735 research outputs found

    Amyloid in the islets of Langerhans: Thoughts and some historical aspects

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    Deposition of amyloid, derived from the polypeptide hormone islet amyloid polypeptide (IAPP; ‘amylin’) is the single most typical islet alteration in type 2 diabetes. Islet amyloid was described as hyalinization already in 1901, but not until 1986 was it understood that it is a polymerization product of a novel β-cell regulatory product. The subject of this focused review deals with the pathogenesis and importance of the islet amyloid itself, not with the biological effect of the polypeptide. Similar to the situation in Alzheimer's disease, it has been argued that the amyloid may not be of importance since there is no strict correlation between the degree of islet amyloid infiltration and the disease. However, it is hardly discussable that the amyloid is important in subjects where islets have been destroyed by pronounced islet amyloid deposits. Even when there is less islet amyloid the deposits are widely spread, and β-cells show ultrastructural signs of cell membrane destruction. It is suggested that type 2 diabetes is heterogeneous and that in one major subtype aggregation of IAPP into amyloid fibrils is determining the progressive loss of β-cells. Interestingly, development of islet amyloid may be an important event in the loss of β-cell function after islet transplantation into type 1 diabetic subjects

    Variation in amount of wild-type transthyretin in different fibril and tissue types in ATTR amyloidosis

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    Familial transthyretin (TTR) amyloidosis is caused by a mutation in the TTR gene, although wild-type (wt) TTR is also incorporated into the amyloid fibrils. Liver transplantation (LT) is the prevailing treatment of the disease and is performed in order to eliminate the mutant TTR from plasma. The outcome of the procedure is varied; especially problematic is a progressive cardiomyopathy seen in some patients, presumably caused by continued incorporation of wtTTR. What determines the discrepancy in outcome is not clear. We have previously shown that two structurally distinct amyloid fibrils (with or without fragmented ATTR) are found among ATTRV30M patients. In this study, we investigated the proportion of wtATTR in cardiac and adipose amyloid from patients having either fibril type. It was found that cardiac amyloid more easily incorporates wtTTR than adipose amyloid, offering a potential explanation for the vulnerability of cardiac tissue for continued amyloidosis after LT. In cardiac tissue, fibrils with fragmented ATTR contained a higher wt proportion than fibrils without, suggesting that continued incorporation of wtTTR after LT, perhaps, can take place more easily in these patients. In adipose tissue, a rapid increase in wt proportion after LT indicates that a rather fast turnover of the deposits must occur. A difference in wt proportion between the fibril types was seen post-LT but not pre-LT, possibly caused by differences in turnover rate. Conclusively, this study further establishes the basic dissimilarities between the two fibril types and demonstrates that their role in LT outcome needs to be further investigated

    Small Interfering RNA–Mediated Suppression of Proislet Amyloid Polypeptide Expression Inhibits Islet Amyloid Formation and Enhances Survival of Human Islets in Culture

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    OBJECTIVE—Islet amyloid, formed by aggregation of the β-cell peptide islet amyloid polypeptide (IAPP; amylin), is a pathological characteristic of pancreatic islets in type 2 diabetes. Toxic IAPP aggregates likely contribute to the progressive loss of β-cells in this disease. We used cultured human islets as an ex vivo model of amyloid formation to investigate whether suppression of proIAPP expression would inhibit islet amyloid formation and enhance β-cell survival and function

    AA-Amyloidosis Can Be Transferred by Peripheral Blood Monocytes

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    Spongiform encephalopathies have been reported to be transmitted by blood transfusion even prior to the clinical onset. Experimental AA-amyloidosis shows similarities with prion disease and amyloid-containing organ-extracts can prime a recipient for the disease. In this systemic form of amyloidosis N-terminal fragments of the acute-phase reactant apolipoprotein serum amyloid A are the main amyloid protein. Initial amyloid deposits appear in the perifollicular region of the spleen, followed by deposits in the liver. We used the established murine model and induced AA-amyloidosis in NMRI mice by intravenous injections of purified amyloid fibrils (‘amyloid enhancing factor’) combined with inflammatory challenge (silver nitrate subcutaneously). Blood plasma and peripheral blood monocytes were isolated, sonicated and re-injected into new recipients followed by an inflammatory challenge during a three week period. When the animals were sacrificed presence of amyloid was analyzed in spleen sections after Congo red staining. Our result shows that some of the peripheral blood monocytes, isolated from animals with detectable amyloid, contained amyloid-seed that primed for AA-amyloid. The seeding material seems to have been phagocytosed by the cells since the AA-precursor (SAA1) was found not be expressed by the monocytes. Plasma recovered from mice with AA amyloidosis lacked seeding capacity. Amyloid enhancing activity can reside in monocytes recovered from mice with AA-amyloidosis and in a prion-like way trigger amyloid formation in conjunction with an inflammatory disorder. Human AA-amyloidosis resembles the murine form and every individual is expected to be exposed to conditions that initiate production of the acute-phase reactant. The monocyte-transfer mechanism should be eligible for the human disease and we point out blood transfusion as a putative route for transfer of amyloidosis

