313 research outputs found

    Small business lending and bank consolidation: is there cause for concern?

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    Small banks are a major source of credit for small businesses. As banking consolidation continues, will a resulting decline in the presence of small banks adversely affect the availability of that credit?Bank loans ; Bank mergers ; Small business

    Evaluating the impact of the rural dimension of specialism

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    Commissioned by the Specialist Schools and Academies TrustThe rural dimension is intended to offer the opportunity to schools to enhance and extend the curriculum. Its focus is the understanding of environmental issues and the countryside, and it is seen as relevant to all schools, including those in urban areas. The Specialist Schools and Academies Trust (SSAT) wishes to evaluate the extent to which the rural dimension is effective in raising standards. The aim of this study, commissioned by the SSAT, was to ascertain the extent to which the work schools undertake as part of their rural dimension has a demonstrable impact on achievement and attainment - in particular concerning: 1) attainment (pupil performance and school standards); 2) behaviour and attendance (on the part of pupils); 3) engagement (pupil interest and motivation, and raising aspirations among pupils and their families). The approach taken in the study is chiefly an interpretative and illuminative one with the aim of throwing light on how the rural dimension acts as an influence within the school context. Rather than looking for linear cause-and-effect, methodologically it was seen as more helpful to view organisations as complex processes of continual interaction in which any one initiative is the catalyst to multiple interpretations and reactions which generate further initiatives. Qualitative data are particularly helpful in throwing light on these processes. An exploratory case study approach was used, generating both qualitative and quantitative data in order to reflect the complexity of practice and experience in the rural dimension. Six case study schools were selected from rural dimension schools which expressed a wish to participate in the study. Criteria were used to maximise the variation in the sample used, although those with relatively large farms are over-represented. Each of the six case study schools was visited by one or more of the research team. Visits involved interviews, observation and perusal and collection of documentary data (including schools’ websites). This report also includes a selective literature review, highlighting some of the issues concerning research into specialisms and the value of education for sustainable development

    Detecting and tracking early neurodegeneration in familial Alzheimer’s disease

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    Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is recognized to have a long presymptomatic period, with initial deposition of extracellular amyloid and intracellular tau, followed by downstream neurodegeneration and cognitive decline. There is great interest in testing potential disease-modifying treatments for AD prior to the onset of symptoms, when minimal neuronal loss has occurred. To facilitate this, robust and sensitive methods are needed to identify at-risk individuals, stage their disease, and track progression. Familial Alzheimer’s disease (FAD) shares many features, clinically, radiologically, and neurophysiologically, with the more common sporadic form of disease. Carriers of autosomal dominantly inherited mutations in the presenilin 1, presenilin 2, and amyloid precursor protein genes have relatively predictable ages at symptom onset, based on family history. Study of FAD mutation carriers therefore provides the opportunity for the prospective study of asymptomatic individuals with known underlying AD pathology prior to the onset of clinical disease. The studies presented herein aim to improve the identification and characterization of early FAD neurodegenerative change and its earliest downstream cognitive effects. A multimodal approach is taken, with both presymptomatic and mildly symptomatic individuals included. Chapter one provides an introduction to AD and methods for measuring early neurodegeneration. Chapter two then outlines the general methodological approach across the different studies. Chapters three and four present results of magnetic resonance imaging studies of macrostructural (cortical thickness) and microstructural (diffusion-weighted imaging) cortical change. Chapter five reports results for a new blood-based biomarker of neurodegeneration – serum neurofilamentlight. Chapter six investigates a novel approach to presymptomatic cognitive testing – 6 assessing accelerated long-term forgetting. In all studies, significant differences between mutation carriers and non-carrier controls are detectable during the presymptomatic period. The thesis draws together these different approaches and discusses how they advance our understanding of the neurobiology of AD and their potential utility in both clinical assessment and presymptomatic therapeutic trials

    S. Brian McCann (1935–2004)

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    Comparative Assessment and Decision Support System for Strategic Military Airlift Capability

