34 research outputs found

    Curves of every genus with many points, II: Asymptotically good families

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    We resolve a 1983 question of Serre by constructing curves with many points of every genus over every finite field. More precisely, we show that for every prime power q there is a positive constant c_q with the following property: for every non-negative integer g, there is a genus-g curve over F_q with at least c_q * g rational points over F_q. Moreover, we show that there exists a positive constant d such that for every q we can choose c_q = d * (log q). We show also that there is a constant c > 0 such that for every q and every n > 0, and for every sufficiently large g, there is a genus-g curve over F_q that has at least c*g/n rational points and whose Jacobian contains a subgroup of rational points isomorphic to (Z/nZ)^r for some r > c*g/n.Comment: LaTeX, 18 page

    Linear independence in linear systems on elliptic curves

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    Let EE be an elliptic curve, with identity OO, and let CC be a cyclic subgroup of odd order NN, over an algebraically closed field kk with charkN\operatorname{char} k \nmid N. For PCP \in C, let sPs_P be a rational function with divisor NPNON \cdot P - N \cdot O. We ask whether the NN functions sPs_P are linearly independent. For generic (E,C)(E,C), we prove that the answer is yes. We bound the number of exceptional (E,C)(E,C) when NN is a prime by using the geometry of the universal generalized elliptic curve over X1(N)X_1(N). The problem can be recast in terms of sections of an arbitrary degree NN line bundle on EE.Comment: 10 page

    Curves of every genus with many points, I: Abelian and toric families

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    Let N_q(g) denote the maximal number of F_q-rational points on any curve of genus g over the finite field F_q. Ihara (for square q) and Serre (for general q) proved that limsup_{g-->infinity} N_q(g)/g > 0 for any fixed q. In their proofs they constructed curves with many points in infinitely many genera; however, their sequences of genera are somewhat sparse. In this paper, we prove that lim_{g-->infinity} N_q(g) = infinity. More precisely, we use abelian covers of P^1 to prove that liminf_{g-->infinity} N_q(g)/(g/log g) > 0, and we use curves on toric surfaces to prove that liminf_{g-->infty} N_q(g)/g^{1/3} > 0; we also show that these results are the best possible that can be proved with these families of curves.Comment: LaTeX, 20 page