4,116 research outputs found

    The Principal Axis of the Virgo Cluster

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    Using accurate distances to individual Virgo cluster galaxies obtained by the method of Surface Brightness Fluctuations, we show that Virgo's brightest ellipticals have a remarkably collinear arrangement in three dimensions. This axis, which is inclined by 10 to 15 degrees from the line of sight, can be traced to even larger scales where it appears to join a filamentary bridge of galaxies connecting Virgo to the rich cluster Abell 1367. The orientations of individual Virgo ellipticals also show some tendency to be aligned with the cluster axis, as does the jet of the supergiant elliptical M87. These results suggest that the formation of the Virgo cluster, and its brightest member galaxies, have been driven by infall of material along the Virgo-A1367 filament.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication in ApJ Letter

    A method of evaluating efficiency during space-suited work in a neutral buoyancy environment

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    The purpose was to investigate efficiency as related to the work transmission and the metabolic cost of various extravehicular activity (EVA) tasks during simulated microgravity (whole body water immersion) using three space suits. Two new prototype space station suits, AX-5 and MKIII, are pressurized at 57.2 kPa and were tested concurrently with the operationally used 29.6 kPa shuttle suit. Four male astronauts were asked to perform a fatigue trial on four upper extremity exercises during which metabolic rate and work output were measured and efficiency was calculated in each suit. The activities were selected to simulate actual EVA tasks. The test article was an underwater dynamometry system to which the astronauts were secured by foot restraints. All metabolic data was acquired, calculated, and stored using a computerized indirect calorimetry system connected to the suit ventilation/gas supply control console. During the efficiency testing, steady state metabolic rate could be evaluated as well as work transmitted to the dynamometer. Mechanical efficiency could then be calculated for each astronaut in each suit performing each movement

    Intergalactic Globular Clusters

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    We confirm and extend our previous detection of a population of intergalactic globular clusters in Abell 1185, and report the first discovery of an intergalactic globular cluster in the nearby Virgo cluster of galaxies. The numbers, colors and luminosities of these objects can place constraints on their origin, which in turn may yield new insights to the evolution of galaxies in dense environments.Comment: 2 pages, no figures. Talk presented at JD6, IAU General Assembly XXV, Sydney, Australia, July 2003, to appear in Highlights of Astronomy, Vol. 1

    Globular Cluster Population of Hickson Compact Group 22a and 90c

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    We present the first measurement of the globular cluster populations of galaxies in Hickson compact groups, in order to investigate the effect of these high density environments on the formation and evolution of globular cluster systems. Based on V and R band images that we obtained of HCG 22a and HCG 90c with the ESO New Technology Telescope (NTT), we find a total globular cluster population of 1590±8541590\pm 854 for HCG 22a and 2136±7182136\pm 718 for 90c. The specific frequency for HCG 22a was found to be SN=1.9±1.0S_{N}=1.9\pm 1.0 and SN=3.4±1.1S_{N}= 3.4\pm 1.1 for HCG 90c. A power-law fit to the globular cluster radial profile of HCG 22a yields σR2.01±0.30\sigma\sim R^{-2.01\pm 0.30} and for HCG 90c we found σR1.20±0.16\sigma \sim R^{-1.20\pm0.16}. A comparison of the globular cluster radial profiles with the surface brightness of the parent galaxy shows that the globular cluster systems are at least as extended as the halo light. The measured values for the specific frequency are consistent with a scenario in which the host galaxies were in a low density ``field-like'' environment when they formed their globular cluster systems.Comment: 28 pages, 13 figures, 3 tables, accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa

    Tentacle probes: eliminating false positives without sacrificing sensitivity

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    The majority of efforts to increase specificity or sensitivity in biosensors result in trade-offs with little to no gain in overall accuracy. This is because a biosensor cannot be more accurate than the affinity interaction it is based on. Accordingly, we have developed a new class of reagents based on mathematical principles of cooperativity to enhance the accuracy of the affinity interaction. Tentacle probes (TPs) have a hairpin structure similar to molecular beacons (MBs) for enhanced specificity, but are modified by the addition of a capture probe for increased kinetics and affinity. They produce kinetic rate constants up to 200-fold faster than MB with corresponding stem strengths. Concentration-independent specificity was observed with no false positives at up to 1 mM concentrations of variant analyte. In contrast, MBs were concentration dependent and experienced false positives above 3.88 μM of variant analyte. The fast kinetics of this label-free reagent may prove important for extraction efficiency, hence sensitivity and detection time, in microfluidic assays. The concentration-independent specificity of TPs may prove extremely useful in assays where starting concentrations and purities are unknown as would be the case in bioterror or clinical point of care diagnostics

    Globular Cluster Systems and the Missing Satellite Problem: Implications for Cold Dark Matter Models

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    We analyze the metallicity distributions of globular clusters belonging to 28 early-type galaxies in the survey of Kundu & Whitmore (2001). A Monte Carlo algorithm which simulates the chemical evolution of galaxies that grow hierarchically via dissipationless mergers is used to determine the most probable protogalactic mass function for each galaxy. Contrary to the claims of Kundu & Whitmore, we find that the observed metallicity distributions are in close agreement with the predictions of such hierarchical formation models. The mass spectrum of protogalactic fragments for the galaxies in our sample has a power-law behavior, with an exponent of roughly -2. This spectrum is indistinguishable from the mass spectrum of dark matter halos predicted by cold dark matter models for structure formation. We argue that these protogalactic fragments, the likely sites of globular cluster formation in the early universe, are the disrupted remains of the "missing" satellite galaxies predicted by cold dark matter models. Our findings suggest that the solution to the missing satellite problem is through the suppression of gas accretion in low-mass halos after reionization, or via self-interacting dark matter, and argue against models with suppressed small-scale power or warm dark matter.Comment: 28 pages, 19 postscript figures. Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa

    Quantum spectrum as a time series : Fluctuation measures

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    The fluctuations in the quantum spectrum could be treated like a time series. In this framework, we explore the statistical self-similarity in the quantum spectrum using the detrended fluctuation analysis (DFA) and random matrix theory (RMT). We calculate the Hausdorff measure for the spectra of atoms and Gaussian ensembles and study their self-affine properties. We show that DFA is equivalent to Δ3\Delta_3 statistics of RMT, unifying two different approaches.We exploit this connection to obtain theoretical estimates for the Hausdorff measure.Comment: 4+ pages. 2 figure