52 research outputs found

    Stability of mRNA/DNA and DNA/DNA Duplexes Affects mRNA Transcription

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    Nucleic acids, due to their structural and chemical properties, can form double-stranded secondary structures that assist the transfer of genetic information and can modulate gene expression. However, the nucleotide sequence alone is insufficient in explaining phenomena like intron-exon recognition during RNA processing. This raises the question whether nucleic acids are endowed with other attributes that can contribute to their biological functions. In this work, we present a calculation of thermodynamic stability of DNA/DNA and mRNA/DNA duplexes across the genomes of four species in the genus Saccharomyces by nearest-neighbor method. The results show that coding regions are more thermodynamically stable than introns, 3′-untranslated regions and intergenic sequences. Furthermore, open reading frames have more stable sense mRNA/DNA duplexes than the potential antisense duplexes, a property that can aid gene discovery. The lower stability of the DNA/DNA and mRNA/DNA duplexes of 3′-untranslated regions and the higher stability of genes correlates with increased mRNA level. These results suggest that the thermodynamic stability of DNA/DNA and mRNA/DNA duplexes affects mRNA transcription

    Water vapour in the atmosphere of a transiting extrasolar planet

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    Water is predicted to be among, if not the most abundant molecular species after hydrogen in the atmospheres of close-in extrasolar giant planets (hot-Jupiters) Several attempts have been made to detect water on an exoplanet, but have failed to find compelling evidence for it or led to claims that should be taken with caution. Here we report an analysis of recent observations of the hot-Jupiter HD189733b taken during the transit, where the planet passed in front of its parent star. We find that absorption by water vapour is the most likely cause of the wavelength-dependent variations in the effective radius of the planet at the infrared wavelengths 3.6, 5.8 and 8 microns. The larger effective radius observed at visible wavelengths may be due to either star variability or the presence of clouds/hazes. We explain the most recent thermal infrared observations of the planet during secondary transit behind the star, reporting a non-detection of water on HD189733b, as being a consequence of the nearly isothermal vertical profile of the planet.s atmosphere. Our results show that water is detectable on extrasolar planets using the primary transit technique and that the infrared should be a better wavelength region than the visible, for such searches

    Mutations of RNA polymerase II activate key genes of the nucleoside triphosphate biosynthetic pathways

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    The yeast URA2 gene, encoding the rate-limiting enzyme of UTP biosynthesis, is transcriptionally activated by UTP shortage. In contrast to other genes of the UTP pathway, this activation is not governed by the Ppr1 activator. Moreover, it is not due to an increased recruitment of RNA polymerase II at the URA2 promoter, but to its much more effective progression beyond the URA2 mRNA start site(s). Regulatory mutants constitutively expressing URA2 resulted from cis-acting deletions upstream of the transcription initiator region, or from amino-acid replacements altering the RNA polymerase II Switch 1 loop domain, such as rpb1-L1397S. These two mutation classes allowed RNA polymerase to progress downstream of the URA2 mRNA start site(s). rpb1-L1397S had similar effects on IMD2 (IMP dehydrogenase) and URA8 (CTP synthase), and thus specifically activated the rate-limiting steps of UTP, GTP and CTP biosynthesis. These data suggest that the Switch 1 loop of RNA polymerase II, located at the downstream end of the transcription bubble, may operate as a specific sensor of the nucleoside triphosphates available for transcription

    The positions of TFIIF and TFIIE in the RNA polymerase II transcription preinitiation complex.

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    We incorporated the non-natural photoreactive amino acid p-benzoyl-L-phenylalanine (Bpa) into the RNA polymerase II (Pol II) surface surrounding the central cleft formed by the Rpb1 and Rpb2 subunits. Photo-cross-linking of preinitiation complexes (PICs) with these Pol II derivatives and hydroxyl-radical cleavage assays revealed that the TFIIF dimerization domain interacts with the Rpb2 lobe and protrusion domains adjacent to Rpb9, while TFIIE cross-links to the Rpb1 clamp domain on the opposite side of the Pol II central cleft. Mutations in the Rpb2 lobe and protrusion domains alter both Pol II-TFIIF binding and the transcription start site, a phenotype associated with mutations in TFIIF, Rpb9 and TFIIB. Together with previous biochemical and structural studies, these findings illuminate the structural organization of the PIC and the network of protein-protein interactions involved in transcription start site selection

