24,907 research outputs found

    Anomalous isotopic predissociation in the F³Πu(v=1) state of O₂

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    Using a tunable, narrow-bandwidth vacuum-ultraviolet source based on third-harmonic generation from excimer-pumped dye-laser radiation, the F³Πu←X³Σg-(1,0)photoabsorption cross sections of ¹⁶O₂ and ¹⁸O₂ have been recorded in high resolution. Rotational analyses have been performed and the resultant F(v=1) term values fitted to the ³Π Hamiltonian of Brown and Merer [J. Mol. Spectrosc. 74, 488 (1979)]. A large rotationless isotope effect is observed in the F(v=1)predissociation, wherein the Lorentzian linewidth component for ¹⁸O₂ is a factor of ∼50 smaller than the corresponding ¹⁶O₂linewidth. This effect, a consequence of the nonadiabatic rotationless predissociation mechanism, is described using a coupled-channel treatment of the strongly Rydberg-valence-mixed 3Πu states. Significant J, e/f-parity, and sublevel dependencies observed in the isotopic F(v=1) rotational widths are found to derive from an indirect predissociation mechanism involving an accidental degeneracy with the E³Σ−u(v=3) level, itself strongly predissociated by ³Σ−u Rydberg-valence interactions, together with L-uncoupling (rotational) interactions between the Rydberg components of the F and E states. Transitions into the E(v=3) level are observed directly for the first time, specifically in the ¹⁸O₂ spectrumPartial support was provided by an NSF International Opportunities for Scientists and Engineers Program Grant No. INT-9513350, and Visiting Fellowships for G.S. and J.B.W. at the Australian National University

    Experimental determination of the state-dependent enhancement of the electron-positron momentum density in solids

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    The state-dependence of the enhancement of the electron-positron momentum density is investigated for some transition and simple metals (Cr, V, Ag and Al). Quantitative comparison with linearized muffin-tin orbital calculations of the corresponding quantity in the first Brillouin zone is shown to yield a measurement of the enhancement of the s, p and d states, independent of any parameterizations in terms of the electron density local to the positron. An empirical correction that can be applied to a first-principles state-dependent model is proposed that reproduces the measured state-dependence very well, yielding a general, predictive model for the enhancement of the momentum distribution of positron annihilation measurements, including those of angular correlation and coincidence Doppler broadening techniques

    Very Extended E8E_8 and A8A_8 at low levels, Gravity and Supergravity

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    We define a level for a large class of Lorentzian Kac-Moody algebras. Using this we find the representation content of very extended AD3A_{D-3} and E8E_8 (i.e. E11E_{11}) at low levels in terms of AD1A_{D-1} and A10A_{10} representations respectively. The results are consistent with the conjectured very extended A8A_8 and E11E_{11} symmetries of gravity and maximal supergravity theories given respectively in hep-th/0104081 and hep-th/0107209. We explain how these results provided further evidence for these conjectures.Comment: 16 pages, plain tex (equation 3.3 modified and one reference expanded

    Voles: Wildlife Damage Management Series

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    Fermi surface of the colossal magnetoresistance perovskite La_{0.7}Sr_{0.3}MnO_{3}

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    Materials that exhibit colossal magnetoresistance (CMR) are currently the focus of an intense research effort, driven by the technological applications that their sensitivity lends them to. Using the angular correlation of photons from electron-positron annihilation, we present a first glimpse of the Fermi surface of a material that exhibits CMR, supported by ``virtual crystal'' electronic structure calculations. The Fermi surface is shown to be sufficiently cubic in nature that it is likely to support nesting.Comment: 5 pages, 5 PS figure