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    The Lockheed Martin Aeronautics Company has been awarded several programs to modernize the aging C-5 military transport fleet. In order to ensure its continuation amidst budget cuts, it was important to engage the decision makers by providing an environment to analyze the benefits of the modernization program. This paper describes an interface that allows the user to change inputs such as the scenario airfields, take-off conditions, and reliability characteristics. The underlying logistics surrogate model was generated using data from a discrete-event simulation. Various visualizations such as intercontinental flight paths illustrated in 3D, have been created to aid the user in analyzing scenarios and performing comparative assessments for various output logistics metrics. The capability to rapidly and dynamically evaluate and compare scenarios was developed enabling real time strategy exploration and trade-offs

    Advanced architecture for universal machine control

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    Computer control of machines is now commonplace in industrial, commercial and domestic situations. Digitally controlled equipment is available from many sources and can be configured in various ways to produce software controlled industrial machines. However, despite major technological developments in real-time control there is still a pressing need for a methodology to facilitate its widespread utilization. The variety of equipment available and range of manufacturers involved has resulted in the emergence of a great many techniques and standards relating to communication, information exchange and programming. However, where standards exist they are often de facto and non-conformity is common. The performance capabilities of computer controlled machines should reflect the state-of-the-art with respect to the enabling technology. Progress both in technical and commercial terms can be rapid, with frequent changes in the leading suppliers. No single supplier is likely to have the expertise or resources to develop and maintain a leading position as the source of all the items needed to create integrated systems. A system builder wishing to optimize his design must therefore use proprietary building blocks from a number of different sources. However, this means that large amounts of time and effort must be allocated to the development of custom software to integrate different manufacturer's equipment. The alternative is to limit the choice to known items from a restricted range of suppliers, but the associated risks are well known. At best, the system builder is likely to be cut off from the progress of the technology and at worst he may be unable to obtain equipment support and supply

    A machine control shell for next generation manufacturing machines

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    There is a growing pressure on many manufacturing oganisations to produce products in small volumes. However, to date, most automation projects have centred on high volume production. The major impediment to the application of programmable automation lies in the high cost of engineering solutions. Already a range of control system components are available to produce flexible automation schemes but as yet the selection and use of those components is a highly specialised exercise which is generally not well understood. This paper describes the need for an open control architecture for programmable machines and outlines findings of a proof of concept research project aimed at formalising the design of control systems. The work has resulted in a “motion control shell' which can much reduce the cost and time involved when building machine controllers

    A Surgical Cryoprobe for Targeted Transcorneal Freezing and Endothelial Cell Removal

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    PURPOSE: To examine the effects of transcorneal freezing using a new cryoprobe designed for corneal endothelial surgery. METHODS: A freezing console employing nitrous oxide as a cryogen was used to cool a series of different cryoprobe tip designs made of silver for high thermal conductivity. In vitro studies were conducted on 426 porcine corneas, followed by preliminary in vivo investigations on three rabbit corneas. RESULTS: The corneal epithelium was destroyed by transcorneal freezing, as expected; however, the epithelial basement membrane remained intact. Reproducible endothelial damage was optimally achieved using a 3.4 mm diameter cryoprobe with a concave tip profile. Stromal edema was seen in the pre-Descemet's area 24 hrs postfreeze injury, but this had been resolved by 10 days postfreeze. A normal collagen fibril structure was seen 1 month postfreeze, concurrent with endothelial cell repopulation. CONCLUSIONS: Transcorneal freezing induces transient posterior stromal edema and some residual deep stromal haze but leaves the epithelial basement membrane intact, which is likely to be important for corneal re-epithelialization. Localized destruction of the endothelial monolayer was achieved in a consistent manner with a 3.4 mm diameter/concave profile cryoprobe and represents a potentially useful approach to remove dysfunctional corneal endothelial cells from corneas with endothelial dysfunction