    Glioblastoma—a moving target

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    The slow development of effective treatment of glioblastoma is contrasted by the rapidly advancing research on the molecular mechanisms underlying the disease. Amplification and overexpression of receptor tyrosine kinases, particularly EGFR and PDGFRA, are complemented by mutations in the PI3K, RB1, and p53 signaling pathways. In addition to finding effective means to target these pathways, we may take advantage of the recent understanding of the hierarchical structure of tumor cell populations, where the progressive expansion of the tumor relies on a minor subpopulation of glioma stem cells, or glioma-initiating cells. Finding ways to reprogram these cells and block their self-renewal is one of the most important topics for future research

    Clinical ApoA-IV amyloid is associated with fibrillogenic signal sequence

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    Apolipoprotein A-IV amyloidosis is an uncommon form of the disease normally resulting in renal and cardiac dysfunction. ApoA-IV amyloidosis was identified in 16 patients attending the National Amyloidosis Centre and in eight clinical samples received for histology review. Unexpectedly, proteomics identified the presence of ApoA-IV signal sequence residues (p.18-43 to p.20-43) in 16/24 trypsin-digested amyloid deposits but in only 1/266 non-ApoA-IV amyloid samples examined. These additional signal residues were also detected in the cardiac sample from the Swedish patient in which ApoA-IV amyloid was first described, and in plasma from a single cardiac ApoA-IV amyloidosis patient. The most common signal-containing peptide observed in ApoA-IV amyloid, p.20-43, and to a far lesser extent the N-terminal peptide, p.21-43, were fibrillogenic in vitro at physiological pH, generating Congo red-positive fibrils. The addition of a single signal-derived alanine residue to the N-terminus has resulted in markedly increased fibrillogenesis. If this effect translates to the mature circulating protein in vivo, then the presence of signal may result in preferential deposition as amyloid, perhaps acting as seed for the main circulating native form of the protein; it may also influence other ApoA-IV-associated pathologies. \ua9 2021 The Authors. The Journal of Pathology published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. on behalf of The Pathological Society of Great Britain and Ireland

    Clinical ApoA-IV amyloid is associated with fibrillogenic signal sequence

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    Apolipoprotein A-IV amyloidosis is an uncommon form of the disease normally resulting in renal and cardiac dysfunction. ApoA-IV amyloidosis was identified in sixteen patients attending the National Amyloidosis Centre and in eight clinical samples received for histology review. Unexpectedly, proteomics identified the presence of ApoA-IV signal sequence residues (p.18–43 to p.20–43) in 16/24 trypsin-digested amyloid deposits, but in only 1/266 non-ApoA-IV amyloid samples examined. These additional signal residues were also detected in the cardiac sample from the Swedish patient in which ApoA-IV amyloid was first described, and in plasma from a single cardiac ApoA-IV amyloidosis patient. The most common signal-containing peptide observed in ApoA-IV amyloid, p.20–43 and to far lesser extent the N-terminal peptide, p.21–43 were fibrillogenic in vitro at physiological pH generating Congo red positive fibrils. The addition of a single signal-derived alanine residue to the N-terminus has resulted in markedly increased fibrillogenesis. If this effect translates to the mature circulating protein in vivo, then the presence of signal may result in preferential deposition as amyloid, perhaps acting as seed for the main circulating native form of the protein; it may also influence other ApoA-IV associated pathologies

    The association of circulating amylin with β-amyloid in familial Alzheimer's disease.

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    INTRODUCTION: This study assessed the hypothesis that circulating human amylin (amyloid-forming) cross-seeds with amyloid beta (Aβ) in early Alzheimer's disease (AD). METHODS: Evidence of amylin-AD pathology interaction was tested in brains of 31 familial AD mutation carriers and 20 cognitively unaffected individuals, in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) (98 diseased and 117 control samples) and in genetic databases. For functional testing, we genetically manipulated amylin secretion in APP/PS1 and non-APP/PS1 rats. RESULTS: Amylin-Aβ cross-seeding was identified in AD brains. High CSF amylin levels were associated with decreased CSF Aβ42 concentrations. AD risk and amylin gene are not correlated. Suppressed amylin secretion protected APP/PS1 rats against AD-associated effects. In contrast, hypersecretion or intravenous injection of human amylin in APP/PS1 rats exacerbated AD-like pathology through disruption of CSF-brain Aβ exchange and amylin-Aβ cross-seeding. DISCUSSION: These findings strengthened the hypothesis of circulating amylin-AD interaction and suggest that modulation of blood amylin levels may alter Aβ-related pathology/symptoms