ultraviolet (NUV:1750 - 2750A) and far ultraviolet (FUV: 1350 - 1750A) imaging observations of two 1.2 degree diameter fields in the Hyades and Pleiades open clusters in order to detect possible UV variability of the member stars. We have performed a detailed software search for short-term UV flux variability during these observations of the approx 400 sources detected in each of the Hyades and Pleiades fields to identify flare-like (dMe) stellar objects. This search resulted in the detection of 16 UV variable sources, of which 13 can be directly associated with probable M-type stars. The other UV sources are G-type stars and one newly discovered RR Lyrae star, USNOB1.0 1069-0046050, of period 0.624 day and distance 4.5-7.0 kpc. Light curves of photon flux versus time are shown for 7 flare events recorded on six probable dMe stars. UV energies for these flares span the range 2E27 to 5E29 erg, with a corresponding NUV variability change of 1.82 mag. Only one of these flare events (on the star Cl* Melotte 25 LH129) can definitely be associated with an origin on a member the Hyades cluster itself. Finally, many of our M-type candidates show long periods of enhanced UV activity but without the associated rapid increase in flux that is normally associated with a flare event. However, the total UV energy output during such periods of increased activity is greater than that of many short-term UV flares. These intervals of enhanced low-level UV activity concur with the idea that, even in quiescence, the UV emission from dMe stars may be related to a superposition of many small flare events possessing a wide range of energies.Comment: PASP Submitte

    The Impact of Postmodernism on 21st Century Higher Education

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    The American undergraduate higher educational institution was organized and developed well over 100 years ago, and for the most part, it was designed around Eurocentric ideals, experiences, and values—ones that hardly reflect the population and principles of a 21st century America. The higher education system is undoubtedly a product of modernism; however, as postmodernism has become more widespread through mainstream society, universities must reevaluate their means and their ends in order to meet transitioning standards and expectations especially if academe hopes to remain a pillar of our ever-progressing society. The three majorly impacted areas of higher education include enrollment trends, the desired outcomes and objectives of obtaining a degree, and classroom academics and pedagogy. These areas that are all equally vital in the success of the institution are needing to be contextualized in a wider socio-cultural frame that includes the viewpoints and charges of a postmodernist society. Postmodernism is marking the end of traditional structures and institutions, academe included. The one-size-fits-all approach that links together modern thought is no longer sufficient nor acceptable to the masses, especially those of the younger generations who compose most of the recruitment pool for universities

    Blade Motion and Bouncing Tests of KD-1 Autogiro

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    There are forwarded herewith the results of blade motion and bouncing tests on the Kellett KD-1 three-bladed autogiro. Motion picture records and two-component accelerometer records were taken in flight during glides at air speeds from 30 miles per hour to 100 miles per hour indicator readings. Calibration curves of correct indicated air speed and rotor speed as functions of air speed meter reading were established with a trailing pitot-static head and a rotoscope, at 2,000 ft. altitude and an air density of 0.00231 slug/ cu. ft., all tests being made at approximately that density

    Torsion in box wings

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    Logical analysis of a box wing necessitates the allowance for the contribution of the drag spars to the torsional strength of the structure. A rigorous analysis is available in the use of the Method of Least Work. The best logical method of analysis is that applying Prandtl's Membrane Analogy. The results so obtained vary by a negligible amount from those obtained by the rigorous method

    Lift and Drag Characteristics and Gliding Performance of an Autogiro as Determined in Flight

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    This report presents the results of flight test of the Pitcairn "PCA-2" autogiro. Lift and drag coefficients with the propeller stopped have been determined over approximately a 90 degree range of angles of attack. Based on the sum of fixed-wing and swept-disk areas, the maximum lift coefficient is 0.895, the minimum drag coefficient with propeller stopped is 0.015, and the maximum l/d with propeller stopped is 4.8. Lift coefficients were found also with the propeller delivering positive thrust and did not differ consistently from those found with propeller stopped. Curves of gliding performance included in this report show a minimum vertical velocity of 15 feet per second at an air speed of 36 miles per hour and a flight-path angle of -17 degrees. In vertical descent the vertical velocity is 35 feet per second

    The Influence of Wing Setting on the Wing Load and Rotor Speed of a PCA-2 Autogiro as Determined in Flight

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    Flight tests were made on PCA-2 autogiro with wing settings of 2.2 degrees, 0.9 degrees, and -0.5 degrees. The wing load and rotor speed were measured in steady glides. The results obtained show that a wide variation in rotor speed as a function of air speed can be obtained by a suitable adjustment of the wing setting; that by decreasing the wing setting the upper safe flying speed, determined by the decrease is rotor speed, is greatly increased; and that the interference of the wing on the rotor thrust and lift coefficients is negligible

    A study of autogiro rotor-blade oscillations in the plane of the rotor disk

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    An analysis of the factors governing the oscillation of an autogiro rotor blade in the plane of the rotor disk showed that the contribution of the air forces to the resultant motion was small and that the oscillation is essentially a direct effect of the rotor-blade flapping motion. A comparison of calculated oscillations with those measured in flight on three different rotors disclosed that the calculations gave satisfactory agreement with experiment. The calculated air forces on the rotor blade appear to be larger than the experimental ones, but this discrepancy can be attributed to the deficiencies in the strip analysis
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