34 research outputs found

    In Vivo RNAi Screening Identifies Regulators of Actin Dynamics as Key Determinants of Lymphoma Progression

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    April 1, 2010Mouse models have markedly improved our understanding of cancer development and tumor biology. However, these models have shown limited efficacy as tractable systems for unbiased genetic experimentation. Here, we report the adaptation of loss-of-function screening to mouse models of cancer. Specifically, we have been able to introduce a library of shRNAs into individual mice using transplantable Eμ-myc lymphoma cells. This approach has allowed us to screen nearly 1,000 genetic alterations in the context of a single tumor-bearing mouse. These experiments have identified a central role for regulators of actin dynamics and cell motility in lymphoma cell homeostasis in vivo. Validation experiments confirmed that these proteins represent bona fide lymphoma drug targets. Additionally, suppression of two of these targets, Rac2 and twinfilin, potentiated the action of the front-line chemotherapeutic vincristine, suggesting a critical relationship between cell motility and tumor relapse in hematopoietic malignancies.National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (RO1 CA128803-01)Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Dept. of Biology (Training Grant)Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Undergraduate Research Opportunities ProgramNational Cancer Institute (U.S.). Integrative Cancer Biology Program (Grant 1-U54-CA112967

    Age and sex differences in behavioral flexibility, sensitivity to reward value, and risky decision-making

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    Compared to adults, adolescent behavior is often characterized by reduced behavioral flexibility, increased sensitivity to reward, and increased likelihood to take risks. These traits, which have been hypothesized to confer heightened vulnerability to psychopathologies such as substance use disorders (SUDs), have been the focus of studies in laboratory animal models that seek to understand their neural underpinnings. However, rodent studies to date have typically used only males and have adopted standard methodological practices (e.g., weight loss inducing food restriction) that are likely to have a disparate impact on adolescents compared to adults. Here, we used adolescent and adult Sprague-Dawley rats of both sexes to study instrumental behavior tasks that assess behavioral flexibility (strategy shifting and reversal learning; Exp. 1), sensitivity to reward value (outcome devaluation; Exp. 2), and risky decision making (probability discounting; Exp. 3). In Exp. 1, we found that adolescents were faster to acquire reversal learning than adults but there were no differences in strategy shifting. In Exps. 2 and 3, adolescents and adults were equally sensitive to changes in reward value and exhibited similar reductions in preference for a large reward when reinforcement probability was decreased. However, adolescents responded more efficiently and earned reinforcers at a higher rate than their same-sex, adult counterparts. Together, these findings provide only limited support for the existence of an “adolescent-typical” phenotype in Sprague-Dawley rats and instead suggest that age differences in the expression of these behaviors may depend on conditions such as pubertal status and motivational state

    Reduced sensitivity to reinforcement in adolescent compared to adult Sprague-Dawley rats of both sexes

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    RATIONALE: Adolescence is a period of considerable development of brain and behavior and is the time during which most drug use is initiated. OBJECTIVE: Age-dependent differences in motivated behaviors may be one of the factors that contribute to heightened vulnerability to developing substance use disorders, so we sought to compare age differences in methamphetamine (METH) and saccharin seeking. METHODS: Beginning during adolescence or adulthood, male and female Sprague-Dawley rats were trained to self-administer 0.1% saccharin (via liquid dipper cup) or intravenous METH at one of three doses (0.02, 0.05, 0.08 mg/kg/inf) under increasing fixed ratios schedules of reinforcement. Subsequently, responding for METH (0.02, 0.05, 0.08 or 0.1 mg/kg/inf) under progressive ratio response requirements was assessed in rats that acquired METH self-administration at the highest dose (0.08 mg/kg/inf). RESULTS: We found that adult-onset rats acquired METH self-administration more readily and exhibited higher motivation compared to adolescent-onset rats, although there were no differences in METH intake during acquisition. Adult rats also acquired saccharin self-administration more readily, but in contrast to METH, there were age and sex differences in saccharin intake driven by high levels of responding in adult females. CONCLUSIONS: These findings challenge the prevailing notion that adolescents are hypersensitive to reward and instead raise questions about the potential role of methodological factors on which rodent studies often differ

    The effect of methane hydrate morphology and water saturation on seismic wave attenuation in sand under shallow sub-seafloor conditions

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    A better understanding of seismic wave attenuation in hydrate-bearing sediments is needed for the improved geophysical quantification of seafloor methane hydrates, important for climate change, geohazard and economic resource assessment. Hence, we conducted a series of small strain (<10−6), seismic frequency (50–550 Hz), laboratory resonant column experiments on synthetic methane hydrate-bearing sands under excess-water seafloor conditions. The results show a complex dependence of P- and S-wave attenuation on hydrate saturation and morphology. P- and S-wave attenuation in excess-water hydrate-bearing sand is much higher than in excess-gas hydrate-bearing sand and increases with hydrate saturation between 0 and 0.44 (the experimental range). Theoretical modelling suggests that load-bearing hydrate is an important cause of heightened attenuation for both P- and S-waves in gas and water saturated sands, while pore-filling hydrate also contributes significantly to P-wave attenuation in water saturated sands. A squirt flow attenuation mechanism, related to microporous hydrate and low aspect ratio pores at the interface between sand grains and hydrate, is thought to be responsible for the heightened levels of attenuation in hydrate-bearing sands at low hydrate saturations (<0.44)

    Long-Term Weight Change after Initiating Second-Generation Antidepressants

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    (1) Objective: To examine the relationship between the choice of second-generation antidepressant drug treatment and long-term weight change; (2) Methods: We conducted a retrospective cohort study to investigate the relationship between choice of antidepressant medication and weight change at two years among adult patients with a new antidepressant treatment episode between January, 2006 and October, 2009 in a large health system in Washington State. Medication use, encounters, diagnoses, height, and weight were collected from electronic databases. We modeled change in weight and BMI at two years after initiation of treatment using inverse probability weighted linear regression models that adjusted for potential confounders. Fluoxetine was the reference treatment; (3) Results: In intent-to-treat analyses, non-smokers who initiated bupropion treatment on average lost 7.1 lbs compared to fluoxetine users who were non-smokers (95% CI: −11.3, −2.8; p-value &lt; 0.01); smokers who initiated bupropion treatment gained on average 2.2 lbs compared to fluoxetine users who were smokers (95% CI: −2.3, 6.8; p-value = 0.33). Changes in weight associated with all other antidepressant medications were not significantly different than fluoxetine, except for sertraline users, who gained an average of 5.9 lbs compared to fluoxetine users (95% CI: 0.8, 10.9; p-value = 0.02); (4) Conclusion: Antidepressant drug therapy is significantly associated with long-term weight change at two years. Bupropion may be considered as the first-line drug of choice for overweight and obese patients unless there are other existing contraindications