10 research outputs found

    Development of Thermostable Lyophilized Inactivated Polio Vaccine

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    PURPOSE: The aim of current study was to develop a dried inactivated polio vaccine (IPV) formulation with minimal loss during the drying process and improved stability when compared with the conventional liquid IPV. METHODS: Extensive excipient screening was combined with the use of a Design of Experiment (DoE) approach in order to achieve optimal results with high probability. RESULTS: Although it was shown earlier that the lyophilization of a trivalent IPV while conserving its antigenicity is challenging, we were able to develop a formulation that showed minimal loss of potency during drying and subsequent storage at higher temperatures. CONCLUSION: This study showed the potential of a highly stable and safe lyophilized polio vaccine, which might be used in developing countries without the need of a cold-chain. ELECTRONIC SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL: The online version of this article (doi:10.1007/s11095-014-1359-6) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users

    The anti-influenza M2e antibody response is promoted by XCR1 targeting in pig skin

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    XCR1 is selectively expressed on a conventional dendritic cell subset, the cDC1 subset, through phylogenetically distant species. The outcome of antigen-targeting to XCR1 may therefore be similar across species, permitting the translation of results from experimental models to human and veterinary applications. Here we evaluated in pigs the immunogenicity of bivalent protein structures made of XCL1 fused to the external portion of the influenza virus M2 proton pump, which is conserved through strains and a candidate for universal influenza vaccines. Pigs represent a relevant target of such universal vaccines as pigs can be infected by swine, human and avian strains. We found that cDC1 were the only cell type labeled by XCR1-targeted mCherry upon intradermal injection in pig skin. XCR1-targeted M2e induced higher IgG responses in seronegative and seropositive pigs as compared to non-targeted M2e. The IgG response was less significantly enhanced by CpG than by XCR1 targeting, and CpG did not further increase the response elicited by XCR1 targeting. Monophosphoryl lipid A with neutral liposomes did not have significant effect. Thus altogether M2e-targeting to XCR1 shows promises for a trans-species universal influenza vaccine strategy, possibly avoiding the use of classical adjuvants