    G+++ Invariant Formulation of Gravity and M-Theories: Exact BPS Solutions

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    We present a tentative formulation of theories of gravity with suitable matter content, including in particular pure gravity in D dimensions, the bosonic effective actions of M-theory and of the bosonic string, in terms of actions invariant under very-extended Kac-Moody algebras G+++. We conjecture that they host additional degrees of freedom not contained in the conventional theories. The actions are constructed in a recursive way from a level expansion for all very-extended algebras G+++. They constitute non-linear realisations on cosets, a priori unrelated to space-time, obtained from a modified Chevalley involution. Exact solutions are found for all G+++. They describe the algebraic properties of BPS extremal branes, Kaluza-Klein waves and Kaluza-Klein monopoles. They illustrate the generalisation to all G+++ invariant theories of the well-known duality properties of string theories by expressing duality as Weyl invariance in G+++. Space-time is expected to be generated dynamically. In the level decomposition of E8+++ = E11, one may indeed select an A10 representation of generators Pa which appears to engender space-time translations by inducing infinite towers of fields interpretable as field derivatives in space and time.Comment: Latex 45 pages, 1 figure. Discussion on pages 19 and 20 altered. Appendix B amplified. 4 footnotes added. 2 references added. Acknowledgments updated. Additional minor correction

    E_{11} origin of Brane charges and U-duality multiplets

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    We derive general equations which determine the decomposition of the G^{+++} multiplet of brane charges into the sub-algebras that arise when the non-linearly realised G^{+++} theory is dimensionally reduced on a torus. We apply this to calculate the low level E_8 multiplets of brane charges that arise when the E_{8}^{+++}, or E_{11}, non-linearly realised theory is dimensionally reduced to three dimensions on an eight dimensional torus. We find precise agreement with the U-duality multiplet of brane charges previously calculated, thus providing a natural eleven dimensional origin for the "mysterious" brane charges found that do not occur as central charges in the supersymmetry algebra. We also discuss the brane charges in nine dimensions and how they arise from the IIA and IIB theories.Comment: 30 pages, plain te

    Shot-Noise Signatures of 0.7 Structure and Spin in a Quantum Point Contact

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    We report simultaneous measurement of shot noise and dc transport in a quantum point contact as a function of source-drain bias, gate voltage, and in-plane magnetic field. Shot noise at zero field exhibits an asymmetry related to the 0.7 structure in conductance. The asymmetry in noise evolves smoothly into the symmetric signature of spin-resolved electron transmission at high field. Comparison to a phenomenological model with density-dependent level splitting yields good quantitative agreement.Comment: related papers at http://marcuslab.harvard.ed

    K(E10), Supergravity and Fermions

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    We study the fermionic extension of the E10/K(E10) coset model and its relation to eleven-dimensional supergravity. Finite-dimensional spinor representations of the compact subgroup K(E10) of E(10,R) are studied and the supergravity equations are rewritten using the resulting algebraic variables. The canonical bosonic and fermionic constraints are also analysed in this way, and the compatibility of supersymmetry with local K(E10) is investigated. We find that all structures involving A9 levels 0,1 and 2 nicely agree with expectations, and provide many non-trivial consistency checks of the existence of a supersymmetric extension of the E10/K(E10) coset model, as well as a new derivation of the `bosonic dictionary' between supergravity and coset variables. However, there are also definite discrepancies in some terms involving level 3, which suggest the need for an extension of the model to infinite-dimensional faithful representations of the fermionic degrees of freedom.Comment: 50 page

    Duality Symmetries and G^{+++} Theories

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    We show that the non-linear realisations of all the very extended algebras G^{+++}, except the B and C series which we do not consider, contain fields corresponding to all possible duality symmetries of the on-shell degrees of freedom of these theories. This result also holds for G_2^{+++} and we argue that the non-linear realisation of this algebra accounts precisely for the form fields present in the corresponding supersymmetric theory. We also find a simple necessary condition for the roots to belong to a G^{+++} algebra.Comment: 35 pages. v2: 2 appendices added, other minor corrections. v3: tables corrected, other minor changes, one appendix added, refs. added. Version published in Class. Quant. Gra