    Minimal Functional Sites Allow a Classification of Zinc Sites in Proteins

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    Zinc is indispensable to all forms of life as it is an essential component of many different proteins involved in a wide range of biological processes. Not differently from other metals, zinc in proteins can play different roles that depend on the features of the metal-binding site. In this work, we describe zinc sites in proteins with known structure by means of three-dimensional templates that can be automatically extracted from PDB files and consist of the protein structure around the metal, including the zinc ligands and the residues in close spatial proximity to the ligands. This definition is devised to intrinsically capture the features of the local protein environment that can affect metal function, and corresponds to what we call a minimal functional site (MFS). We used MFSs to classify all zinc sites whose structures are available in the PDB and combined this classification with functional annotation as available in the literature. We classified 77% of zinc sites into ten clusters, each grouping zinc sites with structures that are highly similar, and an additional 16% into seven pseudo-clusters, each grouping zinc sites with structures that are only broadly similar. Sites where zinc plays a structural role are predominant in eight clusters and in two pseudo-clusters, while sites where zinc plays a catalytic role are predominant in two clusters and in five pseudo-clusters. We also analyzed the amino acid composition of the coordination sphere of zinc as a function of its role in the protein, highlighting trends and exceptions. In a period when the number of known zinc proteins is expected to grow further with the increasing awareness of the cellular mechanisms of zinc homeostasis, this classification represents a valuable basis for structure-function studies of zinc proteins, with broad applications in biochemistry, molecular pharmacology and de novo protein design

    The nucleotide addition cycle of RNA polymerase is controlled by two molecular hinges in the Bridge Helix domain

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    Abstract Background Cellular RNA polymerases (RNAPs) are complex molecular machines that combine catalysis with concerted conformational changes in the active center. Previous work showed that kinking of a hinge region near the C-terminus of the Bridge Helix (BH-HC) plays a critical role in controlling the catalytic rate. Results Here, new evidence for the existence of an additional hinge region in the amino-terminal portion of the Bridge Helix domain (BH-HN) is presented. The nanomechanical properties of BH-HN emerge as a direct consequence of the highly conserved primary amino acid sequence. Mutations that are predicted to influence its flexibility cause corresponding changes in the rate of the nucleotide addition cycle (NAC). BH-HN displays functional properties that are distinct from BH-HC, suggesting that conformational changes in the Bridge Helix control the NAC via two independent mechanisms. Conclusions The properties of two distinct molecular hinges in the Bridge Helix of RNAP determine the functional contribution of this domain to key stages of the NAC by coordinating conformational changes in surrounding domains.</p

    Dissection of Pol II Trigger Loop Function and Pol II Activity–Dependent Control of Start Site Selection In Vivo

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    Structural and biochemical studies have revealed the importance of a conserved, mobile domain of RNA Polymerase II (Pol II), the Trigger Loop (TL), in substrate selection and catalysis. The relative contributions of different residues within the TL to Pol II function and how Pol II activity defects correlate with gene expression alteration in vivo are unknown. Using Saccharomyces cerevisiae Pol II as a model, we uncover complex genetic relationships between mutated TL residues by combinatorial analysis of multiply substituted TL variants. We show that in vitro biochemical activity is highly predictive of in vivo transcription phenotypes, suggesting direct relationships between phenotypes and Pol II activity. Interestingly, while multiple TL residues function together to promote proper transcription, individual residues can be separated into distinct functional classes likely relevant to the TL mechanism. In vivo, Pol II activity defects disrupt regulation of the GTP-sensitive IMD2 gene, explaining sensitivities to GTP-production inhibitors, but contrasting with commonly cited models for this sensitivity in the literature. Our data provide support for an existing model whereby Pol II transcriptional activity provides a proxy for direct sensing of NTP levels in vivo leading to IMD2 activation. Finally, we connect Pol II activity to transcription start site selection in vivo, implicating the Pol II active site and transcription itself as a driver for start site scanning, contravening current models for this process