1,341 research outputs found

    Selenium in long term feeding and the frequency of White Muscle Disease in cattle in Finland during the years 1978—1985

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    Selenium deficiency was established in 1961 as the primary cause for WMD in Finland. This started the propylactic treatment with mineral salts containing 0.1 ppm Se as Sodium selenite in Finland officially in 1969, the first in the world. The incidents of WMD decreased from 1.06 % in 1978 to 0.66 % in 1984. If in heifers only from 18 907 cases, 7.9 % to 11 328 cases, 4.6 %, in 1984. The decrease of WMD cases reflects a better Se status in cattle as a whole, and has also contributed to an increase in the Se content in animal products. Even though Se insufficiency was established to be important for animals, the significance of Se for human beings was disregarded, until the consequences of the deficiency in man was demonstrated by T. Westermarck in 1977

    Modulation of autocrine TNF-α-stimulated matrix metalloproteinase 9 (MMP-9) expression by mitogenactivated protein kinases in THP-1 monocytic cells

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    Matrix metalloproteinase 9 (MMP-9) is implicated in various physiological processes by its ability to degrade the extracellular matrix (ECM) and process multiple regulatory proteins. Normally, MMP-9 expression is tightly controlled in cells. Sustained or enhanced MMP-9 secretion, however, has been demonstrated to contribute to the pathophysiology of numerous diseases, including arthritis and tumor progression, rendering this enzyme a major target for clinical interventions. Here we show that constitutive MMP-9 secretion was abrogated in THP-1 monocytic leukemia cells by addition of neutralizing antibodies against tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-α) or TNF receptor type 1 (TNF-R1), as well as by inhibition of TNF-α converting enzyme (TACE). This indicates that MMP-9 production in these cells is maintained by autocrine stimulation, with TNF-α acting via TNF-R1. To investigate the intracellular signaling routes involved in MMP-9 gene transcription, cells were treated with different inhibitors of major mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) pathways. Interruption of the extracellular signal-regulated kinase pathway 1/2 (ERK1/2) using PD98059 significantly downregulated constitutive MMP-9 release. In contrast, blockage of p38 kinase activity by addition of SB203580 or SB202190, as well as inhibition of c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK) using L-JNK-I1, clearly augmented MMP-9 expression and secretion by an upregulation of ERK1/2 phosphorylation. Moreover, exogenously added TNF-α augmented MMP-9 synthesis and secretion in THP-1 cells via enhancement of ERK1/2 activity. Taken together, our results indicate that ERK1/2 activity plays a pivotal role in TNF-α-induced MMP-9 production and demonstrate its negative modulation by p38 and JNK activity. These findings suggest ERK1/2 rather than p38 and JNK as a reasonable target to specifically block MMP-9 expression using MAPK inhibitors in therapeutic applications

    Human aspects on the re-organization and reallocation of resources on family farms

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    This essay has sought to elucidate the issue of the influence of the human factor on the re-organization of production. However, very little empirical material dealing with the substance of the matter seems to exist, for which reason the issue has been dealt with somewhat peripherally. Certain conclusions may, nevertheless, be drawn. The significance of managerial skill in the reorganization of production and re-allocation of resources will continuously increase in importance in the future for the following reasons, which are all inter-related: Science and techniques are with increasing speed achieving technical improvements in methods, the sufficiently rapid adoption of which requires increasing alertness to enable the farmer to keep up with the times. It is not possible to create a rationally managed farm unit without resorting to new technical achievements, so the farmers of these farms are allowed to attain an income level deemed moderate by the government in its official agricultural policy. The size of the farms, expressed according to area, or man work units or in some other way, tends to increase, which also involves a closer dependence on credit granting. Farms are becoming increasingly commercial which requires a business training. It is obvious that the advantage of ability is considerably greater in those undertakings in which more capital is invested, taking into consideration the continuing growth of the part played by capital in the business. In order that the realization of the re-organization would keep pace with the technical development, sufficient attention should be given to 1) the attaining of up-to-date professional training 2) a sufficiently rapid succession of generations in the farming
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